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Mesh Problem

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..What's a bsx flag node and how can I add one?


Edit: I just realized that I started work on this running a copy of Blender portable/not version 2.49b. Is that a possible cause?

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Just try fixing the normals, yes they are still flipped no matter what way you look at it. The normals are pointing in the reverse direction as the face point... what normally happens is the exporter flips the faces to face the same direction as the normals but that hasn't happened. they are just backwards. :unsure:


and add the BSX flag node.


If your problem still persists, then look at this blender version. One thing at a time.


I have no idea if blender portable will have any issues. But the just add that missing node and flip normals and see, because from looking at it there isnt anything to suggest that it has any other issues..

Edited by Ghogiel
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Interesting.. THe normals are flipped the opposite direction in NifSkope than they display in Blender.


I've corrected all the normals so they appear correct in NifSkope, but it's still got the same problem. I'm starting to think it might lie in that this mesh was begun in a later version of Blender.



Edit: Just checked the version of the portable one I downloaded. It's 2.58.


Here's the mesh I've got right now in case that helps. Temporary UV and texture slapped on for clarity.



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as far as I can tell not much besides some sort of normal issue... Just checking, but you did recalculate normals in blender before export?


Turn off vertex colors.


spells>batch>update tangent space


Then try rclick>mesh>flip normals.


I'll shade terribly because everything is on one smoothing group. But it should render normally in game at that point. If it doesn't then I'll try it in game.

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