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Ad reporting functionality


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In response to post #35687347.

wooze wrote: I find it funny how for years this site has been running these god awful, annoying, and intrusive ads that slow your computer\browser to a snails pace on an already slow website that you finally decided to do something about it, when it started to affect your bottom line ( Yes I know you might not make profit I don't care if you do and yes I know you need the money to run the site.)

The truth is people don't use ad block because they are "Slightly rude" it is because of you web site owners allowing this junk onto our computers; and you're going to sit there and tell me you didn't notice this on your own website? C'mon man.

I genuinely appreciate this move (Long LONG overdue I might add) but I absolutely despise this attitude of "Oh its the end users fault for running that darn ad blocker oh he's 'Slightly Rude'" The mentality that you're a thief because you don't what this garbage on your computer or sound blast suddenly and loudly so much so you crap yourself. I mean I'm not sitting here manically rolling my hands and pinching my mustache saying "Ha ha ha I'm stealing this website owners cash look at him suffer!" I'm doing this so yaknow my browsing is tolerable.

And no I'm not paying money and I have my reasons, personal, and the fact I don't like to put my info on every damn website out there ESPECIALLY this one. I'm sorry this website has many great features but I don't trust it enough. (However I see people saying this business about 2 dollars if that is all you pay I may make this one exception)

My suggest is this. Get some of your website owner buddies together and start telling these damn ad companies to stop with these annoying ads. If you can guarantee that I won't see the annoying ads (Sound, Video and targeted. At least the first two). Then I will guarantee that I will turn off adblock but until then I'm taking the responsibility to protect my self and if that makes me "Slightly Rude" then so be it.

I have spoken.


I have to admit, it's not nice being seeing as rude for trying to protect ourselves and it bothers me be perceived like that.

Dark0ne, I hope you'll try to see things from the users' perspectives as well. Other than that, try to host user-friendly (as much as possible) ads. Animated ones, for an example, are a pain in the...head.
I would like the premium membership but I don't send or receive money via the internet. I just don't.
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In response to post #35691787.

bubinga64 wrote: I have to admit, this site was THE reason I just recently looked into and installed Adblock and Disconnect. Last week actually. When I recently started getting safari hijacked on my Mac with software that kept wanting me to install it and only being able to force quit safari I said "enough!" On my tablet and phone I was getting dragged to the App Store sometimes every 30 seconds, and on my PC I constantly had screaming loud ads playing.

The past week browsing this site has been blissful and I do see the tag lines where the adds once were saying you know they suck but they support the site. I knew they supported the site which is why I just grinned and bared it for so long but the recent adds trying to install stuff on my Mac was just too much.

Adblock does allow 'non-intrusive' adds to still show and I still see admittedly 'non-intrusive' adds on other sites I visit. My question is this. How could the owners and staff NOT have known this was happening unless they also run an adblocking program on their own site. It didn't just start.

I'll whitelist the site and report the adds, but I'd be stunned if the staff JUST found out how bad it actually is. Content wise it's my favorite site. Experience wise it was the worst site.

It's good you're finally doing something about it, albeit extremely long overdue.

A further thought after digesting this a bit more. Over the past week of using Adblock, which I installed expressly because of malicious adds on this site, I haven't noticed any difference on any of the many other sites I visit. Mostly news sites, blogs and stores. I'll pay closer attention now, but I'm quite sure all the adds were still there (non-intrusive).

With that said, I find it hard to believe that the whole internet is going to disallow users who block malicious and intrusive adds. I'm still seeing adds on other sites. The program even expressly states that it allows non-intrusive adds to help support the Internet when you install it.

It seems a bit disingenuous and smells of fear-mongering to allude to every site denying access for people who use the program when every other site I visit still displays adds just as before. Again, I'll try to pay closer attention having just recently installed it.
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In response to post #35691787. #35692657 is also a reply to the same post.

bubinga64 wrote: I have to admit, this site was THE reason I just recently looked into and installed Adblock and Disconnect. Last week actually. When I recently started getting safari hijacked on my Mac with software that kept wanting me to install it and only being able to force quit safari I said "enough!" On my tablet and phone I was getting dragged to the App Store sometimes every 30 seconds, and on my PC I constantly had screaming loud ads playing.

