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Ad reporting functionality


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Just go subscription required. Let TES Alliance handle all the load, see how they like it. :D Here now we see the reason Steam wanted the paid mod thing, due to rising costs. This has been happening in nearly every industry as of late. You may want to start thinking about raising prices of supporters and premium members sooner rather than later, and go the Forbes route ASAP, this will only get worse over time as more and more people populate the planet and look for freebies anywhere they can find them, especially since a custom built PC now costs the same as the newest smartphone, its a no brainer. :P
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In response to post #35663717.

Alkpaz wrote: Just go subscription required. Let TES Alliance handle all the load, see how they like it. :D Here now we see the reason Steam wanted the paid mod thing, due to rising costs. This has been happening in nearly every industry as of late. You may want to start thinking about raising prices of supporters and premium members sooner rather than later, and go the Forbes route ASAP, this will only get worse over time as more and more people populate the planet and look for freebies anywhere they can find them, especially since a custom built PC now costs the same as the newest smartphone, its a no brainer. :P

Steam wanted paid mods because it would increase their profits. They can run Steam Workshop for free because it adds value to the games they actually sell! So it's very different to the Nexus where the mods are the only reason for the site to exist. As in, mods are not a means to an end on the Nexus.
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In response to post #35649942. #35650687, #35651037, #35653332, #35654932, #35655107 are all replies on the same post.




Pridornta wrote: Noone and I do mean NOONE will ever turn off adblockers no matter what kind of incentives you try to use. I can assure you of that. People hate and despise all forms of advertising, especially those that have the audacity to try and infect your pc with viruses. Most people wont even take the chance, just in case. I am one of those people, though lucky for you I am a premium member. I only do that because I use this site a lot and felt it was the right thing to do. The only way I can see you getting anywhere with advertising is by simply not doing it and finding another source of income, or at least sticking with what you have. Adverts turn people away.
omega2008 wrote: Don't speak for everyone. I turned adblock off simply because I know the website needs big money to run, didn't need incentives to do this. The ads aren't annoying here, they're actually easy to just ignore.
EagleRaptor1522 wrote: They didn't stay within their boundaries. Plus they looked like the kind that appear due to a virus.
xybolt wrote: " especially those that have the audacity to try and infect your pc with viruses. " Hahahahahaaaa


* ahem *


Serious. It won't happen if your browser has secure privacy settings and that you have a solid AV. The host that uses the ad service can also make it more secure by sandboxing it or implement a strict SOP. Still, most infections occurs after the user has clicked on the ad.


I allow these ads. I even don't have adblockers installed. Why ? Because they need an income. If you advises to find another source of income, please suggest them. Be sure that you can reach an income of > 780,000 US $ on yearly base.


Also " Adverts turn people away " is not true. Look to major sites like YouTube. You can say that sites like Pinterest / Facebook doesn't have ads, but they gain their income by selling/using visitor's data. Or wikipedia ? They rely on charity. Their costs is also lower than this nexus.


So please don't yell if this site wants to use ads. Nothing is free. Especially hosting a large file service that Nexus provides. If you have problems with that, then do what you have said with " Adverts turn people away ". Go away. Or you're a hypocrite.

romanianjoker wrote: Not true. I am an example.

Anyway, after reading the announcement, I realized how cheap is premium and I am thinking buy it, or at least, supporter. I was expecting some 10 USD/month or something.

Xander9009 wrote: As someone who complained directly to staff about this a couple of weeks ago, I can definitely say you're wrong. I'm a person, and I'm planning to turn it off here (as I have before).

Nail on the head. Until internet advertising is regulated very strictly by an agency that has sharp teeth, people will continue to block them. We need addresses for the advertisers, one-click methods to find out who serves an ad, and tight region regulations to ensure that they cannot use the "but I'm in china" defense when an ad causes problems.


I want to see ad agencies serve up ads while shaking in terror at the ever-lingering fear they will be fined into dust or even jailed on conspiracy cybercrime charges for a single malicious ad.


When <a href="blahblahblah><img="URL"></a> is the only safe way for them to display an ad, I will say "Mission accomplished".



That's where I stand, and why I block ads. I do it on principle; I refuse to cave into something I disagree with simply because "well that's just how it is and you can't win." Luckily, it's already trivial to circumvent anti-adblock methods anyway. I still have no problem with Forbes. (PS: Anyone remember this fiasco? http://www.engadget.com/2016/01/08/you-say-advertising-i-say-block-that-malware/ :laugh: )


The entire sphere of internet ads (and internet monetization, in general) needs to change; until then, it'll remain a case of never-ending "adblock leapfrog". It's sad that sites such as this one have little to no other recourse, though.

Edited by qnvtwesoegv
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I was surprised to see this topic pop up but then again, I wasn't, considering this site was the reason why I activated adblocker in the first place. I normally don't have issues with ads as long as there is no video and no sound. On occasion I would visit the Nexus to check for any new mods then go right into my game, leaving this site up on another screen. I had a few times where I would be in game and all of a sudden kicked out to desktop or have the game completely quit on me when the ads decided to refresh on your site. Enough was enough so I installed adblocker which solved all my problems.


It's not that I don't want to support this site by blocking ads, that wasn't my intention and I probably speak the same thing as many others. However, I think the ad situation was doing more damage than it was being helpful. So, to show my full support I just upgraded with a lifetime membership. I would much rather support Nexus directly than to continue to put up with ads in any form. The modding community helped me get 900+ hours out of Skyrim and I'm easily approaching 600 hours in Fallout 4. Keep up the good work guys!

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Over the past few days I have made frequent use of the report button. One ad in particular would play audio easily twice as loud as any other program on my pc with no option to mute (didn't even look like a fun game). It was to the point I couldn't leave mod pages open in 2nd tab without straining my speakers and patience. All of the other ads are mutable and unobtrusive which I don't mind.


That said, I'm glad to see your stance on the matter. I found the post to be very enlightening and well explained,also the transparency is appreciated. The site is awesome! Keep up the good work!



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In response to post #35668992.

536861646f57 wrote: Oh, and you can't limit Internet speed. Only the ISP can. Saying that "we will limit your speed to 1MB/s since you use adblock" is a blatant lie. I've gotten up to 5MB/s even though I use Adblock...Pathetic, really.

They're saying that they'll only send 1 mb/s worth's of data from their servers to you. They're not going to tell your ISP to limit you (because they can't), they just won't send as much data.
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Thank you thank you! I never have nor will use Adblocker, but in the past I've stopped more than a few of my mod-browsing sessions because I was having to refresh the page every 5 seconds to continue scrolling up and down. H- (and now I had to go to Notepad to continue typing) Hopefully this reporting system will straighten this ad provider out. *finishes typing, only for the text field on the web page to be frozen; refreshes the page to fix it and post the comment*
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In response to post #35666937.

boduke419 wrote: Over the past few days I have made frequent use of the report button. One ad in particular would play audio easily twice as loud as any other program on my pc with no option to mute (didn't even look like a fun game). It was to the point I couldn't leave mod pages open in 2nd tab without straining my speakers and patience. All of the other ads are mutable and unobtrusive which I don't mind.

That said, I'm glad to see your stance on the matter. I found the post to be very enlightening and well explained,also the transparency is appreciated. The site is awesome! Keep up the good work!

You're Premium so you shouldn't be seeing ads at all. What's going on there!?
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