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People who played the beta survival overhaul, how was it? Is the new save mechanics satisfying or is it too frustrating? did you like that feature?


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That was an interesting video. The save on sleep feature makes the game harder and I have had to repeat some long game sessions (killing the first deathclaw) but you could also make the argument that disabling fast travel forces the player to repeat running down the same tracts of land going to and from one's base. As long as all of this is within an OPTIONAL mode for playing the game I don't have a big problem with it. After playing the game a few times in normal mode my interest in replaying Fallout dwindled. For me, this new Survival mode has rekindled my interest in the game MUCH more than the dlc did.

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So, Fallout 4's Survival Beta makes the survival in New Vegas look like "B*tch Mode". While I find the extra challenge fun, I later found it to be TOO difficult. The decreased carrying weight essentially means that you can only carry what you need. Nothing more. 'Cause all of your carry capacity went toward carrying what you need. Unless you make a character with 6+ strength from the very beginning.


The problem is the damage. I hear people often say that they made it so that both the player and the enemies deal more damage, but I only see it happening from the enemies. I got killed by a stingwing. Singular. One. F*cking. Stingwing. At level 9. Damn thing just flew up to me and killed me in two hits, and since it's faster than me, running was out of the question.


I think the problem is that Bethesda took a 'go big or go home' attitude with the Survival Mode, to the point where it just wasn't fun anymore. After spending twelve in-game days fighting off an infection I got on day 2 from the molerats at Red Rocket, I finally, FINALLY, managed to limp into Bunker Hill. The whole time, I had this infection that made it so I was having to sleep every few hours, because I didn't find a single goddamn bottle of antibiotics. Not to mention constantly racking up other stat penalties because I was using so many chems just to stay not dead from the infection. The whole expedition to Bunker Hill took me a good solid 5 hours because I was always having to go around groups of enemies that would kill me the moment they looked at me, and because I needed to save for real life matters, like going to bed so I could go to church in the morning.


And what happens? I get screwed by typical Bethesda geometry glitches and fall through a goddamn floor, and the fall is fatal. Five hours. Gone.


If, perhaps, they allowed you to choose your options for survival mode, I'd love it. If you could modify enemy difficulty so you aren't running like a b*tch from bloatflies (yes, I got killed by bloatflies. At level 7. It was humiliating.), or perhaps keep everything else but allow you to save whenever, or even just made it so that you can sleep as long as you need, regardless of the bed type (as someone who has slept in a sleeping bag, I can tell you, if you're tired enough, you WILL sleep more than 3 measly freakin' hours).


So, yeah. I installed Survival Mode at 9pm last night. I turned it off at 6pm today.


What Bethesda SHOULD have done was make it like New Vegas, where you can toggle Survival Mode on and off separately from the difficulty. 'Cause honestly, sometimes, I just don't have enough time to d*ick around with running back and forth for the loot. If all my goodies are stored in Sanctuarry, I really don't want to spend two hours going back to Sanctuary JUST to change my clothes.


And I don't want to have to fight a raider camp JUST so I can save the game and go to work in the morning.


'Cause I'm not in high school anymore. Haven't been for ten years. I have sh*t to do. and I don't want to come home from a paused screen to find I lost 4 hours of gameplay because the power had a temporary hiccup while I was gone ('cause that happens alot where I live, usually when so,me dumbass squirrel chews on a power line). I play games to have fun and relax, and RPGs like Fallout, as Gopher said in the previous video, are played for a story. I want a story. I want an interactive story. I don't want to increase my stress levels. I get enough of that at work.

Edited by Jerohan
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For me, this new Survival mode has rekindled my interest in the game MUCH more than the dlc did.


