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Texture shows up in Geck, but not in-game


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I finally finished modelling a T-Shirt for my Character. I Uv-mapped, and textured it properly.

I followed the instructions of this tutorial: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_2

After the export, I changed all the necessary things in Nifskope, like in the tutorial.

When I load the piece of cloth into the Geck, everything looks how I want it.

But the problem is, that it is invisible in the Game. Only the Body shows.


At this point I really just don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Any help is appriciated.



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i may be wrong, but invisibility to me would mean it's the mesh that isn't being found properly, not the texture.


If a texture is missing, it doesnt cause something to be invisible, it has a chameleon effect, the game tries to replicate textures found around the item, and it is constantly changing color and texture.

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First of all, thanks for your response.


First, I had the mesh in this directory: \Data\meshes\armor\wastelandclothing05.nif

I changed it to: \Data\meshes\myMods\wastelandclothing05.nif


However, the problem is still there...

And before, there only was a NiTriShape invisible the body-part of the .nif file was showing up correctly.

Edited by Nightfox3
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Thanks for your response


first, the path of the mesh was like steam\steamapps\common\new vegas\data\etc...

Now I tried it with an texture path of an other enabled, working armor-mod, like textures\armor\etc...

But it's still not working.


Another interesting thing is, that many other clothing-meshes have the flag SV_Skinned in the Shader-Flags under: NiTriShape -> BSShaderPPLightningProperty.

But when I add the flag to my own made mesh, it is wierdly dissorted, and changes the location in the GECK preview window, and still doesn't show up.


Another thing: My NiTriShape isn't containing a BSDismemberSkinInstance Node. When I try to copy it from another .nif File, it gives me an error message: Unknown property: "BSDismemberSkinInstance"


If you need any pictures, or the .nif file, let me know



Appreciate your help

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This is actually a common problem. Your texture path has to be relative to the "mesh" folder which is where the search starts. So it should be "..\textures\<etc.>". The "..\" stands for "parent of the current folder". With just "textures\<etc.>" it's starting in the current (mesh) folder looking for the "textures" subfolder, which of course is not present there.



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This will probably end up explaining a lot that you already know, but I just want to go through it step by step.


When you make clothing (using blender), you create your 3d mesh, parent it to the armature (skeleton), and add a texture and UV map it.


For something like a T-shirt, I typically start with a body mesh so that I can sculpt the shirt over that. The body mesh already contains the skeleton, so that makes it easy to parent to. In my experience, blender always does a horrible job with bone weights, so then I have to go and manually edit the bone weights to make it usable.


There's a decision you have to make here, which is whether or not this is going to be a main outfit or more like an accessory type of thing, with the difference being whether or not you want your mesh to contain the human body. With a t-shirt type outfit, the arms are visible. For a t-shirt and shorts, the arms and legs will both be visible. If you leave the body mesh included, this can end up clipping through your outfit, depending on how your mesh is modeled and how you've done the bone weights. To avoid this, Bethesda usually cuts out the body parts that aren't visible, so a t-shirt and shorts would have arms and legs from the human body, but everything else would be removed.


When you make your armor in the GECK, if you have included the body parts (or there are no human body parts visible because your armor completely covers it) then you use the upper body slot. If your outfit does not include the body, then you have to use some other slot, otherwise there will be no body visible.


When you export, make sure everything is selected in blender as it only exports what you have selected. Make sure that Use BSFaderRoot is NOT enabled (when you make statics and clutter objects you will enable this, but you don't enable it for clothing and armor).


As was already mentioned, your mesh needs to be saved somewhere in the \data\meshes directory and your texture needs to be somewhere in the \data\textures directory.


Blender never seems to get the shader flags set properly for clothing and armor. For clothing parts like the t-shirt, you'll need to go into nifskope and check SF_skinned and SF_shadow_map. For human parts like the arms, you'll need to check SF_skinned and SF_facegen and you'll need to change the shader type to SHADER_SKIN (it should be SHADER_DEFAULT for the clothing part). Blender usually gets the rest of the flags right. You can compare the flags to what is set for bethesda's clothing nifs to double-check yours.


In the GECK, make sure you pick the appropriate slot for your clothing/armor. If your mesh contains the body, then use the upper body slot. If you want the default body to be visible (because your mesh doesn't include it) then you can't use this slot. If you are making a poncho, for example, you don't want to use the upper body slot since your poncho will make the character's body and clothing/armor disappear.


That's really about all there is to it. Usually if the mesh shows up in the GECk and doesn't show up in-game, it's because the shader flags are set wrong or the mesh isn't parented to the skeleton properly.

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Thanks for your response


first, the path of the mesh was like steam\steamapps\common\new vegas\data\etc...

Now I tried it with an texture path of an other enabled, working armor-mod, like textures\armor\etc...

But it's still not working.


Another interesting thing is, that many other clothing-meshes have the flag SV_Skinned in the Shader-Flags under: NiTriShape -> BSShaderPPLightningProperty.

But when I add the flag to my own made mesh, it is wierdly dissorted, and changes the location in the GECK preview window, and still doesn't show up.


Another thing: My NiTriShape isn't containing a BSDismemberSkinInstance Node. When I try to copy it from another .nif File, it gives me an error message: Unknown property: "BSDismemberSkinInstance"


If you need any pictures, or the .nif file, let me know



Appreciate your help


The dismemberment node is only used when you get dismembered, like when you get blown up by a grenade. Without it, your mesh may look a little funny when you get blown up as it may be lacking the gore parts and you might see holes in your mesh, but it won't have any effect on your mesh while your character is just walking around in-game. You can skip the dismemberment for now.

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Thank you for the answers




For the last two days I tryied to solve the problem.

Today, I did the same thing again...

Unfortunately no success. I followed the tutorial twice step-by-step and did a LOT of testing and comparing.

I just ran out completey out of ideas, what the problem could be.


Today I'm just too frustrated to go on... :confused:

I will probably stop trying to solve this problem for a little while now.


However, your answers were really helpful. Things definetly got clearer for me.

Thanks for all your answers, if I ever find out what went wrong, I will let you know.



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