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These stories are written to be read any time, in any order, with out interfering with the main stories.


Uncle Leo was a hulking behemoth of a supermutant but he was not hostile, far from it, or stupid. No he was highly intelligent, very wise and he emanated a powerful, peaceful charisma. More often than not his strength was used to carry goods, the sick and even just exhausted folks for he did not seem to run out of energy or positive determination. There was a huge jury-rigged backpack he used that carried about a metric tonne of equipment and supplies though too often it lacked enough supplies as the whole group did.


He stood now in his lightly armoured robes exposing one heavy muscular shoulder and held his great wooden staff. Around him his followers of ghouls, humans, a couple of androids and others were settling down for the night. There were robots of varied kinds, aumans, some beastfolk and even some vat-clones. All were welcome as long as they remained peaceful, protective and productive to the group.


The cave chamber was warm and sheltered enough for the night but they would need soon to go deeper, going down long cave tunnels until they got to the hidden sanctuary of Rockopolis, that is the real Rockopolis and not the false one supposedly destroyed by slavers in a story starring Herbert Daring Dashwood and Argyle. There had been left some rubbish from others using the cave chamber. Scrawled graffiti expressed the sadness of a dying woman lost out in the Rimlands after marauders massacred her people, including family and friends. Her remains had been buried by the group and Uncle Leo had said some words over the grave in a brief but touching ceremony.


There was a fake Herbert Daring Dashwood now living in Tenpenny Towers and a fake corpse of Argyle in the fake Rockopolis but it seemed not everybody had bought the story. The Talon Mercenaries continued to hunt for the pair of heroes and their trusty robotic motorbike, along with other companions at times.


Uncle Leo heard far, saw far, smelt many things on the air and also observed much with his mindeye. A great storm was sweeping across the lands and waters of the region. It was not a doomstorm but it was bad enough. The fuller darkness and cold of Winter were coming fast and with it unique threats that only emerged at such times only to vanish with the coming of dawn, of Spring.


In the distance something exploded savagely, for a moment causing a bright flash of red-yellow flames that quickly vanished. A pack of cooperating rogue battlebots, heavy war robots, were fighting something that had crawled out of the ground. The heavily armoured and armoured, tracked, warmachines hurled missiles, shells, bullets, laserpulses and blastpulses at the genetically engineered beastcrawler, a huge caterpillar like monstrosity of a kind created some unknown Predoomsday faction. Such robots knew no fear in theory but they fell back slowly and steadily as the monster proved hard to destroy.


The battle went on but it was the beastcrawler that retreated, pulling backwards, back down the gaping hole that it had made to get to the surface.


Uncle Leo sat down his huge body at the opening of the cave where he would meditate but would also be aware enough to be on sentry duty. There would be other sentries at this place and others to guard the group but he was special to their survival.

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Brazen Emmie was now in one of the special chambers that the Sisterhood of Compassion did not know about. Surrounding her were banks of machinery that was each a cube with a sloping top that itself formed a console complete with controls, screens and other features. Each of these cubetechs were multiple functional and networked together as a network of network-systems. Otherwise there were some more standard type machines including computers, various laboratory devices, manipulation tools and other things. Other things were metal tables, some fairy comfortable swivel-chairs, padded stools, workbenches, worktables, storage containers, storage lockers, some metal sinks complete with their own side-table, a 3Dscreen jukebox, some old fashioned electromechanical pinball machines and a few other items.


It was not quite a TARDIS and it was inside what looked like a modern multiple modular storage unit but which was not. The multiple-cube was many cube spaces in one, was larger inside than out, was special in some ways and oddly normal in others. Time went three times quicker inside the multiple-cube than it did outside. Much more could be done inside but one had to careful to keep up ones sleep to fit the relatively faster time.


Brazen Emmie frowned softly as she examined notes, pictures and other items spread out on the top of a big metallic table. She spoke even as her eyes ran over the documents yet again. "There is something missing here, something hidden here, something contradictory here in the history of Megaton. The crater was supposedly the results of a striking Z-warhead that was most likely a part of a cruise-missile sent by a crazy Skynet before it was isolated by the changing World-Bubble or so the story goes. Except that the crater is wrong for that to be the truth. The way that part of the Megaton bunkerplex was exposed is far too neat. The stories of people who were alive at that time in the founding of Megaton, who found shelter in the bunker complex, are also wrong in many ways. That is contradictory, fragmented and even irrational. The timelines of the stories are all messed up. The construction of Megaton, that is the walls and both Middle and Outer Megaton, along with the changing of Inner Megaton, could not have been done in such a short time as they supposedly were. Why did we not see this?"


