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Survival Mode will be on beta next week


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You simply cannot have one Deathclaw swipe or a single shot to the head kill the player while at the same time taking away auto saving. Nobody is going to want to play 15-20 minutes of game just to get unexpectedly shot in the head or shot by a rocket, and then have to go back and replay that same 15-20 minutes of game to get back to that same spot 7 or 8 different times before finally finding a way to beat that battle.


I play with such low endurance and armor that dangerous enemies usually kill me in one or two shots. It is fun, but I have had to reload many battles 10 different times before I could finally find a way to beat them.


If I am exploring and I don't see a Yao Gui before it sees me, I am pretty much dead. I like playing like that, but it would never work if I had to go all the way back to the last place I slept every single time. It would make Fallout 4 a grind and absolutely no fun.

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Is it too optimistic to hope that they put in independent toggles for the various features of this update? I think that would solve so many people's issues pretty easily. Sure, if you do that, saying "I beat the game on survival mode" could lose some of it's "prestige" because now survival mode could be different for everyone, but honestly who cares about stuff like that in a single player game?

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Is it too optimistic to hope that they put in independent toggles for the various features of this update?

I don't think so, everyone everywhere is talking about this since last month. And beth mostly listens (notice how Ada encourages you to pick junk and the dlc made you able to build robots just to be mules?)

Since it getting a beta, you can try adding it as feedback if it didn't have it if they thought it has to be tested first.



You simply cannot have one Deathclaw swipe or a single shot to the head kill the player while at the same time taking away auto saving. Nobody is going to want to play 15-20 minutes of game just to get unexpectedly shot in the head or shot by a rocket, and then have to go back and replay that same 15-20 minutes of game to get back to that same spot 7 or 8 different times before finally finding a way to beat that battle.

I play with such low endurance and armor that dangerous enemies usually kill me in one or two shots. It is fun, but I have had to reload many battles 10 different times before I could finally find a way to beat them.
If I am exploring and I don't see a Yao Gui before it sees me, I am pretty much dead. I like playing like that, but it would never work if I had to go all the way back to the last place I slept every single time. It would make Fallout 4 a grind and absolutely no fun.

I agree, it works more for games that spawns you after death more.

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Never played them, but probably. I get what lomaxfalconer is saying, these survival elements do add a bunch of aggravation to the game, but then that's kind of the point of "survival". It's not supposed to be easy, it's not supposed to flow like a video game, because real life in a situation like that wouldn't flow, it would be constant tedious scraping to stay alive. It would make you think twice about what you're going to do when you wake up in the morning. I think what he's after is just a different type of higher difficulty that isn't really about survival, and I like that idea too. I'd like to see them both offered individually and at the same time.

Dude, you should if you want that kind of gameplay. At lest this will explain what they do. http://kotaku.com/most-survival-games-have-problems-that-s-t-a-l-k-e-r-s-1683484728




Fallout games always play the same way for me, because I almost always play as some kind of stealth character. For me to have challenge in these games, I'd have to deliberately play more recklessly and deliberately get myself caught in a firefight or something like that. When you max out stealth and snipe, and your perception is maxed out, you just get the jump on everything. Then the game literally because a point and click game. The problem with that is, I don't think jacking up the enemy's health to stop me from one shot killing things is the answer, because I think anything in this game should die from one single .50 cal shot to the head. So, to balance out being that lethal, there should be an equal amount of damage dealt to you, but there just isn't. The most dangerous thing in this game is being caught by a very high amount of radiation all at once without enough protection.

True, but fallout games didn't aim for realism survival in the first place.




On a similar note, I think it's kind of ridiculous to think you can run up to a Deathclaw and punch it in the face and kill it with one hit or even a few hits, but if you play your build right that's exactly what you can do. If I'm going to be able to punch that hard, there has to be some kind of equal risk being dealt back to me or the game just gets way too routine. If a grizzly bear can kill a man with one swipe of his paw, then a Deathclaw surely can too (as well as a yao gui for that matter). I think the highest difficulty level should essentially be a blow vs. blow one shot (or 2 or 3) death match. You take a few bullets to the torso or one shot to the head, you're dead. Simple as that.

So shooters?



I think people need to come to terms with the fact that this IS a shooter now. The franchise has been nothing but shooters since FO3. VATS (well, the FO3 style VATS, not this new version) and the ability to develop the attributes of a character are the only RPG type elements left in this game. This is a first person adventure shooter, just as TES are first person adventure hack and slash games. Everyone seems so hell bent on preventing these games from being shooters, while at the same time completely missing the fact that making FO3 a first person shooter type game was what gave this franchise the spark it needed to become such a huge hit. Yeah the previous 3/4 view games were cool but they were nothing like this in terms of global success and fan base.

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You simply cannot have one Deathclaw swipe or a single shot to the head kill the player while at the same time taking away auto saving. Nobody is going to want to play 15-20 minutes of game just to get unexpectedly shot in the head or shot by a rocket, and then have to go back and replay that same 15-20 minutes of game to get back to that same spot 7 or 8 different times before finally finding a way to beat that battle.


