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Editing Unique Weapons


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Hi All,


Before I start, I would like to mention I am an absolute novice with modding, and I may be pretty naive about what I'm trying to achieve.


I have been attempting to make the unique weapons more unique, as they are currently just legendaries with a name. I therefore want to edit the unique weapon base stats so that they are different somehow to the regular weapons.


Unfortunately, I seem to have hit a brick wall. I used Le Fusil Terribles as my test weapon. I have managed to create an override for the leveled item, which points it to new leveled lists, which then point to new custom weapon stats. When I add the weapon to my inventory using player.additem 00225771, I get the weapon with test name in my inventory as expected sans legendary effect, with the new test damage stat. However it has no effect on the actual version you can find in Libertalia, which still seems to be using the standard CombatShotgun stats.


I have looked into the Libertalia interior, and all I can find are references to a dummy object under 'Persistant' in the Captain's Cabin cell. I looked through 'Temporary', and while I see references to standard weapons (Combat Knife and Machete), there is nothing that says to me 'this is the gun you are looking for'.


Is there something I'm missing here, is it not as simple as I thought it would be? I went in thinking uniques would have their own entries under 'Weapons'.....



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Have you considered making a brand new weapon that is mostly the same with some changes instead of overriding something that already exists and just place the new weapon in the area where you would normally get the original version? It's not as seamless, but it might be easier to pull off and allow more flexibility.

Edited by noahdvs
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Have you considered making a brand new weapon that is mostly the same with some changes instead of overriding something that already exists and just place the new weapon in the area where you would normally get the original version? It's not as seamless, but it might be easier to pull off and allow more flexibility.


After checking it out, just adding new weapons manually does feel like a far easier option. However, I seem to be stumped by being unable to remove the original unique weapon from the interior. As it stands, I'll just end up with duplicate weapons all over the place.


EDIT: It appears starting a new game works. I would prefer if I could avoid this, but with the survival mode coming at some point in the future, it may be no bad thing.

Edited by BrianUK
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Interesting so instead of placing a reference, apparently they place markers for the unique weapons. The one in the captain's cabin is:
CustomTerribleShotgunMarker [REFR:0022DD48] (places DummyNoEdit_Ammo_CombatShotgun [MISC:000B3634] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of Libertalia01 "Captain's Cabin" [CELL:0011E7EC])

Which places DummyNoEdit_Ammo_CombatShotgun [MISC:000B3634]
That is only a stand-in for the weapon

Because it's actually placed by:
CustomItem_DoNotPlaceDirectly_TerribleShotgun [LVLI:00225771]

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