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Interesting way to start the game in a different way


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So I was starting a new game in Fallout 4 again and I got to wondering what would happen if you go from the vault 111 exit straight into concord and skip both Codsworth and Dogmeat completely and go straight to Preston. I had never done this, dunno why not, but never had. There's unique dialogue from Mama Murphy if Dogmeat isn't with you. Also unique dialogue if you show up in power armor and/or with a mini-gun already. And afterwards when you get to Sanctuary the conversation with Codsworth is VERY different, and there is no "lets search the neighborhood together" part. I really prefer it this way and think i'll do it this way from now on. :smile:


FYI, theres power armor just north of Satellite Station Olivia and a minigun on an enemy INSIDE it. Also a fusion core in the mole rat cave under the red rocket station and one inside the satellite station, of course.

Edited by WaRi0
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Ayup - once you're out of the vault you can go wherever you want whenever you want to go there. Welcome to a Bethesda game :smile:

Explains why I have bajillion of settlements already without going to Concord heh

When Preston came to Sanctuary it already had 10 settlers and established trader routes.

Who needs factions when you can become King of Commonwealth on your own:P

Edited by k361
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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, I did same thing. I headed north from vault, followed north border far east. Made home on Coastal cottage.

Then wandered south, did even some quests, and went back west later. I went help minutemen and after quest went to sanctuary around Red rocket. So I still haven't met dogmeat. I didn't use powerarmor though.

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For some reason I really dislike using Dogmeat. he is really underpowered in this game and gets to zero health waaaay too quickly. Every time I get in a fight, dogmeat goes up to bite someone, gets breathed on too heavily and starts the whole "whine and try to stand up" routine and since hes moving so much its hard to stimpack him too. I'd just rather take Codsworth who can take way more punishment and if HE goes down he is still and easy to repair. :)

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Well, that's probably why the dog is the only companion that counts as being alone for Lone Wanderer. He's not too bad if you use him as just a walking backpack for a Lone Wanderer build.


I suppose you could try putting ballistic lining on the dog armours with Armoursmith or such, but...


... let's be honest, after Automatron, ANY companion that isn't a robot is underpowered. The robots can have INSANE firepower if built right (basically, for the love of Thor, use voltaic and gatlings. And don't put an assaultron head or arms on a ranged robot.) Or they can carry more than any companion, and still do more damage than any of them.


And robot Curie has the highest hp of all robots until the 50's or so. (After that, she has the lowest hp.) Maybe not as useful if you start your game level 42, but you'd be surprised how much extra damage she can soak if you get her right at level 15 and do Automatron with her running point.


But anyway, seriously, I could give Danse a gatling laser and the 3 Tesla (voltaic equivalent) T-60 pieces for +15% extra damage total... and those PA pieces will break all the time... or I could run around with Ada or Codsworth with TWO gatling lasers and a dozen voltaic pieces which don't break. No brainer choice there, really. The firepower of the robots is OBSCENE.


Even giving up the companion perks entirely doesn't really bother me any more, since at that point my main weapon is Ada (seriously!) and she's not affected by McCready's perk or anything. As long as I have a steady supply of robot repair kits, I'm all set, really.

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I made a new character and instead of going and talking to Nick Valentine in Diamond City, I just headed straight for Goodneighbor. You can start a misc quest in The Memory Den in which you can use the memory loungers to relive the scene where your char's spouse was killed and Shaun was taken. The lady then tells you to see Nick Valentine anyway, though. I thought that was pretty interesting. Also, if you remember where Nick Valentine is when he is being held captive by Skinny Malone and head directly there without talking to his secretary I think there is a slightly different dialogue when you rescue him.

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