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Don't like freedom?


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"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington


Violence just breeds more violence.

That fundamental lesson is not to be taught and always ignored by those temporarily in power. They have to experience it at first hand first, as usual.



"We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box."

--Theodore Roosevelt


Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.

-- President Thomas Jefferson.

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So all judges and lawyers are stupid? It's not like these people can sue and win on their own.


Considering that a fair few of them go into politics, what do you think? :D


Dishonest sure but it does take some degree of intelligence to pass a bar exam. I agree that many people are stupid but that is no excuse to take freedom away, it is the stupid people that should adjust, not the rest of us.

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So all judges and lawyers are stupid? It's not like these people can sue and win on their own.


Considering that a fair few of them go into politics, what do you think? :D


Dishonest sure but it does take some degree of intelligence to pass a bar exam. I agree that many people are stupid but that is no excuse to take freedom away, it is the stupid people that should adjust, not the rest of us.


Unfortunately, the moment you try to get them to adjust they rant on about how we're taking away their freedom.

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"Don't like Freedom?"

Here's a nice one. A man named Lloyd Shoefield in San Fransico wants to ban circumcision. Schofield's proposed ordinance would outlaw the procedure throughout San Francisco, even for religious reasons. Schofield maintains that under his proposed law, adults would be free to opt-in to circumcision, but minors would not be allowed to have the procedure until they reach 18. He sites a 1996 Federal Law that bans female genital mutilation and practicing male circumcision violates the equal protection clause.


Now there are several problems with his proposed ordinance. The biggie is the Religious Freedom guaranteed by the Constitution. Several world religions pratice male circumcision but the obvious one is Judaism. Maybe Shoefield doesn't know what a Bar Mitzvah is, or maybe he does and doesn't care. For those of you not in-the-know, a Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish ceremony. When Jewish boys reaches the age of 13 they participate in the ceremony. Childhood is set aside and they become responsible for their actions. They bear their own responsibility for Jewish ritual law, tradition, and ethics and are privileged to participate in all areas of Jewish community life. Now here's the kicker. They can't have a Bar Mitzvah UNLESS they've been circumcised.


Shoefield also sites a Federal Law prohibiting female genital mutilation. There's a problem with this too. The pratice of female genital mutilation was outlawed because it MUTILATES. The female gands is REMOVED. The male equivalent would be having the head of the penis removed. Circumcision doesn't do that.


I'm going out on a limb here and state Schofield's proposed ordinance is anti-Semitic and unconstitutional. Don't believe me?



This comic depicts our hero 'Foreskin Man' battling evil characters like 'Dr. Mutilator' and my personal favorite 'Monster Mohel'. A Mohel is a Jewish man trained in the religious function of circumcision (Brit milah). If anyone bothers to read the comic they will see evil gun-toting Jews assaulting a mother so they can mutilate her son. The blonde, beach going hero 'Foreskin Man' saves the day. NO, I am NOT making this sh*t up and YES it is driven by Matthew Hess. Hess (that name sounds familiar) is a member of a Bay Area group of 'intactivists' who want to ban circumcision, even for religious reasons. Guess who else is an 'intactivist'? Yep, Lloyd Shoefield.


I've read the comics. The only comparison I can draw is the anti-Jewish propaganda of Nazi Germany. It IS that bad. Why did I post all of this? Because the members of the intactivist movement are RABID LIBERALS WHO WANT TO CRUSH RELIGIOUS FREEDOM FOR ONE GROUP. I keep reading posts in this thread by liberal Nexus members and they point fingers at Conservatives and claim some sort of moral superiority. Rigid social controls against others!?! WTF do you think this proposed law and comic book is?


Progressive and liberal ideals ARE the antithesis of freedom. The days of the liberal social elite are coming to an end. Americans are wising up and the liberals who think they are smarter and better than regular people will realise being the Übermensch of Obama's Utopia ain't all it's cracked up to be.

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"Don't like Freedom?"

Here's a nice one. A man named Lloyd Shoefield in San Fransico wants to ban circumcision. Schofield's proposed ordinance would outlaw the procedure throughout San Francisco, even for religious reasons. Schofield maintains that under his proposed law, adults would be free to opt-in to circumcision, but minors would not be allowed to have the procedure until they reach 18. He sites a 1996 Federal Law that bans female genital mutilation and practicing male circumcision violates the equal protection clause.


Now there are several problems with his proposed ordinance. The biggie is the Religious Freedom guaranteed by the Constitution. Several world religions pratice male circumcision but the obvious one is Judaism. Maybe Shoefield doesn't know what a Bar Mitzvah is, or maybe he does and doesn't care. For those of you not in-the-know, a Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish ceremony. When Jewish boys reaches the age of 13 they participate in the ceremony. Childhood is set aside and they become responsible for their actions. They bear their own responsibility for Jewish ritual law, tradition, and ethics and are privileged to participate in all areas of Jewish community life. Now here's the kicker. They can't have a Bar Mitzvah UNLESS they've been circumcised.


Shoefield also sites a Federal Law prohibiting female genital mutilation. There's a problem with this too. The pratice of female genital mutilation was outlawed because it MUTILATES. The female gands is REMOVED. The male equivalent would be having the head of the penis removed. Circumcision doesn't do that.


I'm going out on a limb here and state Schofield's proposed ordinance is anti-Semitic and unconstitutional. Don't believe me?