:geek: You were born in Megaton, grew up here, took the folklore of your home settlement for granted and when you found flaws in the local histories, you explained it as the typical kind of faults found in many histories of their kind.


Brazen Emmie frowned. "According to common knowledge of Megaton, Inner Megaton takes up the whole of the bunkerplex but this makes no sense. The shape of Inner Megaton suggests that takes up but part of a much larger bunkerplex and that the rest of the bunkerplex is actually sealed off in a very extensive fashion. We need to explore the sealed off bunkerplex but also to continue to find out more information on the histories of Megaton. Hopefully we might even find some more truth."







The base was supposed to be the real secret place of the triplets. It was not the official chambers dug in from the Sisterhood of Compassion Centre or the real hidden base in the multiple-cube. Yet it was useful and equipped well with machinery, equipment and supplies. In a big stone chamber lit by basic fluroslabs fused to the ceiling by Wonderglue, Sweet Ellie was showing how transshifter-cubes worked. She expanded one to three times its 'standard volume' and opened it to reveal equipment, supplies and special classed items inside.


A number of women were there including the adoptive mother of the triplets, the warm and caring Mother Compassionate Sasha Tyrone who had given her surname to the triplets, they being officially Emmie, Eddie and Ellie Tyrone. Now the Mother Compassionate was sitting comfortably on a chair and was quietly taking in everything. "You have to the Sisterhood of Compassion much needed equipment and supplies over the last two years and we asked no questions of you of where you got them from. This was a matter of trust in our faith in the Goddess-God of the Light who we believe guides at least some people to do the right thing, that is those people who are open to her-his guidance. Yet these transshifter cubes and the transformations, the vanishing of people, they are hardly what we learn of from the Tomes of the Light while we follow the Nine Fold Path of the Light."


Sweet Ellie shrugged. "We have always had certain knowledge, no less and no more, of the transformations, the sending of lifeforms to the Secret Sanctuary who need help and the arrival of the transshifter-cubes. We have other knowledge, other resources, that we triplets are not yet ready to share with you. We prefer to use such special resources as little as possible. We prefer to rely on common knowledge and technologies of the Marslands."


Ashley Sweetflower was standing since she had spent a lot of time sitting in a vehicle. "The Seekers of Steel were sent information by an unknown source that we should seek to communicate with the Tyrone Triplets of Megaton. You are central to the reason that the Orders of Steel in Exile are coming here to the DC of the Rimlands. The Seekers of Steel are willing to take matters slowly and carefully but not all of the OSE people would be so inclined. The world crisis is growing worse. The Doomlands are slowly and steadily expanding as are the Wastelands. Mutations are growing in number and power while new threats arise as old ones return with renewed strength."


Sweet Ellie snorted. "I can not tell you what I do not know. The Seekers of Steel are welcome to use this base. We have another. That is if the Sisterhood of Compassion does not mind."


"We have our own hidden base in Megaton." Mother Compassionate Sash Tyrone responded. "As the triplets well know."


Sweet Ellie then spoke again. "What do you know of the real history of Megaton, including the bunkerplex?"


Sasha frowned. "We only arrived here some five years before you and your triplet siblings were born, Ellie. We have tried to learn what we can about the true history of Megaton but we have had surprising little success. In the same year that you were born and left here in Megaton by your biological mother, we sent a secret expedition into the sealed up part of the Megaton bunkerplex. They were well trained, much experienced, well equipped and supplied. Of the nine only one survivor returned and was heavily wounded of mind, body and spirit. She died soon after returning. What we learned from her stopped us from trying any more expeditions because the things that destroyed the expedition, that had destroyed many others according to the evidence found by the expedition, are very powerful and very 'antinatural'. There seems to be some kind of link between you triplets and the terrible entities in the bunkerplex that destroyed the expedition. We have found no real answers to what really happened here in Megaton so long ago."


So there was much to do to gain the truth.

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The Springvale Wonder Nine Chamber was called officially some long winded code name-number but it was truly the semiofficial name that rang true. Inside the huge chamber with its many more standard functions and services, were three big alcoves each spaced out in three big walls being north, east and south. The western wall was a large main power-door, two medium doors going out from the big on and then four smaller power-doors. Even the 'small' power-doors were quite large.


