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what is an FPS without guns/weapons to use on the enemy?


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Well, without the guns it´s just a FP, I guess.


There are games where you have the first person perspective and all but you never actually fight anything. Amnesia and another game I forgot the name on comes to mind.

Edited by Mirocu
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, without the guns it´s just a FP, I guess.


There are games where you have the first person perspective and all but you never actually fight anything. Amnesia and another game I forgot the name on comes to mind.

lol this one make me laugh so hard

you deserved a cookie

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Well the names pretty clear so when trying to define a Genre the first step is to eliminate the additions and get to the core of the subject.


The first response actually started on the right lines but focused on the wrong aspect


FP is First Person, I think we can all agree as to the definition of this part.

So that must be discarded, as irrelevant what the question is asking applies to 3rd person shooters as well.


So now this question has become what defines a game as a shooter.


I would say any game where the main theme is combat.


So is combat alone enough to define a shooter.


Let's test that

Only melee, is that enough? I don't think so, but it's debatable.


Most would call melee only a brawler


Only guns then, is that enough? This is a valid definition and what the OP is asking. So by this definition the answer is obviously, No.


Only guns would be too narrow a definition, as most would say guns and melee are involved.

I would say this is the consensus view. So by this definition again the answer is, No.


There's a valid counterpart to the consensus, and as I have no knowledge of Overwatch, specifically, I offer it as a general case.


A shooter is a combat focused game with a mixture of fighting, it must include ranged weapons, but can also include melee as well.


So a shooter without guns has other types of ranged weapons.

Like bows, javelins, Bola's and catapults.


Using this definition, the answer is;

Of course you can have a gunless shooter, including an FPS.


How we as gamers define these fundamental concepts is something I've been giving a lot of thought to, that subject is a WiP, one I intend to raise.

No Gamer's Definition exists where we can find out what we all agree on and the various alternatives.


Even when you disagree with the consensus, knowing what that currently is can help.

The other main use for a Gamer's Definition source, is stopping publisher's abuse of these terms

Whenever things like DLC and Expansion are misused, it lead's to confused gamers disagreeing, even though they are saying the same thing, with different definitions.


Without even looking, I'm sure it's happened in this debate.



Rereading the posts, I get the impression that a non combat type of game is implied, Splatoon style, yet I'd call that a shooter without lethal combat, but still combat (Not played, so I'm assuming non lethal).


The game my name was created for, Uru: Complete chronicles, has no combat, so it's not a shooter.

That is an Explorer and a Puzzler, and both 1st and 3rd person.

Maybe that's what the no guns thing means, but it can't be a shooter without combat.

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ran across this today and thought to share)




this has to do with a game called overwatch.


any thoughts on this?


Yeah, Activision should ignore them, as usual with these people if you give an inch (remove the pose) they'll try and take a mile (remove the guns).

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  • 4 weeks later...

To add a game to the very small list of nonviolent first-person games, Normality is a first-person adventure game in the vein of Sierra and Lucasarts.

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I would also like to point out that the petition was not serious. It was a satirical petition made due to Blizzards decision to remove a pose from the game based on one dude's complaints (it was later revealed that the pose was scheduled to be removed regardless of the complaint).

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I would also like to point out that the petition was not serious. It was a satirical petition made due to Blizzards decision to remove a pose from the game based on one dude's complaints (it was later revealed that the pose was scheduled to be removed regardless of the complaint).

I would bet real money that particular excuse came up when someone higher up the food chain at Blizzard asked why it was removed. :) (after it had been removed because one guy whined..... I mean, they certainly couldn't admit THAT, now could they? :D)

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