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Face normals locked along axis


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I'm working on an object, and all of it's face normals are locked along the Y axis. This problem is specific to just the one object, new objects or new files are completely fine. Extruding along the normal is the same as extruding along the Y, and the draw normals option shows all the lines pointing one way. Faces with normals that are at X/Z or almost at X/Z have very short or non-existent normals.


If I make a new mesh with new geometry, the problem does not appear. If I copy the geometry into a new object, the problem persists. If I add mesh to the old object, the problem translates to the new mesh.

Here is a picture of the problem on a spherical shape which should have normals in pretty much every direction: http://thumbnails35.imagebam.com/13700/87ef35136999350.jpg

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Hmm, I've had this happen too in 3ds max, but I can't remember if it was actually some sort of viewport bug (and it was fine upon re-opening the save after restarting max) or if it was a smoothing/geometry problem. I hope someone can help you anyway.
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That fixes it; I still don't know what the problem was though. I noticed that it was really messing with the UV unwrap function. Unwrapping cylinders was giving some bizarre results, but it's UV mapping fine now.
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I have not run into that problem either for Blender.


If you post the non-working file, I'll take a look at it and see if I can spot something out of the ordinary.

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