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Interesting way to start the game in a different way


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there is a way to start though it maybe not that different than going to sanctuary but since you mention olivia you can try like you don't know it by going to the Abernathy's farm first that way you can get to know olivia... and getting whole power armor and Abernathy farm quest done, and now you're part of farmer :smile:

having pick up melons.... tending crop and get pay for it, and there is merchant to resupply but not anything fancy...


or swing east and go to outpost zimonja and taking out raider there and getting your own premature fatman in the game.... if you're up for it.


or swing to green-top nursery which also has traveling merchant...


if you really really.... want to go overboard... try to go to murkwater if you're survivalist expert :D


or just go to downtown Boston find dead scavenger body revealing treasure of Jamaica plains.... or maybe just go near cambridge police the open area you can found Jamaica plain flyer there, be a pioneer for town like settlement!!


or straight into diamond city and start as hobo......and became a scavenger. trying to climb above and buy yourself that sweet diamond city home.


and lastly i really want to try this since I also start new game, taking back castle without minuteman..... and see Preston reaction. or what will happen. ( please if you already do that don't share whatever you find here i'm try to see it for myself :sad: )

Edited by virsia
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Well, that's probably why the dog is the only companion that counts as being alone for Lone Wanderer. He's not too bad if you use him as just a walking backpack for a Lone Wanderer build.


I suppose you could try putting ballistic lining on the dog armours with Armoursmith or such, but...


... let's be honest, after Automatron, ANY companion that isn't a robot is underpowered. The robots can have INSANE firepower if built right (basically, for the love of Thor, use voltaic and gatlings. And don't put an assaultron head or arms on a ranged robot.) Or they can carry more than any companion, and still do more damage than any of them.


And robot Curie has the highest hp of all robots until the 50's or so. (After that, she has the lowest hp.) Maybe not as useful if you start your game level 42, but you'd be surprised how much extra damage she can soak if you get her right at level 15 and do Automatron with her running point.


But anyway, seriously, I could give Danse a gatling laser and the 3 Tesla (voltaic equivalent) T-60 pieces for +15% extra damage total... and those PA pieces will break all the time... or I could run around with Ada or Codsworth with TWO gatling lasers and a dozen voltaic pieces which don't break. No brainer choice there, really. The firepower of the robots is OBSCENE.


Even giving up the companion perks entirely doesn't really bother me any more, since at that point my main weapon is Ada (seriously!) and she's not affected by McCready's perk or anything. As long as I have a steady supply of robot repair kits, I'm all set, really.

A little bit off point, but I just wanted to share: If you put the regenerate hp torso modification on Curie when she is a robot, she'll retain the effects even after she becomes a synth. I'm not positive it works with all the torso mods, but I know it worked with that one--at least, up until Wasteland Workshop was released.

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Even giving up the companion perks entirely doesn't really bother me any more, since at that point my main weapon is Ada (seriously!) and she's not affected by McCready's perk or anything. As long as I have a steady supply of robot repair kits, I'm all set, really.

I do pretty much the same, except, I don't use Ada. She talks too much and has an unwanted opinion on everything I do (usually my character's alcohol consumption) and I just end up ditching her straight after finishing the DLC. Instead, I build my own robot, usually with a certain unique helm, almost everything else top tier parts, and just a plain male voicetype. No personality. If I want a bossy male follower I'll go get Danse, lol.


My current robot, Lucifer, is awesome. The only times I dismiss him is if I want to go solo, but that's rare as there really isn't any situation where I *can't* take him. No one comments on him or complains about him. He's pretty much invisible to other NPC's and factions. Why would I want a human/creature companion ever again :D

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My current character did a little exploring and one side quest before going into Concord. I already had a full suit of T-45 by the time I made it there. It's fun to do things like this, there are a lot of alternative conversation bits you never see if you follow the usual path.

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I've done that before too, although with an Assaultron voice instead. Nowadays i just keep Ada around, though, since, well, it saves me buying the materials for a new robot, and she IS pretty supportive of whatever I'm doing.

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  • 3 months later...
Iirc there is actually an entire dialogue chain with Codsworth if you do the entire game without talking to Codsworth after leaving vault 111. Edited by CiderMuffin
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whoa lone wanderer works with dogmeat?!
my personal suggestion, would be almost, to try to do a no settlements run with exception to what you really really need (like for the quest to get into the institute and then ignore the stuff), and go full scav/scrounge using dogmeat and lone wanderer
just to really change things up, no homebase basically etc etc, caps are your "storage" because they weigh nothing, etc etc
alas, I think some mods might be in order to make that more viable though, one thing I've been wanting to see is bolt-action rifles' being a *lot* more useful in general, because of their high damage-to-ammo efficiency, where automatics literally are just about burning cash for damage and explosives/grenades are situationally useful - would probably have to reduce heavy weapons' weights and missile/fatman + ammo weights a little for this to work out, but it'd be neat

the exception I'd have is for cooking places, make one and a bed for any settlements you might have, but aside from that, when you *find* a weapons workbench, you really appreciate it, and keep to no more than 10 scrap in storage total of any type, unless there's recipes for certain things that require more in which case... go for that number - everything else is you or your companions carry it, and ditching power armour I guess is okay at settlements

Edited by tartarsauce2
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