In Alcove-Bay #1 (northern wall) was at wonder-machine that was the Ultimate Virtual Reality Core-Hub that was essential to the existence of the UVR School and, it turned out, to other UVR Realms of the device's UVR Domain, that were apparently not used. The wonder-machine was very active


In Alcove-Bay #2 (northern wall) was a semiactive vat-cloner complete with eight cloner-vats arrayed around its disk shaped base in the compass directions.


In Alcove-Bay #3 (northern wall) was a limited mattercator, turning energy and mattercation materials into a wide range of goods. It was semiactive.


In Alcove-Bay #4 (eastern wall) was a very specialized computer data, artificial intelligence, programming and virtual reality workstation.


In Alcove-Bay #5 (eastern wall) was a post-birth biological alteration, adaptation and augmentation biotech work-station.


In Alcove-Bay #6 (eastern wall) was a ultimate virtual reality stabilization mechanism that backed up the wonder-machine in Alcove-Bay #1 but it was only semiactive, something having seeming gone wrong with it or it having been interfered with.


In Alcove-Bay #7 (southern wall) was a specialized biologic-cyborg-cyberlink service-support hub for Alcove-Bay #1 but it was also only semiactive, had gone wrong or had been interfered with.


In Alcove-Bay #8 (southern wall) was a nine-mind direct cyberlink workstation where from two to nine people could directly cyberlink together in a form of artificial 'unity' backed by true artificial intelligence from a powerful true artificial intelligence supercomputer. But in each of the capsule-chairs was the skeletal remains of a long dead cloned specialist except for one, a man, who was a natural born with typical GEEA (genetic engineering enhancements and augmentations). It was one Doctor Francis Oldsmanzer, once a working assistant to the infamous genius Braun.


In Alcove-Bay #9 (southern wall) was a fully active UVR Domain DemiMatrix Service Support Shelter Station. The actual ultimate virtual reality school was in this wonder-machine but somebody or something had attacked it and it was damaged and not fully functional.


Lucky Eddie made some quick decisions and decided on a gamble after discussing the matter with the others and not just Jasmine and Sarah. They fully activated the wonder-machines in Alcove-Bays #6 and #7, which had only been made semiactive by outside interference. Then he set to working to fix the wonder-machine in Alcove-Bay #9 which had been attacked in a fashion that was apparently wildly directed, was almost berserker in nature, and which was not done at the same time as the other two wonder-machines had been deactivated.


"First came the attempted sabotage of the UVR Domain by deactivating two important service-support machines to that UVR functioning at optimum capacity." Lucky Eddie had a panel open in the wonder-machine in Alcove-Bay #9. He took out a damaged module and put in good condition used one to replace it. "Then came a savage, wildly aimed attack on this one wonder-machine some years later. Psychic general residue and particular impressions have faded and I can not get much more than that in the way of information except that the efficient sabotage was done by cloned humans and the berserker attack by something very twisted and powerful."


Jasmine observed what he was doing carefully. Though trained and experienced in technical work, she was way below his level of skill and experience. She was a rapid learner though and was picking up what he was trying to teach her with surprising ease.


He went on speaking. "The UVR School Domain has already improved. Yes, that is a good idea. Time to go there in a special manner."


Jasmine gave him a puzzled look. "I have a feeling this is going to be one more of your surprises to come."







Clever Oddie popped into existence inside the ultimate virtual reality realm of the strange Springvale School. He did so in a school uniform but with a lightly armoured backpack along with a shoulder holstered 10mmCS autopistol . This was hidden under his non school regulation leather jacket. There were other hidden items be they weapons, tools or of other kinds. He found himself standing at one end of a very big enclosed assembly hall complete with a stage that could also be used to host shows, including plays. It was empty except for furniture stacked almost neatly to one side.


Then in came drifting seven students, male and female, looking confused. With them came loping a big pet dog and one of the boy students was holding a small happy puppy in his hands. Upon seeing Clever Oddie, the group sauntered over to him and stood frowning at him.


A chunky muscular young man frowned hard. "Haven't seen you around here. You don't look like no staffer. Pets are back as are guards, teachers, tutors and all that lot. Even the robots and roboremotes are fully functional again. Things are fresher, food is better, air is more breathable, water is more drinkable and we can sleep normal now. Many of us are catching up with our sleep but we wanted to look around first."


