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Is this a dictatorship?


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Eh. As long as the staff is willing to acknowledge that they don't know to handle every situation that comes up and admit their mistakes if it was mishandled, I'm kinda fine with the setup here.


...Although, it would be nice if you'd be a little more open to the opinions of experienced non-staff when the current staff has little to no experience with certain situations. I know there's some kind people out there who's more than willing to step in and be an advisor when it comes to changing some things or taking an action...


(No, I'm not one of them :rolleyes: )

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I find it is usually wisest to accept that the Lord of the Land is he who passes down the laws.


Even if the rules don't explicitly state it to be so, one should always strive to conduct themselves in such a manner as they would were they speaking to another person face-to-face. Unless you're a jerkbag. Then you should probably just not say anything, ever, for the rest of all time.




One can argue, in many different ways, that the people of the community are an inseparable part of that community... and that without them the concept of the community would become nothing... but the truth is quite the opposite. One or two individuals take offense to the community, and so they create some kind of controversy. Conversely, those who disagree with those members rise up to the defense of the community and its rules, while those prone to rebelliousness and anti-authority activities will go out of their way to stir up more trouble.


The result is that the community solidifies, and outcasts those that rise up and attempt to cast down the system.


Revolution is relatively rare. When it happens, it usually happens suddenly, and in a singular burst of violence and aggression. Revolutions happen when new ideas bottle up and explode outward throughout the group uncontrollably. But unless the majority are made to perceive that they're being abused or mistreated or criminally violated... the odds of inciting a rebellion are slim to none.


What you do, instead, is unite those who are faithful to the 'Old Ways' against you, the common enemy. Anyone who might have disagreed before turns on you, and singles you out as their new enemy... joining forces in the effort to destroy you.


It's surprising, really, just how similar a private website, with a flourishing community, is quite akin to a feudal nation...


I rather like that someone previously described it as such. It's the perfect analogy.

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Wouldn't dictatorships have chains and whips? Or am I thinking the wrong way?

Haven't you seen some of the mods available on the Nexus? :teehee:

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Wouldn't dictatorships have chains and whips? Or am I thinking the wrong way?

Haven't you seen some of the mods available on the Nexus? :teehee:


You made me spit my coffee on my keyboard :laugh:

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*comes out of the shadows*



I've been a lurker of the Nexus sites since 06, and I remember a time when things where a little more lenient and it was possible to get away with more than you do now. As the Nexus sites have grown, the iron fist has in fact gotten tighter and sometimes it does seem that things are getting out of hand with some of the bans. However, with 2,000,000+ members and growing each day, the rules have to be strictly enforced. As I have learned in life when you give people an inch they'll run away with a mile, so like it or not, a heavy ban hammer is necessary the days.


In the end, I think Robin and the crew are doing a fantastic job at keeping the Nexus sites clean of trash and keeping this a fun community to be a part of.



*returns to the shadow*

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I agree with that thread's OP, and this thread's OP. This is a dictatorship. A large majority of the staff here have an insatiable lust for power and control, a thing that I see quite often among communities nowadays. Freedom of speech = freedom of trolling (as long as it doesn't get over the edge), there's nothing wrong with voicing your opinion. If Robin or the other staff members think there is, then they don't understand the basic principle of life: humans are born with natural GOD-GIVEN rights, that NO ONE may take away. This applies to only the US? No. It applies to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE.


Also, Robin, Sarah Palin is not a dictator. She's a great lady who is probably the only person who can save the US from the doom it's destined for. Do your research before slamming a person.


@Coreypikes - The Nexus sites aren't fun anymore, nor is the community as nice as it was. I've seen this change in the past year I've been here.

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When we are in the case of a Dictatorship, I tend to difer to my handy guide of what to do


Step 1: Did I piss the mods off?



Step 2: If N continue about my existance


Step 3: If Y, promptly apologize and pray that the powers at be don't decide that the almighty Banhammer is the appropriate tool to use on this poor fool



If all else fails: Beg for forgiveness, because what do some mods enjoy more than good ol' fashioned begging?

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humans are born with natural GOD-GIVEN rights, that NO ONE may take away. This applies to only the US? No. It applies to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE.


Freedom of speech does not apply to private property so it is not EVERYONE and EVERYWHERE. If you think so then by all means go ahead and try to criticize your boss openly or go into somebody's house and call his wife/her husband an ugly lump of meat - then, when you are fired / thrown out, please try to sue them for violating your right to free speech. The court will put you straight on the issue.



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