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Survival Mode will be on beta next week


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Recruiting new people and designating officers would have been a neat feature, and as you said, taking actual charge of the Boston militia.

But they are not the militia.


The MM are just wastelanders who want to take matter by their own hands and did the smart choice by grouping with people with the same mind set. They are not an army, mercs, police etc. That dude who said he doesn't have take orders? He is right. Everyone can just say f it and leave you alone.

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Let all just agree that the MM suck hard as a faction okay?

What I really don't get why did you pick them for that mode.


My strategie for survival was allways to conquer the north with all its settlements first. It allows to level up rather quick, so i can go south without facing enemies that cant take 1000 shots before dying.

For me it was never an option to ignore the MM, even if the questsystem sucks.

But there are mods that make it acceptable, so you only get one MM quest at a time, and raids come at lower rate.

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