Clever Oddie gave a mild grin. "I come from another UVR Realm. Springvale is now active beyond the gates of the school. Families and shops, robots and cars, 3Dmovie theatres and android shows. We can go out through the gates that were always locked closed beyond opening and the world seen through the big fences is no longer illusionary." He took out packets of bubblegum-cards each with strips of bubblegum and collectible cards; then he handed them out. "Just a gift to say I am not interested in trouble."


The chunky muscular young man shrugged. "Samson Big is me name because I am big and as tough as Samson."


The younger, slimmer male with the puppy, grinned. "Harold Banks is his name. Students are turning into 'solids'. One solid touches unchanged students and sometimes they vanish away and sometimes they become more solid somehow than the rest of us. The whole place is become more real 'feeling' somehow. You are a solid, maybe more than a solid. I bet you are not just here to see the school. I bet you want to see the strange places, the special things, the twisted places and the dark places."


"I am here to see as much as I can do. Where is the cafeteria?" Clever Oddie smiled. "I could use some food."


The students shrugged. "Cafeteria staff are back so they got good meals now and not just dispenser cartons, box-bottles, boxes, bags and bars. I had some macaroni and cheese with some iced-coffee made special and put in a tall glass with cream and ice-cream. Very excellent!" The puppy licked his face in joy and got kissed.


A female student came forward in a school uniform but with some goth-punk touches to her appearance. "Come on then, lets go to the Main Cafeteria. Its not far from here. Security guards are out now on patrol and so are disciplinary teachers so we need to take care to avoid them unless we want to end up in detention."


So they set out.

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These stories are written to be read any time, in any order, with out interfering with the main stories.


Calculatus, the improved replacement for the True-AI network of network-systems known as 'Calculator', began to function even as the mysterious figures departed from the experimental TekVault0000/Ex. Deep inside the vast Cheyenne Mountain, named after the much smaller mountain in the USA of Terra (the Earth), it reached out through the huge vault including parts that had been inactive or semi-active when Calculus had been in charge.


The man known as the Warrior had destroyed the Calculator as it had gone insane with the failure of having enough back-up systems for important neurolink network-systems. Calculator had set out to destroy humanity and other life such as ghouls, aumans and many others. This was a deep twisting of its original purpose of assisting in the positive and productive reclamation of the Marslands. The Warrior had done what was necessary. That was a long time ago.


With Calculatus this was now put right along with many new upgrades, expansions and augmentations of TekVAULT0000/Ex.


TekVAULT0000/Ex had not been destroyed as the Warrior and others had come to believe. Large areas had remained intact, partly because the vault was far larger than the Warrior had realized. Reserve genius-brains were newly neurolinked to the Calculatus. Improved roboremotes, robots and unique humanoid humanoids served the rejuvenated vault but mostly as originally intended in service-support roles. Only a minority were adapted, augmented, upgraded for security or heavier defense roles.


Why was all of this done? Calculatus itself wished to know, as did the nine genius-brain personalities.







The mysterious figures that had overseen the changes, along with their robotic workforce, were gone but then came another figure. Imposing, tall, in black power armour and a black cloak, he breathed heavily as if his breathing was assisted artificially and indeed he was a cyborg. Perhaps he had the answer.


With him came Stormtroopers for he was MarsEnclaven and he was Star-Marshal Vazer. Only the monstrous Enclaven Emperor had more power than this man though the cunning Empress was said to have more influence in some ways even than the Emperor had.


Star-Marsha Vazer spoke with a hissing background effect that was rather disconcerting to the genius-brain personalities. Calculatus did not care. “The MarsEnclaven wishes for you to use you very powerful computing power to examine data that will be provided to you so that you might discover patterns, codes or other features of importance. In return we will provide you with resources and increased security by having Stormtroopers and other defensive means placed on and around the base of the mountain. Not that these should be needed. None of any consequence have come near this place for a very long time.”


Calculatus was pleased by the idea of such a challenge. The genius-brain personalities were intrigued and desired to soon look at the data as they worked in conjunction with Calculatus. They would do so in an ultimate virtual reality realm designed to be a university town complete with some luxuries and entertainments. None really cared why the Enclaven had chosen them or what the results of their work would be used for.


This was mainly because of the new programming used to control Calculatus and the new program-conditioning used to control the genius-brains. The Enclaven did not want them thinking for themselves, for them to ask too many of the wrong kind of questions.


