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Character apperance


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I'm aware that you will be able to alter your character apperance right from the start but i was wondering if you will be able to alter his body shape? things like being fat, slim or muscular and so on i noticed something like this being said in Skyrim information i just want to be sure. danke! : )
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Yes, you will be able to alter body shape, but we don't know how much, and what.

Also a great feature is warpaint and scars, really excited to see those.

Very nice now i just have to wait 4 long months :' (



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I really cant wait to see this when leaked. I want my character to be scarred, perhaps on the right side of her face? Something that marks her toughness and brutality but doesn't take away her beauty. Warpaint will be an amazing feature, especially if over time it wears off and can be changed at certain venues i.e Barbers, Appearance change NPC's etcetera. I want to know if Bethesda has included jewellery in the character creation menu, as Oblivion and indeed Morrowind had special jewlerry such as earrings for Orcs and hairbands for Altmer. Im a HUGE fan of jewellery as an accessory in games and the fact that it can have its own lore. I want to see a wide variety of possible accessory's for characters that each tell describe their origin in the world of Tamriel, as in the look and the style and possible carving of the jewellery itself.
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yeah i see your point, but it sounds like you been playing a lot of fable lately lol. i mean i don't want skyrim copying too much from fable like barber shops or w/e i want it to be original.
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I really would love to have a scare on the right side of my charecter's mouth like Altair, Desmond and ezio have in assassins creed. I always thought the scar was awesome.
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