You must be <25 years old if you can't believe gamers would deal with this. I distinctly remember spending 2 hours playing Sonic the Hedgehog only to lose my last life on the last level and have to start over from scratch. Diablo had perma-death hardcore characters that could not be brought back. Games have done this for years but as time has progressed there has been more hand holding and ease of play to the point now where there is simply no way to fail in most games. FFS Fallout is the exact opposite of gritty post-apocalyptic adventure now. The majority of named NPCs are essential, companions just get right back up, the main story line progresses it's self just for killing key figures, the game auto-saves...


Believe me, there are plenty of mature, hardcore gamers who want the challenge of playing 15 minutes with the chance of something, anything, one damn thing in the game having consequences.

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You simply cannot have one Deathclaw swipe or a single shot to the head kill the player while at the same time taking away auto saving. Nobody is going to want to play 15-20 minutes of game just to get unexpectedly shot in the head or shot by a rocket, and then have to go back and replay that same 15-20 minutes of game to get back to that same spot 7 or 8 different times before finally finding a way to beat that battle.


You must be <25 years old if you can't believe gamers would deal with this. I distinctly remember spending 2 hours playing Sonic the Hedgehog only to lose my last life on the last level and have to start over from scratch. Diablo had perma-death hardcore characters that could not be brought back. Games have done this for years but as time has progressed there has been more hand holding and ease of play to the point now where there is simply no way to fail in most games. FFS Fallout is the exact opposite of gritty post-apocalyptic adventure now. The majority of named NPCs are essential, companions just get right back up, the main story line progresses it's self just for killing key figures, the game auto-saves...


Believe me, there are plenty of mature, hardcore gamers who want the challenge of playing 15 minutes with the chance of something, anything, one damn thing in the game having consequences.



I grew up on that era of games, and I would never, ever, ever go back to that.


I only have so much time to play games now, and I want to get the most out of it, not just playing the same stuff over and over again like I did when I was 10.




That is not 'consequences' that is just a cheap game mechanic to get people to repeat stuff so they don't see how short your game really is.

Edited by TeamBacon
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You simply cannot have one Deathclaw swipe or a single shot to the head kill the player while at the same time taking away auto saving. Nobody is going to want to play 15-20 minutes of game just to get unexpectedly shot in the head or shot by a rocket, and then have to go back and replay that same 15-20 minutes of game to get back to that same spot 7 or 8 different times before finally finding a way to beat that battle.


I play with such low endurance and armor that dangerous enemies usually kill me in one or two shots. It is fun, but I have had to reload many battles 10 different times before I could finally find a way to beat them.


If I am exploring and I don't see a Yao Gui before it sees me, I am pretty much dead. I like playing like that, but it would never work if I had to go all the way back to the last place I slept every single time. It would make Fallout 4 a grind and absolutely no fun.


Normally I don't find myself disagreeing with comments that I have seen from ya Bacon, but this one I do have to disagree. Enough people like this type of challenge so much so that hundreds of thousands of players flocked to a MOD for Arma 2 (Day Z) in which case you could literally spend 10+ HRS on a character only to run into one random a** hat that decides your gear looks nice, and waste you with a bullet before you can react. Boom, done, restart. Character is dead, the hours you spent surviving all for naught.


I am also all for customization and adjusting for your preferences, so I think a lot of Survival mode should be options turned off and on. But I just wanted to point out, people play far far more challenging games with much more dire consequences for getting hit with a stray explosion. (In fact, I have every intention of playing in a DayZ style, where if I screw up and die, I am restarting. I still plan to keep saves to avoid losing the character via bugs and such though.)



Anyway. Modders are already addressing this concern for those who are worried bout it :)

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Normally I don't find myself disagreeing with comments that I have seen from ya Bacon, but this one I do have to disagree. Enough people like this type of challenge so much so that hundreds of thousands of players flocked to a MOD for Arma 2 (Day Z) in which case you could literally spend 10+ HRS on a character only to run into one random a** hat that decides your gear looks nice, and waste you with a bullet before you can react. Boom, done, restart. Character is dead, the hours you spent surviving all for naught.


I am also all for customization and adjusting for your preferences, so I think a lot of Survival mode should be options turned off and on. But I just wanted to point out, people play far far more challenging games with much more dire consequences for getting hit with a stray explosion. (In fact, I have every intention of playing in a DayZ style, where if I screw up and die, I am restarting. I still plan to keep saves to avoid losing the character via bugs and such though.)



Anyway. Modders are already addressing this concern for those who are worried bout it :smile:



Maybe I have just mellowed as I grew up and found other hobbies... Maybe I don't spend enough time gaming anymore to appreciate that kind of style... But I honestly don't see how that can be any fun at all. Why would I want that kind of drama in my life?


But anymore I spend a lot more time trying to make games than I do actually playing them, my genera has slipped more in the direction of how to tell an interactive story than how to challenge a player from a gameplay perspective.

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Normally I don't find myself disagreeing with comments that I have seen from ya Bacon, but this one I do have to disagree. Enough people like this type of challenge so much so that hundreds of thousands of players flocked to a MOD for Arma 2 (Day Z) in which case you could literally spend 10+ HRS on a character only to run into one random a** hat that decides your gear looks nice, and waste you with a bullet before you can react. Boom, done, restart. Character is dead, the hours you spent surviving all for naught.
Those games however carter to realism greatly, it only normal it players want more of that.
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