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Texture shows up in Geck, but not in-game


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random thing I thought of. are you using a body replacer that may not be compatible with your shirt?


I dont do much clothing/armor mods, so not sure if that may be causing the issue or not since the GECK has it showing properly but in game does not

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Thanks for your tips

Yes, Im using the T6m body-replacer. But how could a shirt not be campatible with it?
When I copy clothing-nodes from other, working armor-mods found on the nexus, to mine, those parts are working. Just my own made T-Shirt is invisible.

Right, this is probably the best idea.


Here is the .nif file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2fac6vl8266yryx/outfitf_work1.nif

Here are my GECK armor properties: http://www.mediafire.com/view/jaz821d45l2qk62/Unbenannt.PNG


The pants, which are on the body too, were not made by me.
The own made T-shirt is the problem.


I appriciate any kind of help



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When you created the shirt, did you parent it to a T6 type armature? Different body types can have different armatures (skeletons).

that was my thoughts as well. Again, dont have the most experience with the different skeletons and their compatibilities, but thought it may be a possibility.

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Ok, now I'm confused :huh:




Before exporting the mesh with blender, i select the body and the t-shirt, -> import the skeleton with the option: Import Skeleton only + parent selected.

So, how I understand that, is that the skeleton is the parent and the body and t-shirt are the children?


I also tried to manually set the two children to the skeleton with: Strg + p -> Make Parent to: Amature -> Create Vertex-Groups?: Don't create groups

Still, the shirt is invisible



An other thing I don't understand is, that in the tutorial (http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_2),

where it says "Copy the Armor shape", I should Copy ONLY the Armor of my exported .nif file to an other already existing file.

But why do I even have to export the body, and the skeleton?



When I compare my piece of cloth and another existing one, I often see that the existing files have the flag: SV_Skinned under Shader Flags, but no SV_Shadow_Map.

In the tutorial, there is sayed that you have to add SV_Shadow_Map to work. Nothing said about SV_Skinned.

Whenever I try to add SV_Skinned to my shirt, It isn't even visible in GECK anymore.


Thanks again,


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Whenever I create a mesh, I parent it creating vertex groups from bone weights. Then, since Blender never seems to get the weights right, I end up editing them a bit.


I don't know why the tutorial is making you copy the armor after you export it. That tutorial isn't the way that I create armor and clothing. What I do is start with my desired body mesh (T6m in your case), create my mesh around that, parent my mesh to the armature (and fix the bone weights that blender inevitably screws up), and delete the body parts that I don't need from the original body (the T6m). Then export, fix the flags in nifskope, and put the thing into the GECK. No copying needed.

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Oh God,

Finally :laugh:


Thank you so much madmongo

Even though I parented the body and the TShirt, the shirt wasn't getting assigned, because it had no bone weights on it.

Now it finaally shows up in game.


But I still got a little problem...


Somehow my head isn't showing in-game.

The hands, however, do... although i didn't even export those (neither the head) with the other parts.


Got an idea?


Thanks again for the great advices. Wouldn't have made it without them.



EDIT: Oh, Nvm, the hands are invisible too. They are only visible in first-person

Edited by Nightfox3
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