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New beta update


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New Survival Features:

Thirst, hunger, sleep and disease icons will change color based on status.

Survival Fixes:

  1. Less food and drink are required to maintain proper sustenance.
  2. Carry capacity lowered .
  3. Sleep cycle has been lowered from 24 hours to 14 hour days .
  4. Reduced chances to getting a disease .
  5. Fusion cores weigh more .
  6. Nuka Cola Quantums no longer cancel out caffeine effect from Nuka Cola and Nuka Cola Cherry.
  7. Fixed occasional issue with becoming parched or peckish when thirst or hunger are actually satisfied .
  8. Fixed issue where Adrenaline effect would incorrectly persist after changing difficulty level.
  9. When companion is down, a quest target will appear on them.
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Where's the option to toggle each feature of survival mode! that's all most people want! :confused:

But that is not what the gameplay coders want :wink:


And no, they want console and another way to save.

Edited by Boombro
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Well most people are of the belief that console will return once the Beta is over. And the option to save normally or only at beds could very easily be one of the toggleable parts. I think toggles would be the best middle ground between people who want a NV survival mode experience, and people who think this whole Dark Souls saving feature is a great idea.


Sure, if everyone can toggle portions of their experience, bragging about "I beat the game in survival mode, look how big my nuts are! \m/" would lose some of its purpose, but who cares about that in a game that is now and will ALWAYS be a single player game?

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Sure, if everyone can toggle portions of their experience, bragging about "I beat the game in survival mode, look how big my nuts are! \m/" would lose some of its purpose, but who cares about that in a game that is now and will ALWAYS be a single player game?

This not what they aiming for however. You still don't get the intended experience.


Think of it this way to make it easy, gameplay is a craft of art, and when it tries to make everyone happy, it would suck.


Let say NPCs. They are spongy and AI is bad. That because since those who are playing on easy have to been taken in mind to make sure it not hard for them. Same goes for prices, loot, areas respawn, rate of decay when it comes PA etc etc.


If survival aimed to make everything toggle-able, it need to remade to make sure all setting works right.

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Also it needs to break things like Perks and Settlements.


Additional unlisted fixes,

-No settler relocation

-No supply routes

-No "lifegiver" rank 3 regeneration


Other than that sure its kinda fun but lets be honest here.

Its not fun playing without mods.

Its not cool that character is made of paper and Power Armor is Paper Armor....Endurance is a dump stat at least as far as soaking damage and Lone Wanderer 1st Rank pretty much amazing perk still go figure.

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