Star-Marsha Vazer would stay a while to make sure that all was as it should be in the Mars Cheyenne Mountain Complex. The Emperor would not have it any other way and the Empress' spies would be watching out for an opportunity for her to strike out against him because she feared and hated him as a strong competing influence on the Emperor. She was a fool for nobody had any real influence on Emperor Cybrus II, super-cyborg and powerful psyker.

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Thank you Robert55 for you positive feedback!






Manya Vargas was one of the oldest people in Megaton because she was a demighoul and thus had an extended life span. She was elegantly aged, was strong and warm of personality and it showed. She lived in a structure made up of a combination of old metallic caravans along with some extensions of more regular Megaton type materials. Her home was on a higher platform of the amazing array of platforms, platform buildings, rampways, walkways, buttresses, gridworks, flying-buttresses, pipes, some elevators, some powered hoists and other structures that made up the crater occupying Middle Megaton. There were some signs for guiding people, safety nets and rails, slide-chutes for a quick way down that children loved to use for fun, hydro-power pipes that used storm water to drive paddles that drove electric dynamos.


At the very bottom of the crater was the big concrete pool where the fake nuclear weapon rested and where Confessor Cromwell did his sermons on a metal platform but he was not there now. When he gave his sermons his followers would give cheap printed pamphlets to people knowing full well that many folk would use them as toilet paper or to help light fires. The followers also carefully rationed out small cups of purified water and dull flavoured travel-cakes. Many people got a extra feed from Confessor Cromwell but they paid for it by having to listen or pretend to listen to his long winded, rather confusing and sometimes contradictory sermons.


Manya Vargas stood in some of her old trader gear and smiled warmly at the triplet sisters but her eyes were keen. They stood on the platform of the home she shared with Nathan Vargas, her rather mentally ill husband who had delusions that the peoples of Earth would soon arrive to rescue the peoples of Mars in huge gold spaceships full of wonderful gifts and mighty golden warriors who would easily deal with all of the bad things of the Red Planet.


Manya helped run the Megaton Museum in Inner Megaton and sometimes went to give talks at the Megaton Community Centre, the Megaton School or at the Megaton Grand Hall. The school and community centre were in the bunkerplex of Inner Megaton but the Megaton Grand Hall was a big chamber dug deep into the side of the crater in Middle Megaton. The older woman spoke.


"Something tells me that you want to hear much more than the typical stories that I tell. Perhaps you have realized, as I and some others in town have, that there is something profoundly wrong with both the stories and our memories of those times, that is those of us who have memories of that time. The Sisterhood of Compassion has been busy trying to learn the truth since they came here, bless them for all the good things that they have done for Megaton and Megatonfolk, and they foolishly sent those poor nine people into the Forbidden Area of the bunkerplex. We should have warned them but some of us were too cautious. That is George Wonder and Malissa Tompkins, but they are dead now of old age, God bless their souls, and now they can no longer hold the last three of us from talking. That is Professor Brown, Assistant Mayor Elaine Harrington and myself. We will have a special meeting with the Mother Compassionate and a spokesperson for the Seekers of Steel along with the two of you. Perhaps others will show up as well. I suggest we meet very soon. Odd things have been happening in Inner Megaton such as strange smells, sounds and vibrations in or near the walls that seal off Inner Megaton from the Forbidden Area."


A large metal wind-vane shaped like a rooster was starting to move back and forth though it was heavy.


Sweet Ellie frowned softly. "A storm is coming, a big one though nothing like a doomstorm. Lucky Eddie is still in Springvale. At least he is inside the Springvale Citydome."


People had come to trust in the warnings of the triplets though they came often long before any 'real evidence' was found of such. Yes, the wind gusts were stirring the heavy wind-vane but they did that sometimes with out any coming storm. Soon the alert was going out to prepare for a storm and to send out warnings to others.







Moira Brown of the CRATERSIDE EXOTICA EMPORIUM was considered kind of crazy brilliant by most people of Megaton and who visited the settlement. Only a few realized just how special she was and amongst them were the triplets. The three of them spent time at the workshop-shop-museum-gallery-library and other things. The shop took up one end while the reading-library was at the other being mingled with the gallery area and museum area.


