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LaserLaserLaser... Please?


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...that, and it's an alternate history so it's very likely that these real guns they're porting in would never exist. But that's what mods are for, I guess.


Actually, it's very likely that the reason you don't see these weapons is because designs evolved into what you see in FO3's Chinese and US Assault Rifles. I'd argue that it's even more likely to encounter these older weapons compared to Fallout's "Modern" fair.


That being said, I wholeheartedly agree, we need more pewpew.


We could use the pulse weaponry, too.


Also, i think the Tesla Cannon could use a massive redesign to fit in alongside the tesla rifle.


You know that "barrel" mod that extends two prongs out on the sides? I imagine those in place of the 'fronds' the original tesla cannon had. 6 of them arranged hexagonally.

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Yeah... I'm actually on putting remakes of the vast majority of the energy weapons in Fallout 3 and New Vegas into Fallout 4 :)


Tesla Cannon is definitely a big priority of mine.



I just want more classic fallout 1-3 weapons. Where's my Bozar and Plasma Caster? Classic-style laser weapons would be appreciated too.


Plasma Caster is also something I'm planning on doing.

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I've got some on the way.


Fusion Rifle




Van Buren Laser Pistol/Rifle




Communaut Laser Pistol




Plasma Defender (still got work to do on the textures, but it's coming along nicely.)







These are such beauties! I've also noticed that people tend to neglect energy weapons; least, compared to the regular small guns and the like. That Communaut Pistol in particular looks pretty different from the standard Wasteland fare, which is really great. I've always loved, loved, loved, the design for New Vegas's Euclid's C-Finder, even though it's not precisely a proper energy weapon. It's very round and cartoonish, and reminiscent of Pizza Planet, which would go perfectly with Paladin Lightyear. Meanwhile, I assume serious modders wouldn't want to make what basically amounts to a silly toy gun...Right? Eh? Eeeh?

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^ I certainly wouldn't have already made a Nuka Cola Toy Laser since I'm a very serious modder :)



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The Laser weaponry part of the game is pretty much more complete than even pipe weapons since you have big gun. So people are not hasty to make more.


I don't get it. There's literally only four laser weapons in the whole game with mods. Institute, Laser, Musket and Gatling.


Verses the ballistics, which have the pipe semi-auto, bolt-action, revolver, 44 revolver, combat rifle and shotgun, hunting rifle, minigun, 10mm pistol.


If we include the heavier weapons, that brings in the fat man, missile launcher and the Broadsider (which beats out all of the other weapons in the most fun category).


Heck, let's not forget the junk jet.


If you want a mix, there's the plasma weapons and the Cryolator.


Strictly Energy weapons?


We need more.


Actually, you can even make a laser shotgun.

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