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Does your screen freeze? Meaning does the action stop when you hit the tilde key?


Try hitting the tilde aka ~ then look to the lower left hand of your screen. There should be a blinking cursor line. You type whatever console command you want and hit enter. Then hit the ~ again to close the console. Whatever command you typed in should implement then. Sometimes when your background screen is a lighter color, you can't see that the console is indeed open. You should also be able to see whatever you've typed.


I hope this helps!

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Hmmm....well I don't know about that one. But I do remember reading that folks with like Windows Vista (I think, I can't remember for sure) and 64 bit machines may have trouble with this. I think I saw it on Umpa's Animation Dance mod description pages for FO3 and FONV. You might search the Nexus Wiki to see if it is addressed there anywhwere. Hopefully someone else with more experience than me will come in to help.


Good luck with it!

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Open your oblivion.ini file with Notepad (the file will be located in your Documents and Settings folder or My Documents if you're a Win XP dinosaur like me) and then find the line that starts with bAllowConsole. Make sure the value following is one (i.e. bAllowConsole=1). Make sure you're not editing oblivion_default.ini that is located in your game folder. As noted above, some laptops do not have a tilde key (although I get the impression in your case that your keyboard does have one).
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Open your oblivion.ini file with Notepad (the file will be located in your Documents and Settings folder or My Documents if you're a Win XP dinosaur like me) and then find the line that starts with bAllowConsole. Make sure the value following is one (i.e. bAllowConsole=1). Make sure you're not editing oblivion_default.ini that is located in your game folder. As noted above, some laptops do not have a tilde key (although I get the impression in your case that your keyboard does have one).



For those interested here's a mod that allows you to define another key to open the console (useful if your keyboard doesn't have a tilde (~) key). You will need Oblivion Script Extender to get it to work.


I will try both ideas and I'll post the results. Our laptop is a 64 bit Vista, and the tilde key didn't work on Morrowind either- a total pain if your game ever glitches.


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Mine is the same, my console doesn't open when I press the '~' key. I have to press a button on the top right of my keyboard with a '``' and a '¬'. Just below the Escape button. Try that.
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