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Preston stopped giving me things to do


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When I did my Janice playthrough, I had to resort to a youtube video to solve how to remove the dirt pile in the castle. I thought it was crazy that you had to open up the settlement menu. Once I did that, the hardest thing was dumping the dirtpile.

i like turtles :huh:

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Personally I liked this one more :tongue:




Though in all fairness, as settlements go, Preston isn't even at the top of my annoyance list. THAT prize goes to a couple of idiots in Far Harbour, who just suddenly give you a couple of settlers to care for at a location, without any warning or even hint that that would happen.


I mean, at least Preston does tell you that you're doing a quest to get a settlement. Those idiots don't even mention that much. One moment you're just being kind and helping some little orphan girl, or helping some nice old lady get over her murdered family, and the next moment you're in charge of a location and a couple of settlers are pissed off at you because they don't have beds or anything to eat.


WTH? They should have thought about that before moving there. How and why is it suddenly MY problem that they're too stupid to bring a sleeping bag along?


But seriously, WTH? It's considered a stupid idea to even gift a cat to someone, and just trust that they'll live up to that responsibility. Since when is it a good idea to give the responsibility for PEOPLE to some random a-hole who just strolled into town with a big iron on his hip? What's to even stop me from leaving Nick behind and shooting those settlers in the head for the lulz? Err... I mean, for imposing on me like that.

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For what it's worth I did not have an existing settlement quest in my quest log and still couldn't start the Somerville one. I leveled that character up to somewhere around 100 and completed almost every single quest. I literally had fewer than 10 uncompleted quests (including miscellaneous ones) in my log so I know I didn't have a concurrent settlement quest running. I managed to get every single other settlement in the game but that one. This time around I probably won't even bother getting half of them or getting settlers for all the ones I do get. After multiple play throughs I'm tired of settlement management.

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For what it's worth I did not have an existing settlement quest in my quest log and still couldn't start the Somerville one. I leveled that character up to somewhere around 100 and completed almost every single quest. I literally had fewer than 10 uncompleted quests (including miscellaneous ones) in my log so I know I didn't have a concurrent settlement quest running. I managed to get every single other settlement in the game but that one. This time around I probably won't even bother getting half of them or getting settlers for all the ones I do get. After multiple play throughs I'm tired of settlement management.

I've actually had the Somerville quest twice in a row, just now: I discovered the place on my own and got a plea from the mother (I'm running a mod that turns all male settlers into women) to go kill some Gouls at College Square Station, cleared it and went to lend a hand to Danse at the Cambridge Police Station which is in the vicinity; went back to the Somervilles and had them on board since I got the message that I was now able to use their WorkShop, which I did to set up some preliminary defences and a windmill for power.


When I returned to Prestton, he promptly gave me a Clearing The Way quest which strangely enough was about setting the Somerville settlement free from the Raiders at Quincy Quarries...

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For what it's worth I did not have an existing settlement quest in my quest log and still couldn't start the Somerville one. I leveled that character up to somewhere around 100 and completed almost every single quest. I literally had fewer than 10 uncompleted quests (including miscellaneous ones) in my log so I know I didn't have a concurrent settlement quest running. I managed to get every single other settlement in the game but that one. This time around I probably won't even bother getting half of them or getting settlers for all the ones I do get. After multiple play throughs I'm tired of settlement management.

I've actually had the Somerville quest twice in a row, just now: I discovered the place on my own and got a plea from the mother (I'm running a mod that turns all male settlers into women) to go kill some Gouls at College Square Station, cleared it and went to lend a hand to Danse at the Cambridge Police Station which is in the vicinity; went back to the Somervilles and had them on board since I got the message that I was now able to use their WorkShop, which I did to set up some preliminary defences and a windmill for power.





That's the generic one if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, last time round, with nuka world, I turned it into a Raider outpost. Gave me even the option to wipe it out, but since I knew there were children round, I went with talking them into leaving. I actually wonder what would have happened if I'd chosen wipe out. I haven't got killable children and the vanilla game doesn't offer that option.

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Well, you can get the quest to recruit a settlement again, if you hand it over to the BOS in Feeding The Troops. Then you can get a minutemen quest (regardless of whether it's from Preston or the settlers there) to basically get it back to the minutemen. It'll be the same kind of quest as when getting it for the first time.


Incidentally, that's also a possible solution for Somerville Place if it bugged out. Which it does for some people. If you're lucky enough that the BOS wants the Somerville crops, you can buy or extort their crops, as you see fit, which puts them under BOS control. Then you might be able to take a quest from them to join you after all. Or not. It can also just bug out right back again.

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Anyway, last time round, with nuka world, I turned it into a Raider outpost. Gave me even the option to wipe it out, but since I knew there were children round, I went with talking them into leaving. I actually wonder what would have happened if I'd chosen wipe out. I haven't got killable children and the vanilla game doesn't offer that option.

When it was bugged and I couldn't get it I killed the dad. The children ran away immediately. I just did it as a test and then reverted to the save I had made right before, so no idea what happens to the kids long term but they were definitely headed for the hills as fast as could be.

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