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Ad reporting functionality


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In response to post #35625392. #35625407, #35647227, #35647342 are all replies on the same post.

mannygt wrote: Hi, Dark0ne. Every ad related to mobile should be "banned". Two years ago I tried to use Nexus with my smartphone: 5€ gone in 1 second. Of course I asked my TLC operator to ban these kind of "services" in the day after.
Dark0ne wrote: Mobile ads are something we definitely want to get a grasp on, especially as we'll be launching a mobile-friendly version of the site with the site redesign.
StolenTerminal wrote: This is food for thought, And now i am thinking a lot about it, I have been useing this site for maybe a month or so now and i use adblock plus and have done for sometime, I really like this site and what it has to offer.

As i said i do use adblock plus, But i am considering turning it off, And sometime in the near future will buy premium membership, and show my support for this great site.

Thank You!

1Doom1993 wrote: Some adverts can be blocked (I'm not saying that you should) by rooting your phone, installing the Xposed framework, and getting the ad block module. This will for sure block every advert in all non-browser apps.

I know about rooting and blocking ads on smartphones, 1Doom1993. However I already blocked these services payment via my TLC operator, so I just see banners but they can't affect my wallet anymore. Also, I'm a "supporter" on the Nexus. This means I don't see any ads after logging-in.
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Noone and I do mean NOONE will ever turn off adblockers no matter what kind of incentives you try to use. I can assure you of that. People hate and despise all forms of advertising, especially those that have the audacity to try and infect your pc with viruses. Most people wont even take the chance, just in case. I am one of those people, though lucky for you I am a premium member. I only do that because I use this site a lot and felt it was the right thing to do. The only way I can see you getting anywhere with advertising is by simply not doing it and finding another source of income, or at least sticking with what you have. Adverts turn people away.
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Generally, I don't use adblockers. I feel like letting the site get ad revenue is literally the least I could do in return for free content. Recently, however, I looked for an adblocker I could run in "reverse", that is, whitelist everyone and only adblock specific sites. I eventually settled on uBlock for Chrome, in part because it would work on my Opera browser. Why did I do this? To block all ads on one, and just one, site: Nexus. I *really* didn't want to, but I felt I had to. The ads had gotten to the point where I couldn't have more than 2-3 nexus tabs open without making my browser non-responsive and each page took literally 2+ minutes to load/become responsive (had to wait for ads to load). But the thing that pushed me over the adblock edge was the malicious attacks. HOLY CRAP the malicious attacks! Every 1 out of 3 pages I opened were blocked by my browser as malicious!


For these reasons, I regretfully installed the adblocking service and blacklisted this site. If the ads were cleaned up I'd consider allowing them again, but I'd have to have some strong evidence that the attacks are over for me to do so.


And yes, I *could* spend a little bit of cash to remove them (maybe I will someday), but right now I am counting every penny I got. Besides, I figure that ongoing ad revenue (if the site becomes safe again) is worth a lot more than a one-time $2 transaction, right?

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Here's my two cents, for whatever they're worth. Both my desktop PC and my Note 5 run like jet skis on gravel on any part of the Nexus because of intrusive ads. Just last night I re downloaded a mod to my smartphone and was redirected to other pages and the Play Store no fewer than five times between reaching the Nexus and hitting download. Autoplay ads for Salt Lake City politicians routinely interrupt my mobile browsing, and avast tells me that no fewer than seventy trackers have been blocked, sixty three of which are for advertisements. While typing this comment, my browser has lagged hard no fewer than five times, and several ad scripts have had to be stopped. I love the Nexus, but I can't and won't keep coming back if the site is unusable. I'd buy a membership, but that won't happen until this ad situation is resolved. After all, why pay for a membership to a site I can barely access?


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i'll give it a try i tired off adblocker, i don't usually like to have it on for sites i frequent but leave it installed so when i hit a random new site i dont get ineuated. But i made an exception for Nexus due to the shre intrusivness of the ads, so i'll giuve this reporting system a go, dont know for how long because with adblocker off my systems has come to a dead stop from the nexus and since i have 4 mods open im trackingthe comments in thats a lot of add intrusion
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In response to post #35649942.

Pridornta wrote: Noone and I do mean NOONE will ever turn off adblockers no matter what kind of incentives you try to use. I can assure you of that. People hate and despise all forms of advertising, especially those that have the audacity to try and infect your pc with viruses. Most people wont even take the chance, just in case. I am one of those people, though lucky for you I am a premium member. I only do that because I use this site a lot and felt it was the right thing to do. The only way I can see you getting anywhere with advertising is by simply not doing it and finding another source of income, or at least sticking with what you have. Adverts turn people away.

Don't speak for everyone. I turned adblock off simply because I know the website needs big money to run, didn't need incentives to do this. The ads aren't annoying here, they're actually easy to just ignore.
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In response to post #35649942. #35650687 is also a reply to the same post.