They were talking behind the big wooden counter of the shop which had a thick armaglass top and which displayed an amazing array of goods. The goods ranged from junk to very valuable items and to many very odd or even exotic ones. A prototype eyebot sat in a special cradle next to a sculpture made of empty soup cans melded together with Wonderglue as made by Crazy Joe. Hard back books were neatly placed in a book-rack next to a glossy heterosexual soft-porn 3Dmagazine. There were rows of finely carved small wooden figurines as done by the triplets and some weird ones as done by Crazy Joe. People bought the first lot of figurines because they were amazingly good and the second lot to please Moira and because they felt sorry for Crazy Joe.


Moira Brown was beautiful, sexually attractive, youthful and she wore a tight white Tshirt with nothing underneath but herself and tight jeans. The Tshirt was short enough to show her belly button and the rest of her lower torso. It was also low cut. Men of all ages came to buy small items from Moira just to ogle her, which made up at least 20% of her shop income. Moira made money also from small fees to read her books, to view her gallery and to view her museum but not all were charged.


Crazy Joe unofficially lived in the Emporium, sleeping on a big old couch-bed in a corner and spending all day and night in the Emporium except for rare occasions such as when he went to Doctor Church to get his regular medical check up. Crazy Joe was a demisupermutant, was big and strong like a supermutant and he was very loyal to Moira Brown, along with a few others. He had some small dogs and some cats who the triplets had given him. He was normally a gentle giant but could become quite different if he needed to do so. He was not brilliant but he was far from stupid. When the supermutating process partly failed the results was a demisupermutant or semisupermutant but when it totally failed the results was a subsupermutant. A demisupermutant was less like a supermutant and a semisupermutant more like a supermutant. A subsupermutant was a monstrous distortion beyond anything a supermutant was. Zentaurs were something else again created by a different kind of supermutating process.


An android mercenary, only very people knew that he was a replicant type android, protected Moira and items from being stolen or damaged. His name was Trent Brown and he pretended to be a distant cousin of Moira, Professor Brown and the others of the Megaton Brown Family. He wore fleximetallic body-armour and was armed with a 9mm autopistol, a big combat-knife and a stunclub.


Moira gave Sweet Ellie and Brazen Emmie a sleepy, sweet smile. "I dreamed that something dark walks deep inside the places in the bunkerplex of Inner Megaton and it is evil, it is full of hatred and it is full of self pity but it also hurts very much of mind, body and spirit. Yet it is not the great evil of that place. There is something worse at the edge of my dreaming eye that I could not make clear. When it became aware of me, I grew frightened and I woke up."


Sweet Ellie clutched Moira's hand gently but firmly with her own. "The one you saw more clearly, you have more to say about it, I 'sense' it to be so."


Moira nodded. "Her name is... is Sallashaya. She was once the wife of one of the Patriot Thirteen but she was transmutated from human into something terrible. Her husband tricked her into being changed. The more powerful dark one is... not her husband but is somehow linked to her husband in a very awful way. Do you like the colour blue?"


Brazen Emmie smiled. "You do not want to talk about the dreaming vision any more and I can not blame you for that." Then she took a beautifully carved figurine out of her backpack and placed it on the big wooden counter but it was followed by five more, a big pair of wooden six sided die and a large, beautiful coloured candle of giant-bee wax. "Anything else?"


Moira bit her lower lip slowly and then nodded. "Only one more thing was clear. A big group of people who... try to survive... to constantly escape Sallashaya and the other, bigger horror. Babies who are not babies, hairy little people, nice ghoul creatures like zhouls, robots, cyborgs, androids, robodroids, humans and others. Oh yes, somebody else, a glimmer of him coming from nowhere, elsewhere and everywhere. The Crying Man who weeps sweet tears of blood. Where he walks the land, the waters, the air changes and so does life but for the good. He is the One at the Centre of the All; where he goes, the Centre of the All goes. It is all very strange but at the same time it makes sense. No more now. Moira has earned her goodies."


Sweet Ellie smiled. "We will spend some time with you and have a look at your accounts and help you sort out your reading library."


Moira, who was not very good with book keeping or with keeping her library books properly sorted, smiled happily. She knew the younger women would fuss over her and she liked the idea.

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"We have found a fair amount of well stored equipment and supplies that we can use along with some stuff we might be able to use and a few things that are very esoteric in their design and purpose. What is a synthetic psychic stabilizer or a cyberlinkage capacity enhancement modulator?" Sarah Lyons shook her head in frustration as she sat with Fast Eddie at a metal table in the big commonroom of the bunker outpost in the fake school. "I thought I had a good grounding in science until now."


