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Oblivion Start-Up Crash

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I used to have Oblivion GOTY on my desktop, which had Windows 7 on it. I now have a new laptop with Windows 7 on it as well. When it was on my desktop, it ran fine, but when I tried to install it onto my laptop, when it is supposed to get to the load screen, it crashes automatically. I have no idea what is going on, and I have looked everywhere possible for a solution, but to no avail. IF ANYONE CAN FIGURE OUT THIS PROBLEM, OR IF THEY HAVE THE SIMILAR PROBLEM, PLEASE POST IT, ANSWER OR OTHERWISE!!!!!!! I really want this to work on my laptop! PLEASE HELP!!!!
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Helpful info to provide:


System specs - CPU, GPU, RAM...


Vanilla or moddod install?


If you use mods, post your load order.


Folder the game is installed to.


The thing i'm most curious about right now is your GPU.

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My CPU on my laptop is a AMD Phenom II N970 Quad Core with 2.20 Ghz. I also have 8Gb of RAM. I will have to reinstall Oblivion and put in what mods I want, and then put in my load order. My GPU I really don't know about, I will have to look. If anyone can give me anymore insight, that would be much appreciated.
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Using the computer you plan to play the game on

Go here to see if your computer can run the game



You will find the various game we support

Oblivion listed as 'The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion

Fallout3 as Fallout3 PC

Dragon Age listed as Dragon age: Origins

Dragon Age 2 as Dragon Age II

The Witcher as The Witcher

The Witcher 2 as The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Fallout New Vegas as Fallout: New Vegas

Morrowind is not listed, However if you can run Oblivion at all it should run well on your system.


Note: TES V - Skyrim is not listed yet as no one knows what the final requirements will be yet.

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I just did that site where you can test your computer to see if you can run it, and everything passed, its just that since Windows 7 isn't supported by Oblivion, it may not run. BUT, I was able to get it to run on my other computer, which has Windows 7 on it.

Load Order: (I have not put in any mods at the moment, since I just want Oblivion to run, then I will add them)





If ANYONE can figure this out, I would be grateful!


Does anyone know where I can find my GPU?


To answer a previous reply, my game is a vanilla install, it installs fine, but doesn't even get to the Bethseda loading screen, just kicks me right at the bring-up screen.

Edited by russellgates
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From what I read on this site you should be able to run Oblivion on your laptop. The other thing to get right from the start is what folder you install Oblivion. The default location runs into problems with the Microsoft security feature UAC. Install the game to C:/Games/Oblivion/... (and not any subfolder off Program Files). I use multiple accounts on my own machines, an administrator account that I only log into for administrative tasks and a regular user account for all other things including gaming. When I install a game I change my regular account to an administrative account while installing and first run of the game and then switch it back to a regular account. There are a few games that won't run from that regular account even after taking those measures, but Oblivion isn't one of those (I just use Run As and my administrator log-in in those cases). However you set up your machines, I'd at least make sure the account I want to use for Oblivion is an administrative one during the install and first run. Some modern graphics chipsets don't get recognized by the installer on first run, but usually all that happens is the game starts and uses the default settings for graphics (640 x 480 screen resolution). That can be changed later. Another thing to check is your settings in your Catalyst control panel. Make sure antialiasing (AA) is set to application controlled or off until you get things working (application controlled should be the default). Give these ideas a try and see how you make out.
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