Pridornta wrote: Noone and I do mean NOONE will ever turn off adblockers no matter what kind of incentives you try to use. I can assure you of that. People hate and despise all forms of advertising, especially those that have the audacity to try and infect your pc with viruses. Most people wont even take the chance, just in case. I am one of those people, though lucky for you I am a premium member. I only do that because I use this site a lot and felt it was the right thing to do. The only way I can see you getting anywhere with advertising is by simply not doing it and finding another source of income, or at least sticking with what you have. Adverts turn people away.
omega2008 wrote: Don't speak for everyone. I turned adblock off simply because I know the website needs big money to run, didn't need incentives to do this. The ads aren't annoying here, they're actually easy to just ignore.

They didn't stay within their boundaries. Plus they looked like the kind that appear due to a virus.
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Personally I have nothing against advertising


But if the advertising companies cannot ensure their feeds do not include any malware due to their lax security, then they will always be blocked


When one piece of malware can encrypt your hard drive and hold you to ransom, it has become a lot more lucrative than the old annoying virus from bedroom hackers which never really did any harm.

They also now help to promote botnets, the purpose of which is many and varied and often include criminal organisations or other uses such as paedo networks


Anyone want to know what your machine is capable of when pwned by botnets / rootkits etc have a look at The Scrap value of a hacked PC


When Ad networks sort their security out, and can guarantee they are serving ads, AND ONLY serving ads, then I will not use any kind of adblocker


People cannot be blamed for protecting themselves


The ad companies are shooting themselves in the foot, by not caring enough about what their networks serve up to end users.

Thats the problem.


MVPS Hosts have known and protected against such problems for years ( most of the adblocker plugins use the hosts file list as a basis for updating their plugins database of bad sites )

Plugins like UBlock Origin have now become so efficient at blocking this crap that they have become a major concern, enough that advertising companies may now actually listen to what we are telling them and actually give a s#*!, instead of being typical dog-eat-dog "any method will do so long as it beats the competition" buccaneers ( better words are available for such parasites ).



Good move Robin, hope it actually teaches the ad company something.


Get reporting those bad ads people :)


I notice recently too that some are suggesting ads ought to use the old method of animated GIFs instead of video ( convert vid to gif ) = less bandwidth used from many sources on page and less opportunity for malware. Current use of bandwidth by video ads on the internet is ridiculous.

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When I first decided to buy a premium membership, I backed out of the transaction a number of times because the process--and the interface--felt antiquated, unsafe, and slightly invasive. It ultimately took me around three months to pull the trigger, and even then, it was with some trepidation. I doubt I'm the only person who felt that way.


Don't get me wrong: I fully appreciate the need to encourage whitelisting, but consider revising and updating the subscription process as well. Having to track down a forum post where a moderator tells people to "write in Mickey Mouse" is a fairly convoluted way to satisfy concerns, and while most websites do everything they can do remove barriers between customers and their money (see: Amazon One-Click), the Nexus has an entire page lodged in the middle requesting personal information it doesn't actually need. That's e-commerce insanity.


Obviously it won't make a huge dent in your financial requirements, but streamlining your subscription model and adding a few payment alternatives could help take some of the load off.

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In response to post #35644707. #35646587 is also a reply to the same post.

SamusKnight2K wrote: So I'm a supporter status member but I do have Adblock enabled (It's just on by default, I never bothered to disable it here since I won't see ads anyway.) on my PC. In order to get the 50% increase shpuld I disable it or does it matter? Also something I've really wondered is even if it's a one-time fee how does having no ads for supporter status help the Nexus? Speaking of support, and I know this sounds like there's no point in it, can there be an option to ENABLE ads for supporter status? Let's say I want to support the Nexus but don't want to do it out of pocket. Maybe I can't afford to. A toggle for ads (Maybe a feature to choose WHICH ads we want to see based on our preferences.) would help a supporter who's already paid before but can't/doesn't want to anymore still support the site. If you want, maybe a 75% increase over the default 50% for enabling ads AND disabling Adblock.
EmissaryOfInfinity wrote: This seriously needs more attention. I would love to be able to do something like this to support the Nexus. While I can't afford to pay on a subscription basis to support the site, I would gladly allow ads to come through in spite of my supporter status if it meant supporting the site in the future.

Yeah I like the idea of a toggle option for ads in Supporter status.

Look, it's not thaf I don't think it's worth it but I don't want to pay out of pocket to support the site. I just don't feel justification for shelling out money on a regular basis for something like this. Now BEFORE anyone give me flak for it I KNOW there's plenty of reasons and points why it's worth it. I use the sire often, without the Nexus I'd probably have never explored the games I have or even gotten the enjoyment I have out of games I mod. So really there IS justification in paying a monthly fee. It'd be well worth what is asked.

However that doesn't change how I feel with my wallet I'm sorry to say. HOWEVER, ads cost me nothing aside from a small incovenience well worth it. The Nexus generates revenue from ads I see, I donct have to pay a recurring fee each month. I'd be willing to view ads again if I could toggle it in Supporter mode even without inventive. It's a win for all, I can support the Nexus without opening my own wallet.
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