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Oblivion can't find master file oblivion.esm

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what Fonger means is: Never ever, jamais, avoid like the plague, "insert some more harsh warning words here" install games on either C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) or Documents or any "specially protected" windows Vista/7 folder


Just create a folder under the main partition's level and be used to install games there, something like:


C:\Games would do the trick nicely and keep things organized.



PS: Actually the only thing the UAC controls with iron fist is the user him/herself ... in the end it is a BIG security hole since it forces things like using the special "The Administrator" account among other yet more dangerous things, like messing with folders and files ownership and/or permissions, to point just a few reasons... and all this just to play a simple game.

Edited by nosisab
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Yes, it totally changes things, we just can't imagine why the ESM can't be located on Windows XP, which means you should provide more information about your install environment.


Things like if you come from a reinstall and the /data is at the place is stated on register it should be is a good start point... other than this, the file may be corrupted to the point it's not recognized as ESM anymore, or in lesser extent, you don't have access rights over it for some reason.


PS: if the highlight in the former post annoyed you, it was not on purpose. I just wished it being visible not only by you as by any newcomer using Windows Vista or 7, since those folders are the main culprits for most problems involving access rights and "disappearing" assets.

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WinXP does not have UAC, so it doesn't matter if it is installed in the program files folder or not. However, you still need to be signed on as an administrator. as Oblivion does not like non administrator accounts. :rolleyes:


My first guess is this is not the first time you have installed Oblivion on this computer, and some of the older Windows Registry entries are causing problems. Possibly a failed first install.


Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the WIKI section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.


Second: you have a antivirus or antispyware program that has decided that the Oblivion.esm looks suspisious and is blocking it.


My third guess is you have a pirate version and have been pwnd by a bogus version. :tongue: If this is the case - was the time you have already spent on this worth the small amount this 6 year old game costs now? Don't be so cheap, buy the game.

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Specifically the folder for the most recent version of robert's male body.


It claims that it "Cannot delete m: The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name."


Now "m" is certainly not a long name so I'm going with not valid.


If I go into the folders and try to delete it folder-by-folder, as I've been doing, I encounter multiple instances of "m", and when I try to delete them sometimes it claims that it "Cannot delete m: Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use."


All instances of "m" that are not already deleted are of the "Access Denied" variation. All they contain are Bethesda Art Files which apparently carry no data.

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Access denied can be the file is write protected or is owned by another user - possibly another account of yours.

And it's possible that 'm' is a file placed by a virus or spyware and needs to be cleaned. ( I did not look to see if that mod has a file named 'm') Windows will also not allow a file to be deleted if it is in use at the time. A favorite trick of viruses.


You may try renaming the file. If you have ownership you should be able to do that at least. Be sure you are running as administrator when you try this. Give it a new name at least 4.3 characters ( 1234.xyz )


Here is a program that may help to kill it. http://www.softwarepatch.com/software/moveonboot.html (NOT the 'free scan' thing)

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