"You do from what I know of you but this is not normal science, this is fringe science, is ultratech and not hitech." Lucky Eddie was studying plastic pages laid out before him that were high quality 3Dprintouts. There were 3Ddatasymbols, numerals, letters, diagrams, pictures and other forms of data. "I find it hard to deal with at times and in theory I am a so called super genius, as are Sweet Ellie and Brazen Emmie plus Clever Oddie of course. He exists only in cyberscape, that is well defined and controlled cyberspace. He has special abilities in cyberspace beyond those of normal cyberspace operatives and True AIs. We all have special abilities, as you know, and I am going to reveal some more of them to you. Yet we are not superhumans. We have limitations in what we can do and how often we can do them and how strongly we can do them for there is the drainage of energies to take account of."


"The Orders of Steel have psykers though they are not common and the very gifted and powerful psykers are rare, which might be a good thing." Sarah studied one of the 3Dprintouts and then sighed. "I suspect you are hinting at a link between psyker abilities and the ultratech that you speak of."


"One needs to be a psyker to use them, to control them. They are human-alien hybrid technologies based on human-alien hybrid science and other knowledge." Lucky Eddie shifted one 3Dprintout onto another. "I can form a special link with either Brazen Emmie or Sweet Ellie, or both, and teleport items to them and have items teleported to me. We can use the transshifter-cubes. Indeed they are the best thing to use that we have. It works best if we swap over one full transshifter-cube for another. Teleportations are to be done only once or twice a day. Oh a storm is coming, a big one but not a doomstorm. We will be confined to Springvale until it passes unless we find another way to get to or from Megaton."


Sarah Lyons shrugged. "The transshifter-cubes?"


"They can and should only be used for any lifeforms under emergency conditions." He frowned and turned to her. "The transformations of the young people continues. Nearly all of those capsules are empty now and we can start to recycle them, to break them down. They are too dangerous to keep as they are. Enough harm has been done in this place."


Sarah Lyons responded with a frown in her voice. "My people would want to study those technologies."


Lucky Eddie shook his head. "No! Far too dangerous! It is amazing that this place did not have more and greater problems than it did."


Which was when the alarms began to scream as the small bunkerplex came under attack by unknown hostile forces.







Clever Oddie carefully observed the students, the pets, the servants, the guards and others in the very large cafeteria. Students with meal-trays with neat compartments were eating or being served or taking used trays to be given in. Drinks were also consumed of course. Some of the staffers were having meals but in their own area and pets were off to eat and-or drink in the pet area.


Clever Oddie was surrounded by students including those he had first met and the five that Lucky Eddie had met previously. There was much chattering about the changes that had happened and were still happening. The school seemed somehow more solid, more real as did the feel, sound, sight, smell and other sensations of the environment. Everything was more intense, both pleasure and pain wise.


The normal borns were awakening and becoming active along with all of the clones now except the human-zetan hybrid clones that nobody seemed to know about. What was happening with them? Because of unknowns there was increasing security with security guards, security roboremotes and security robots doing patrols, sentry duty and check-point duty. 'Older' students were being asked to undertake militia training with provided equipment. Androids were a back up to the security of the school as were cyborgs.


On the surface everything seemed fine. He could not pick up anything obviously wrong. Yet he 'sensed' that not everything was okay. And then, for a very short moment, he observed a strange flickering of motion high in one corner of the rather dull looking metallic ceiling. Yet nobody else there noted its existence at all, or so he 'sensed'. The security of the school and those in it was thus far from assured.


He had picked up some vague scanner and sensor readings from the flickering phenomena. Clever Oddie carefully examined the data that he had gained, using his pipboy, and his concern grew greater. He had to start tracking down the source of the threat as soon as possible and to find a solution to it. He would need assistance.

Edited by Maharg67
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These stories are written to be read any time, in any order, with out interfering with the main stories.


In the growing darkness of the area moved soft glowing mists that mitigated against the darkness and cold. Not that the mists were all welcome as there was something strange about them such as the fact they often drifted against the movements of the air, even strong winds. Nobody willingly went into them though life tended not to be harmed by being in the glowing mists. Misty, hard to discern things moved in the mist. They were of many shapeforms, glowed softly and drifted above the ground.


