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Nakedness in Skyrim



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  1. 1. Nudity?

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*roles eyes* .. your people don't get it .. its not about nudity or the AO ratings .. its about censorship .. If you censor yourself to avoid conflict all your doing is giving in and letting the prudes and extreme religious types win .. I don't care if there is nudity in the game .. its pointless for Skyrim .. whats the big deal? See a naked Argonian corps when you loot the body? lols .. I think its pointless for THIS game but to say no only because your afraid of an AO rating is just wrong .. Plus plenty of stores will carry AO games .. are you all forgetting the witcher and the witcher 2?? Ive yet to find a store that doesnt carry that game .. the only thing that matters to a store is if they can make money of the game

I am not afraid of the AO version, I don't care if nudity is in the game. I also don't like censorship at all.


However you have to realize that the groups that oppose such things are pretty powerful people. It would hurt Bethesda sales wise, and reputation wise if the media and politicians got ahold on this. Its great that you want to fight against censorship, but sometimes its better to just let the opposing party win until you can really do something about it.

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*roles eyes* .. your people don't get it .. its not about nudity or the AO ratings .. its about censorship .. If you censor yourself to avoid conflict all your doing is giving in and letting the prudes and extreme religious types win .. I don't care if there is nudity in the game .. its pointless for Skyrim .. whats the big deal? See a naked Argonian corps when you loot the body? lols .. I think its pointless for THIS game but to say no only because your afraid of an AO rating is just wrong .. Plus plenty of stores will carry AO games .. are you all forgetting the witcher and the witcher 2?? Ive yet to find a store that doesnt carry that game .. the only thing that matters to a store is if they can make money of the game

I am not afraid of the AO version, I don't care if nudity is in the game. I also don't like censorship at all.


However you have to realize that the groups that oppose such things are pretty powerful people. It would hurt Bethesda sales wise, and reputation wise if the media and politicians got ahold on this. Its great that you want to fight against censorship, but sometimes its better to just let the opposing party win until you can really do something about it.

Didn't hurt the sales of Mass Effect all that much... People can shout all they want, doesn't always work unfortunately. That's why they turn to rioting and looting :P
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*roles eyes* .. your people don't get it .. its not about nudity or the AO ratings .. its about censorship .. If you censor yourself to avoid conflict all your doing is giving in and letting the prudes and extreme religious types win .. I don't care if there is nudity in the game .. its pointless for Skyrim .. whats the big deal? See a naked Argonian corps when you loot the body? lols .. I think its pointless for THIS game but to say no only because your afraid of an AO rating is just wrong .. Plus plenty of stores will carry AO games .. are you all forgetting the witcher and the witcher 2?? Ive yet to find a store that doesnt carry that game .. the only thing that matters to a store is if they can make money of the game

I am not afraid of the AO version, I don't care if nudity is in the game. I also don't like censorship at all.


However you have to realize that the groups that oppose such things are pretty powerful people. It would hurt Bethesda sales wise, and reputation wise if the media and politicians got ahold on this. Its great that you want to fight against censorship, but sometimes its better to just let the opposing party win until you can really do something about it.

Didn't hurt the sales of Mass Effect all that much... People can shout all they want, doesn't always work unfortunately. That's why they turn to rioting and looting :P

That's because it was extremely minor in mass effect and no one got the rating changed.


With GTA SA, the sales were hurt for a while and the rating was changed, luckily the rating was changed back before it got bad.

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if it was up to me i would allow it as a game setting and be very pleased with it....usualy evrybody that plays oblivion has a nudity mod installed in

the game so im saing yay for this thing....when i was downloading oblivion game of the year edition inside the folder i found a alredy downloaded and ready to install nude

patch so people know that others will install it and mostly the tes nexus has become a home of nudity and sexy cloathing so we are clear about

this... :biggrin: :whistling:

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That's because it was extremely minor in mass effect and no one got the rating changed.


With GTA SA, the sales were hurt for a while and the rating was changed, luckily the rating was changed back before it got bad.

Maybe in places like Australia. Still tons of copies of GTA sold.
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By the way the Mature rating isn't 18+. I could preorder Skyrim from Gamestop and get it because I'm 17. Of course when Skyrim is out I will be 18 though. And be in college. (Crap less Skyrim time.) Its definitely going to be Mature or 17+. You may say it might be AO though. Do you think so? With the amount of people pre-ordering which is by now way over 1M even if it got rated AO I am sure it would be changed to a Mature one. That is how Bethesda is. Sure the M rating is one year from AO in age wise. As I said M=17+ AO=18+. It makes since to me but not at the same time. AO restricts it a lot sell wise. Mature only restricts it to those over 17. Still I hate how people say Mature games aren't for Children. According to the Government until you are 18 in many cases. They call adults who are 26 Adult Children. Doesn't make sense to me but oh well. Times have changed Romans if I remember you were technically an adult or young adult when turned 13. Still I'm basically saying Skyrim isn't an "Adult" game there is one year until it becomes adult which is as you know AO. But seriously as I aid before if it turned AO Gamestop couldn't sell it. Then where would the Collectors edition go? Especially those that bought it. It is Rating Pending now but even Pete Hines said "We hope for German gamers it won't be censored. Rage has a lot more violence and Gore than Skyrim will have (I talked to GStaff he said so himself.) If Germany had Rage allowed which Fallout 3/NV had the Gore Patch. It had to have or Fallout 3/NV would have been banned there. Skyrim should be allowed without AO rating you may say that is a different country but you do realize they have extreme gore and violence laws. So Skyrim should be Mature for US and Europe well rated 16..

