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fixing some flaws (official or third party)


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well one of my friends decided to try to convince me that Bethesda improved some of the aspects of Oblivion and bought me the Shivering Isles expansion pack, so I've decided to dig Oblivion out of the attic and give it another go. but first I was hoping that I could find some fixes for some of the issues that most annoyed me, or at least the ones I can remember. so if anyone knows of anything that addresses the following please throw me a link, or at least anything you can remember about how to fix it


persuasion mini-game. I really hated it. as far as I remember it was entirely random and ridiculous, involving you having to insult, bribe, threaten and flatter in a random combination that should achieve nothing but getting your character dragged off in a straight jacket. as far as I remember the only other mini-game was lockpicking and I can't remember if that one was annoying or not


trade. again, my memory's a bit faded on the details but I remember it being incredibly annoying and awkward to buy/sell large quantities of items


skip the main quest. I've completed it and wasn't impressed and don't really want to bother doing it again. but assuming it's anything like Morrowind, while completing it isn't essential it does have some effect on later (ie: expansion) content. also that Oblivion gates are irritating as hell so having them gone would be great. I know I can download other peoples saves for this but I'd rather play with my own created characters


variety to dungeons. I don't know if anyone would have taken the effort to improve the copy-pasted dungeons that shipped with Oblivion but if they did, I'd want those mods


that's all I can remember off the top of my head, but if you can think of anything else that addresses common complaints/criticisms I'd love to hear about it. I'm not too bothered about additional content mods just yet, but assuming the game manages to avoid being uninstalled again I'll look for those later


I think I used to have a little utility that made organising save games for different characters easier as well, although that may have been for Morrowind, I can't remember. but anything like that would be useful


oh and advice on a mod management program would probably be handy, I can't remember what I used to use

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persuasion mini-game.

Yeah there's some alternatives to this (search for "Persuasion" in TESNexus for what you might like). Personally I don't mind it. It's stupid and not really immersive, yeah, but I just treat it like a crazy game. Like chess. That's not really an actual "knight" that's hopping in an L-shaped manner over those "pawns", etc. It's just representations for the sake of a game. So yeah, I don't mind it at all.


skip the main quest.

I've never finished the main quest either. I've been playing Oblivion for 4 years now lol. I still don't know what happens after getting to Cloud Ruler Temple (and I don't read spoilers either). :dance:


That being said, it's completely unnecessary to do it just to enjoy the game. I think it was David Brasher that said that modding is the game. Everything else is just for testing.


variety to dungeons.

Sadly, there's nothing in vanilla for this. The dungeon creation system works on a copypasta system like you can imagine (as in it's giant sections that you just piece together). There are a few new dungeons that use completely new resources, though, and many of them look quite stunning. And some dungeon modders make good use of the vanilla pieces and make some really good dungeons anyway.


There's also comedy dungeons if you're into that.


In addition, I highly recommend that you get some mods that can help enhance the atmosphere. By default, the game ships with some old-looking stuff, even for when it was first released in 2006 (low res textures, ordinary lighting schemes, outdated shaders). But the good thing is they allowed us to mod that stuff too, so if you have a newer PC with a fairly powerful GPU, you can get stuff like QTP3 and OBGE v2. There's also other mods that can really enhance the game's mood without really affecting performance, such as Cava Obscura and Weather - All Natural.


There's really a lot of mods out there now, to suit practically all kinds of players. I stopped playing last year and came back just weeks ago and found all kinds of new stuff that could make the game enjoyable again. I hope you enjoy your return to Oblivion too.

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well that has indeed fixed some of it, and so far I'm enjoying the game a fair bit. still a few annoyances though


horses... why is it that you can use the mouse to turn your character when walking/running but not when riding? anyone know of any mods to make horse controls the same as when not mounted?


trade... yeah that one's still there. the confirmation dialogue on every single purchase, and some items will ask for the quantity but many you have to buy one by one if you want multiples, very annoying


and I'm not sure if it's possible from mods but the inventory management system is a mess. armour and clothing of all types bundled together under one heading, no ability to sort by slot either (for example feet, hands, head, etc)

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I think there's some mods that change the way purchases work, but I haven't tried them so I can't recommend any.


Wrye Bash has an option to auto rename all items and bunch them together. So all your clothing will be together, all your boots together, etc.

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SiMMeR - I think the idea of the horse not being moused, is that horse combat should let you turn in the saddle and fight. However, whether that works I have no idea - I don't generally ride horses and never fight from them
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Main Quest Done - haven't tried this yet, so can't comment. It supposedly sets you up at the start of a new game as if you'd already finished the main quest.


Um... No. Actually you have to activate an object to 'finish' main quest immedietely, and it can be done at any moment.

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I'll say one thing for Oblivion, it may have flaws but at least Bethesda have consistently given us the construction kit so our talented modders can fix them. thanks to all the mods here I've gotten the game to be even better. still not as good as Morrowind, but I've played Morrowind a lot recently and could use a break plus while graphics don't make or break a game, the graphics in Oblivion are a pretty damn nice job (after some fixes from modders anyway, some of the default faces didn't look right)


still haven't found anything to fix the annoying confirmation on trading, and there's the occasional CTDs and addon conflicts but those are rather minor in comparison to the issues now solved


I'm actually starting to look forward to Skyrim now, I was trying not to get my hopes up but I'm confident that even if Bethesda manage to screw it up then the modding community will be able to do something with it

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