The past week browsing this site has been blissful and I do see the tag lines where the adds once were saying you know they suck but they support the site. I knew they supported the site which is why I just grinned and bared it for so long but the recent adds trying to install stuff on my Mac was just too much.

Adblock does allow 'non-intrusive' adds to still show and I still see admittedly 'non-intrusive' adds on other sites I visit. My question is this. How could the owners and staff NOT have known this was happening unless they also run an adblocking program on their own site. It didn't just start.

I'll whitelist the site and report the adds, but I'd be stunned if the staff JUST found out how bad it actually is. Content wise it's my favorite site. Experience wise it was the worst site.

It's good you're finally doing something about it, albeit extremely long overdue.
bubinga64 wrote: A further thought after digesting this a bit more. Over the past week of using Adblock, which I installed expressly because of malicious adds on this site, I haven't noticed any difference on any of the many other sites I visit. Mostly news sites, blogs and stores. I'll pay closer attention now, but I'm quite sure all the adds were still there (non-intrusive).

With that said, I find it hard to believe that the whole internet is going to disallow users who block malicious and intrusive adds. I'm still seeing adds on other sites. The program even expressly states that it allows non-intrusive adds to help support the Internet when you install it.

It seems a bit disingenuous and smells of fear-mongering to allude to every site denying access for people who use the program when every other site I visit still displays adds just as before. Again, I'll try to pay closer attention having just recently installed it.

I don't know. With adblock I see zero ads. Did you configure it to show specific, non intrusive ones?
lol You make me rethink about deactivating my adblock. The thing is, I don't even have an antivirus installed.
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I don't mind the adds I mind when I'm looking through a mod and reading the info and an add pops up with max adio and blows my ears up with an extramly loud explosion like the one from war Frame and with all the adds playing it seems to cause a lag spike when I'm even just typing in a comment like this lol but I understand the need for them without them this site would die and for one don't wish to see that. keep up the great work and thank you for giving us a place for mods and to the modders that spent there life making mods XD
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I use adblock all the time, that said I have a lifetime premium membership to the nexus. Honestly, this was what was fair in my eyes. The mileage I got from mods on Skyrim alone was enough to more than double (probably triple) that game's lifespan and enjoyment.


This site's appproach on adds, payed mods, and communication between the modding comunity and developers/publishers have been mature and well thought. You can't please everybody and I even disagree with some of the stands on some issues.


I don't really need the extra badwidth, most of the time, and I never see adds anyway because of adblocks. But it's important to note that not everyone that uses adblocks is oblivious to sites' needs to support themselves. Here we have many reasonable and down-to earth options to use the site and contribute.


This policy is another example of a mature and non-money grubbing way of supporting the site. Rather than turning hostile against adblock users, a system is being put in place that continues to offer free acess to everybody, but rewards people who support the site. Meanwhile a constant critical look is making sure that adds, even if a necessary evil, aren't left alone to harm user experience.



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In response to post #35691787. #35692657, #35692777 are all replies on the same post.

bubinga64 wrote: I have to admit, this site was THE reason I just recently looked into and installed Adblock and Disconnect. Last week actually. When I recently started getting safari hijacked on my Mac with software that kept wanting me to install it and only being able to force quit safari I said "enough!" On my tablet and phone I was getting dragged to the App Store sometimes every 30 seconds, and on my PC I constantly had screaming loud ads playing.

The past week browsing this site has been blissful and I do see the tag lines where the adds once were saying you know they suck but they support the site. I knew they supported the site which is why I just grinned and bared it for so long but the recent adds trying to install stuff on my Mac was just too much.

Adblock does allow 'non-intrusive' adds to still show and I still see admittedly 'non-intrusive' adds on other sites I visit. My question is this. How could the owners and staff NOT have known this was happening unless they also run an adblocking program on their own site. It didn't just start.