Still I am sure Skyrim will be rated for Adults only in Japan, Oblivion was 17+, Fallout 3 and NV was Z or 18+ (Fallout 3 I understand in Japan. But Oblivion having a D rating for its content is laughable. I loved Persona 3 which got a B but it has Nudity as well as gore it got a B, but they still gave Obliivon a D. There are other games such as Metal Gear Solid that got a B which in America got a M as well as a 16 in Europe. Doesn't make sense.) Still I am sure it will be M in America and also seeing as Australia didn't ban it is good. (Course the government is getting more relaxed there.) So I still have to say nah. Not because of the Character models look ugly (I think they look great.) But for media reasons and others. As for Realism I don't see how the realism in women in Oblivion all have Big Jugs, skimpy outfits and other stuff is realistic. I am sure if there were walking around like that "More" things will happen. And the whole thing from Morrowind "Ew, your Naked, Spare me." So I vote nay. ( By the way for the Nude thing, not saying I use it. But the nudity thing for the Nexus The rest of the internet knows a lot about it. I mean Destructoid made a video The day Fallout NV came out was about the first New Vegas nude mod is out and Fallout New Vegas just came out today yadayada from Newvegasnexus they said even. It is more known than you think. And the "Kids" in essence aren't getting 'protected" in sense because they can go to gaming sites and find about it just there Video or discussion. It is more known than we realize.)

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  • 2 months later...

Didn't bother reading Camonna Tong's post due to a lack of paragraphs and spacing...


Nudity in games seems to always have two crowds behind it, the 'NO' crowd and the 'YES' crowd, with each side having different reasons for wanting or not to have nudity in a game. You could argue that nudity would add immersion into the game, perhaps your playing a female character, or even male for that matter, and decide to go for a swim, not wanting to get your gear soaked you strip down to nothing... Or even quest related events that might be tied to nudity.


Then of course you could argue against it, and there seems to be more arguments against nudity than there is for it. I've read a good few posts here, some really apply daft reasoning and logic for not wanting nudity, others are fairly logical.


I don't mind nudity, whether its present or not. If its present, it needs to be tasteful when required, it's certainly not if you're having bandits coming at you wearing nothing. This will only lead to distraction and death! And of course it looks silly...


So why would Bethesda include nudity when they know full well that the modders will include this, evidence by the amount of nudity mods for Fallout and Oblivion/Morrowind. If I was Bethesda, and from a business standpoint, it wouldn't make sense to include nudity. Bethesda doesn't need the extra hype or press surrounding Skyrim, everyone knows what Skyrim is, so using it as a PR stunt doesn't apply here. Putting nudity in would only displease the crowd that don't want nudity in their games. Leaving it out won't displease anyone, since a mod will come around and add nudity regardless, and your hardly going to get fuming customers from the lack of nudity, when your more likely to get them if you include it in. There's always a 'few', quite a few actually, that will be offended by nudity. Bethesda dare not take a risk that they don't even need to take.


If a nudity mod comes along, and if it's actually good and not a all out perverted pornograph extravaganza, then I'll download it simply for the immersion. But there is no practical reason for including nudity in Skyrim. Bethesda probably had this discussion before internally, and logically it makes more sense to leave it out than include it in. Games these days are getting more bolder, hell even Rockstar went ahead and included full frontal nudity in a scene in one of their expansions for GTA IV. So, why not Skyrim? Pretty obvious as I said, no point.

A mod will come along and include it anyway, so Bethesda have played their cards right and kept both sides of the argument happy. Even suggesting an option where you can turn nudity off/on might cause a few unhappy customers, some people just don't like nudity AT ALL, even when given a choice...

Edited by Xydonus
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I don't see the point of installing sex mods, vaginas and penises. Not only does it make you look like an complete virgin (Don't bulls*** on this one, you know it's true), it's also lame. Why not go do the real thing instead if you crave to look at titties vaginas and penises?


Oblivion was filled to the brim with this...

And the "Adult" filter unfortanly also means filtering away great mods like "Deadly reflex" and so on.


Hence why finding mods that actually made some sense, and also were good, is hard. Just because of this fundemental problem.


Hence why I would absolutely love to see the filtering refined an bit. Adding in an Nudity filter does not hurt. Not only can we "normal" people search for the mods we want, you who want this "virtual" sex objects/nudity and whatnot can also use it to filter stuff.


That way. Both sides are happy about it. We who are not particulary intrested at looking at Virtual penises and vaginas/nudity can choose to filter all such mods out, while those who want this stuff can keep the filter off.

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No because you will just get the fox new network style media frenzy and then games will be forced to be censored beyond reason/or banned and will hurt sales, + beth is crap at making bodies anyway :P



I vote yes but that response above is the reason no is a better answer.


The sad thing is they have to market to kids and for some reason blood, gore, and violence is more acceptable than


Not that I use much nudity in the Beth games I've played. Other than some in FNV where it seemed appropriate to make casino dancers

more stripper like, and on a case by case basis. Cheap fun.


And, I certainly agree the art work department that Beth uses would just ruin it anyway. They do horrible texture work.

Okay, not horrible. Just not as good as it should be, IMO.


Leave it to aftermarket mods that have more talent and as a bonus, that means more flexibility in the game for those that want mods.

It is up to you how the game looks.

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LOL! As i said in a different topic, I spent two hours trying to make a decent character. He looks like he climbed out of a dumpster. I am not impressed with the bodies in this game, very disappointing in fact. Making a younger warrior is not possible as far as I can determine so far. I'm stuck with a 40-ish looking warrior. I took the clothes off to look at the avatar, and he looks terrible. This is one time I'm grateful for some armor :biggrin: The hands are not that great, and the feet are the silliest things I ever saw, a 'boot' shape with a foot texture. I am appreciating Witcher 2 much more now...LOL.


Anyway, I (and many others I'm sure) will be waiting for some body mods. :thumbsup:

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