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shrink model in nifscope


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i wanna make a toy models from some objects. i.e. vertibird

so if i open vertibird...nif and set scale to 0.03 - in-game i have same sized vertibird

if i set scale of all elements - i have a small vertibird but it seems collision model still giant

can anyone explain best way to just shrink model at nifscope (or maybe some another tool) ?

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I think attaching NiNode 0 to another NiNode and scaling the original node might help. Not sure, maybe you'll have to find a way to replace the collision with the size you need.

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Do it like this:

1. Select 0 ninode.

2. Set the size of extra data array to 0 and press the refresh button below. At least on node (BSX) should now be moved to the bottom.

3. Right click on 0 ninode > add parent node > ninode

4. Add the extra data to your new 0 ninode

5. change the size in your old ninode

6. in menubar press Spells -> Batch -> Update all tangent spaces

7. Spells -> sanitize -> (use all)

8. save and test

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It depends on what's going on in the .nif and what controls the node you want to shrink.


Most times you can get away with applying scale/transform/rotation to BSTriShapes, but for an object that probably has a few of these, you'll probably want to manipulate a parent NiNode like DarthWayne suggests.


In other words, add a new NiNode to the .nif in the block list, add the stuff you want to scale as children to it, apply whatever transforms you want to it, then add the new NiNode as a child to the root NiNode.

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They are if you scale the parent NiNode which references a collision object.

Not in my experience. It certainly looks like it might be scaling the collision, but when I load it in the game the collision isn't scaled. Sometimes it seems to get shifted, but from what I can tell that is a result of any translation applied to the node being scaled as well (i.e. if the collision node is moved 20 in the x, and scale is set to 2, it will be moved 40). It definitely isn't scaling the collision, no matter if I scale the direct parent or if I follow DarthWayne's instructions above.

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Was just going through this nonsense too, collision being the issue. The best bet is as DarthWayne suggest at the end so far as I can see; find an object that is a similiar shape and size to the end result you want to achieve, and copy its collision data in. Nowhere near ideal nor perfect, but currently, direct collision editing is a no go, which sucks.

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