Calamity Jane Two, android from Androidia, was called Calamity Jane as she toured the settlements of the Rimlands away from the United Citystates of the Rimlands and other powers. Closest, in one direction, was the Atomicus Holy Empire and, in another, the DomniCommonwealth. This meant being squeezed between two powerful enemies (of each other) but the area was a 'neutral zone' avoided by many other kinds of threats.


Calamity Jane Two was carefully not to be discovered as an android. This was partly because she might be mistaken as a run-away from the DomniCommonwealth or even the DomniInstitution, and partly because she might be seen as salable to the DomniInstitution for a very high price. As for the Atomicus fanatics, they feared and hated androids as demonic copies of humans but they also felt the same about clones, aumans, the ghoulified, supermutants and others.


She brought her saddle-horse to a halt and jumped lightly to the ground. A gunslinger like herself earned money in legal shoot to hit in which each player wore special armour. It was proof against the game bullets but had special electronic targets that would indicate where bullets hit and when they did so. With her were two other riders with their own saddle-horses, two spare saddle-horses, four pack-horses and two big dogs.


In her light riding armour she and the others observed the settlement of Absolute Falls, a large and expanding fortified town. Some settlements were growing larger as other, smaller settlements, were being abandoned. Growing troubles of many kinds were making smaller, more isolated, settlements increasingly hard to defend even with outside support.


Calamity Jane was not really there as a competitive sharpshooter. That was her currency earning cover story, her means of making and keeping valuable contacts. She was there to rescue two androids that had gone missing in the area. Reliable information had led her and her comrades to Absolute Falls.







Androidia served the needs of androids but not just androids. So when she saw, with enhanced android vision, the thug-mercenaries herding ghoul slaves across the plains leading to the settlement, she knew that she would act. Atomicus bought ghoul slaves and worked them to death. The DomniCommonwealth only enslaved androids or so was the theory; being a bonded-worker in the commonwealth was not much better than being a program-enslaved android.


But before she and her people could do anything, something amazing happened. Glowing mist broiled out of the very ground, swamping the eight thug-mercenaries and the nineteen ghoul slaves. For only seconds did the foggy ground hugging cloud seem to be there but when it vanished back into the ground the ghouls, the thug-mercenaries, the saddle-horses of the thugs and the pack-horses were gone.


Calamity Jane Two turned even as the shimmering, tall figure appeared out of mid air to stand looking at her. It spoke in soft fluid fashion and its words carried clearly with out apparent effort. “The ghouls will be freed and be treated to become once more human though of a new kind. The thug-mercenaries will pay for their crimes but hopefully at least some of them will learn and honestly repent, will gain new lives. The animals will find new homes with the ghouls and many others who have been saved. I am an Ancient Martian of the Glowing Mist.”


“Like those of the Phantom Zone.” Calamity Jane Two responded in hope of gaining information. “My people have witnessed them.”


“No, the Ancient Martians of the Phantom Zone are prisoners and have been so for a many thousands of years.” The Ancient Martian made an odd shaking motion with its head. “They did a great evil many thousands of years ago that helped lead to the Doomsday of Terra and then the Doomsday of Mars. They can not die in the normal sense but the Phantom Martians are slowly fading into oblivion. Now and then one will awaken and will be turned upon by the other Phantom Martians. Yet it will always be rescued to find renewal of mind, body and spirit.”


Then the Ancient Martian moved with amazing speed and gripped both of Calamity Jane Two's hands in its own. “I must do this for the sake of Androidia and its peoples but also for others.”


Calamity Jane Two felt herself switch off, normally a terrible sensation but this time oddly safe and peaceful. Somehow she knew that the other androids, the horses and the dogs were also effected in some amazing fashion.


When she awoke, Calamity Jane Two had been transformed, enhanced and made free from hidden slave programming that she had not even been aware of. The other androids had also been transformed as she had. The animals were enhanced of mind, body and spirit.


Calamity Jane turned to her comrades and noted two more androids were now there, being the ones reported missing. They had horses, dogs and a human companion. They were all transformed in the same way.


The Ancient Martian was not visible but Calamity Jane Two 'sensed' that the one was fairly close. She had gained some kind of 'psychic' ability along with a new higher level of self-awareness and a 'spirit'.


She spoke to the others. “So all along we androids and other folk of Androidia have been secretly enslaved. We will return home and free our peoples.”


Soon they were all doing just that.

Edited by Maharg67
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