This comic depicts our hero 'Foreskin Man' battling evil characters like 'Dr. Mutilator' and my personal favorite 'Monster Mohel'. A Mohel is a Jewish man trained in the religious function of circumcision (Brit milah). If anyone bothers to read the comic they will see evil gun-toting Jews assaulting a mother so they can mutilate her son. The blonde, beach going hero 'Foreskin Man' saves the day. NO, I am NOT making this sh*t up and YES it is driven by Matthew Hess. Hess (that name sounds familiar) is a member of a Bay Area group of 'intactivists' who want to ban circumcision, even for religious reasons. Guess who else is an 'intactivist'? Yep, Lloyd Shoefield.


I've read the comics. The only comparison I can draw is the anti-Jewish propaganda of Nazi Germany. It IS that bad. Why did I post all of this? Because the members of the intactivist movement are RABID LIBERALS WHO WANT TO CRUSH RELIGIOUS FREEDOM FOR ONE GROUP. I keep reading posts in this thread by liberal Nexus members and they point fingers at Conservatives and claim some sort of moral superiority. Rigid social controls against others!?! WTF do you think this proposed law and comic book is?


Progressive and liberal ideals ARE the antithesis of freedom. The days of the liberal social elite are coming to an end. Americans are wising up and the liberals who think they are smarter and better than regular people will realise being the Übermensch of Obama's Utopia ain't all it's cracked up to be.

You seriously are sounding like Glen Beck...


Like seriously.


There is so much in this post that I could reply to, but ill start with the first thing.


If your a baby, you can't make your own decisions. Why does it make sense for your parents to be able to cut off your body parts? Some older religious required human sacrifice, we better start allowing that since the constitution says so right?


Its completely logical for you to let the child grow up and decide on their own, not have their parents decide.

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Its completely logical for you to let the child grow up and decide on their own, not have their parents decide.


And effectively disenfranchise Jewish youth from their religion. Like all liberals you're willing to invalidate a religion and religious practice you don't agree with. The thing is, these 'intactivists' are anti-Semetic. They get to have 'their say' while wrapping themselves in the Constitution and wiping their asses with the parts they don't like. TYPICAL and what we have come to expect.


And also, since a baby can't make it's own decisions YOU want the government to make decisions, not the parents. Yet again you have proven how flawed your 'reasoning' is.


Okay, marharth. The government will decide what your child believes, NOT YOU. YOU have no say in how your child is brought up. Because YOU follow a religion the government doesn't like YOU cannot raise your child in that religion. HOW does that sound to YOU? How does it feel having your organic rights stripped away and your child not being able to follow a tradition YOU love and hold holy?


That is what you are suggesting for others so it must be okay for YOU.

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Its completely logical for you to let the child grow up and decide on their own, not have their parents decide.


And effectively disenfranchise Jewish youth from their religion. Like all liberals you're willing to invalidate a religion and religious practice you don't agree with. The thing is, these 'intactivists' are anti-Semetic. They get to have 'their say' while wrapping themselves in the Constitution and wiping their asses with the parts they don't like. TYPICAL and what we have come to expect.

It doesn't have to do with being anti-Semitic, it has to do with not letting parents cut off body parts.


The constitution protects religious practice to a certain extend. You can't claim you are part of a religion that allows human sacrifice, then go around kidnapping people and killing them for your religion can you?


The Jewish youth do not have a religion until they decide what they want to beleive, if their parents force them into it it is not their religion, it is their parents.

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Its completely logical for you to let the child grow up and decide on their own, not have their parents decide.


And effectively disenfranchise Jewish youth from their religion. Like all liberals you're willing to invalidate a religion and religious practice you don't agree with. The thing is, these 'intactivists' are anti-Semetic. They get to have 'their say' while wrapping themselves in the Constitution and wiping their asses with the parts they don't like. TYPICAL and what we have come to expect.




Kendo, I do not want to get into it with you, but you are really annoying the crap out of me. I disagree with almost everything you say, but I do not feel the need to define you as some sort of "flaming right wing fruitcake", or whatever the current term is. You go ahead and believe what you will, but please stop using expressions such as, "like all Liberals". I don't believe you would recognize a true Liberal if one walked up and stood nose to nose with you. We all have rights to our beliefs and to the expression of same. But not all of us believe the same thing or the same way. Argue with those with whom you are posting, and leave the rest of us out of it. I will have my say with you very soon, and then you may feel free to say whatever you like about me, as a Liberal; but unitl then do not deign to assume that you have any idea about what I think or believe.

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Its completely logical for you to let the child grow up and decide on their own, not have their parents decide.


And effectively disenfranchise Jewish youth from their religion. Like all liberals you're willing to invalidate a religion and religious practice you don't agree with. The thing is, these 'intactivists' are anti-Semetic. They get to have 'their say' while wrapping themselves in the Constitution and wiping their asses with the parts they don't like. TYPICAL and what we have come to expect.




Kendo, I do not want to get into it with you, but you are really annoying the crap out of me. I disagree with almost everything you say, but I do not feel the need to define you as some sort of "flaming right wing fruitcake", or whatever the current term is. You go ahead and believe what you will, but please stop using expressions such as, "like all Liberals". I don't believe you would recognize a true Liberal if one walked up and stood nose to nose with you. We all have rights to our beliefs and to the expression of same. But not all of us believe the same thing or the same way. Argue with those with whom you are posting, and leave the rest of us out of it. I will have my say with you very soon, and then you may feel free to say whatever you like about me, as a Liberal; but unitl then do not deign to assume that you have any idea about what I think or believe.



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