I'll whitelist the site and report the adds, but I'd be stunned if the staff JUST found out how bad it actually is. Content wise it's my favorite site. Experience wise it was the worst site.

It's good you're finally doing something about it, albeit extremely long overdue.
bubinga64 wrote: A further thought after digesting this a bit more. Over the past week of using Adblock, which I installed expressly because of malicious adds on this site, I haven't noticed any difference on any of the many other sites I visit. Mostly news sites, blogs and stores. I'll pay closer attention now, but I'm quite sure all the adds were still there (non-intrusive).

With that said, I find it hard to believe that the whole internet is going to disallow users who block malicious and intrusive adds. I'm still seeing adds on other sites. The program even expressly states that it allows non-intrusive adds to help support the Internet when you install it.

It seems a bit disingenuous and smells of fear-mongering to allude to every site denying access for people who use the program when every other site I visit still displays adds just as before. Again, I'll try to pay closer attention having just recently installed it.
Legotrash wrote: I don't know. With adblock I see zero ads. Did you configure it to show specific, non intrusive ones?
lol You make me rethink about deactivating my adblock. The thing is, I don't even have an antivirus installed.

I also have ads trying to make me install malicious programs om my mac on this website.
I don't own a mac.
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Yeah sorry, but expecting us to police ads for your indolent and irresponsible ad providers is pure lunacy. I know you can't do anything about that directly, but websites everywhere should be putting pressure on these people to provide a better service than they currently do.


Until ad providers learn to keep their services clear of malware and scumware, my adblock wall stays up no matter what and I imagine many will feel the same.

Edited by Castornebula
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I have no problem with nonintrusive ads. I realise the majority of content on the internet right now is ad supported which is why I resisted using an ad blocker for as long as I did. Unfortunately ads have steadily become more and more intrusive and annoying with most of the sites I visit featuring auto play audio and video, popups, adds that cause the screen to move around while I'm trying to read something, etc. The auto play audio and video ads were the last straw for me which is why I installed an adblocker.


The ad blocker I use does have an option to allow nonintrusive ads and I do have that option enabled. I'm happy to see that you're working on getting your advertisers to behave and when they start serving up nonintrusive ads I'll start seeing them. As for sites like Forbes that block people who use adblockers, my solution is simple. I don't use those sites anymore. In fact I was a regular Forbes reader until they did that and I haven't been back since.


The issue is even worse on a mobile device. Many sites are rendered completely unusable on a mobile device without an ad blocker.


I do periodically disable my adblocker on my favorite sites to see if the advertising has improved just in case the feature that allows nonintrusive ads isn't working properly. I do want my favorite sites to get advertising revenue but I'm not willing to subject myself to intrusive ads. Unfortunately I have yet to find a site where the advertising behaves well enough for me to leave my adblocker disabled.

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In response to post #35666937. #35669982, #35670817, #35671037, #35672477 are all replies on the same post.

boduke419 wrote: Over the past few days I have made frequent use of the report button. One ad in particular would play audio easily twice as loud as any other program on my pc with no option to mute (didn't even look like a fun game). It was to the point I couldn't leave mod pages open in 2nd tab without straining my speakers and patience. All of the other ads are mutable and unobtrusive which I don't mind.

That said, I'm glad to see your stance on the matter. I found the post to be very enlightening and well explained,also the transparency is appreciated. The site is awesome! Keep up the good work!

Dark0ne wrote: You're Premium so you shouldn't be seeing ads at all. What's going on there!?
536861646f57 wrote: Seems like your "Ad initiative" isn't working as planned.
Dark0ne wrote: You seem quite hostile. Why so mad?
536861646f57 wrote: Alas, one cannot properly convey tone in text, especially on electronic media. I'm not mad or hostile, it's 75% sarcasm and 25% me being tired of my own bullsh*t.

After reading your post I did 2 things... went premium and downloaded adblocker.
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