Same here

117.9 hours in the last 2 weeks

ive found a double shot impro rifle on level 7 from a god damn ghoul
you cant imagine how happy i was :D
Guess what i tried then?! Esc -> Saving ... oh yes, there was something
And now be carefull when you search for a bed
That mode is just awsome. I play much more carefully, i loot every sh*t. I craft every chem and cook every meal i can
I refill empty bottles with water!!!
Things ive never done before because i had no reason. Its a much better Fallout 4 now then on release 21.11
But i need the console! Not for the 'tgm' oder 'tcl' crap, ive got a bugged quest and i need the setstage command :(
but still absolute brilliant mode
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What you're saying doesn't make sense. You have to sleep every few hours yet walked for 5 hours straight? Which is it? In that 5 hours you couldn't find a place of refuge to sleep and save? That seems difficult to believe. We can agree console should be enabled though so you could TCL and unstuck.


For any matter getting a bad infection and having to struggle to find a doctor is exactly the way Survival mode is supposed to be. The Bethesda forums are full of people who think Survival mode sounds fun but as soon as they get an infection they can't immediately cure or are inconvenienced for a while they hop on the forums and complain that they need to toggle down the difficulty. Infections need to be more than cosmetic, you shouldn't just pop antibiotics casually any time you get one.


I'm sorry but no, you need to challenge yourself and there should be no toggles so you can just go back to normal mode when it gets difficult. The tense atmosphere of Survival mode comes from knowing you can't tone it down even when you want to.

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What you're saying doesn't make sense. You have to sleep every few hours yet walked for 5 hours straight? Which is it? In that 5 hours you couldn't find a place of refuge to sleep and save? That seems difficult to believe. We can agree console should be enabled though so you could TCL and unstuck.


For any matter getting a bad infection and having to struggle to find a doctor is exactly the way Survival mode is supposed to be. The Bethesda forums are full of people who think Survival mode sounds fun but as soon as they get an infection they can't immediately cure or are inconvenienced for a while they hop on the forums and complain that they need to toggle down the difficulty. Infections need to be more than cosmetic, you shouldn't just pop antibiotics casually any time you get one.


I'm sorry but no, you need to challenge yourself and there should be no toggles so you can just go back to normal mode when it gets difficult. The tense atmosphere of Survival mode comes from knowing you can't tone it down even when you want to.


It took me four days to cure mine, not game days. I had to level up three times to unlock chemist. The Doc I found never had the option to cure it lol, and I had to scavenge a fusion core to get my power armor I had abandoned in the field working so I could walk into her rad swamp to find out if she could cure me.


This is why survival is great.

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I loved the survival mode, although the console command being disabled was a bit of a let down but alas I was able to spawn the rebel outfit mod for my character as well as a custom knife before activating survival mode, if you like dark souls this mode is similar, you only save when sleeping which makes you wonder about your decisions, like if you see a pack of wild dogs in a distance and you don't have good weapons it's probably better to avoid confrontation.

For me it took me a day just to do the minute man mission where you have to go to this factory and kill raiders, but then again I play as a swordsman and even with run from bullets perk and melee weapon perks it was quite challanging, I had to think my strategies to engage and kill groups of raiders with a sword (I died often until I succeeded XD) but all in all it was really fun.

You have to eat and drink and rest plus be carefull with your health. When sick I had either to scavange for antibiotics or hunt for the ingredients for it, which in my case meant dealing with mirelurks, good thing I just send dogmeat to retrieve them for me without disturbing mirelurks nest, also had to do it at night as one of the ingredients is glowing mushrooms which are better seen at night.

Basically every decision you make in this mode matters and affects your character, because if you die you might have to do all over again XD

Edited by scot
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  • 2 weeks later...

There's so many beds/mattresses/sleeping bags laying around that I don't think I've ever lost more than 30 minutes gameplay. That said, I think that there should be an autosave when you complete a quest. Having to redo a whole quest because I died heading to the nearest bed is frustrating.

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There's so many beds/mattresses/sleeping bags laying around that I don't think I've ever lost more than 30 minutes gameplay. That said, I think that there should be an autosave when you complete a quest. Having to redo a whole quest because I died heading to the nearest bed is frustrating.

Save on enter town/settlement would be good.

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