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What fresh hell is this? (graphical glitch in Vault 95)


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I was testing some shadows stuff and this happened in Vault 95. I un-fiddled some changes I'd made with ENB and my INI and reverted to an older save within the fault and it was still happening. Is this a known bug? I'm so confused right now. It seems those tiles are blank holes that peer below the map, and when I move they just freak out. When I don't move, the spaces fill in with pure white light. It almost looks like visual effects from some chems in mods from FONV, but my character is on nothing currently.


*Edit: I found a reddit thread about an issue with the same floor space. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/3x5q6i/dinosaur_under_vault_95_glitch_or_easter_egg/







Also, I apologize for creating a second bug topic right after posting one a short time ago about something else.

Edited by pickyourpoison
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  • 2 years later...

I encountered the white spaces already the first time I went there. I thought it was because my R9 couldn't handle it. Or maybe I was too close to the mod limit - I had the same problem in Saugus Ironworks. Made that part pretty hairy..........

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