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OBSE 'couldnt inject dll' problem

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umm, i could only think of deadly reflex, unnecessary violence and that throwing weapon mod

i havent tried the mounted combat feature in deadly reflex because id rather run around like the rest of cyrodil (but mounted spellcasting mod works, dont know about mounted swords and trampling)

deadly reflex: shield bashing, kicking, and all others work

unnecessary violence: kills me and gives me that '...functionality disabled and youre dead, dont come crying to me...'

throwable weapons: again crashes when i try to throw anything


the reason why i want to throw a weapons is simple, id love to see some guy impaled with the dragon killer


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I ran the game from Program Files on a machine with Win7 for a couple months, and never had issues with OBSE. Are you using OBSE 2.0? Earlier versions may not support some of the more advanced functions.
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I've no personal experience with any of those, but reading through this post gets me thinking your problem could stem from installation order and/or load order. I'm sure that Deadly Reflex, Unnecessary Violence and a weapon throwing mod will all have specific skeleton requirements (perhaps conflicting, perhaps not ... research is required) and where ever any two try to change the same animation files the last installed will be the one the game tries to use. If animation Z is added by mod C and works with mod A & C, but not mod B unpleasantness will result. BOSS often has recommendations for conflicting mods and Wrye Bash is used to try to resolve the conflicts.
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While i use Win7 Home Premium and never tried the beta, i doubt that this has anything to do with your OS. It's possible if you have the game installed to program files, but you seem to have eliminated that as a possibility.


The only dlls OBSE should be injecting are from the OBSE plugins files. If you are missing a required dll, or maybe have redundant dlls installed you could get this error. Try running the game through the original Oblivion Launcher. If it works, i'd say that you are missing a part of OBSE or one of it's plugins.


Note; even if you have a lot of OBSE-dependent mods, the game should still work fine even when loaded this way. The extra functionality added by OBSE won't be there, but this should not cause crashing.


When do you get this error message? Does it cause CTDs?

Edited by eric31415
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is it because im running windows 7 beta or it doesnt have anything to do with it?

BETA? How is it that you are still running a BETA version of Windows 7? I assume you are talking about a build 7000 series....either the leaked version which showed up on torrents that came with a nice little trojan packaged with it or the one officially released by Microsoft which should have expired in 2009.


The last release candidate program expired on June 1, 2010 and therefore, no BETA or RC version of Windows 7 should be running right now.



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wow i feel retarded

after installing the windows7 final no more 'couldnt inject dll' errors anymore

but i still wonder why deadlyreflex throwing still doesnt work..?

any hints?

ive tried deactivating everything but deadlyreflex, started a new game, and when i would throw a weapon it CTD

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