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more flaming


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I have witnessed much flame bait recently which you would not expect to be. While such topics such as politics and Religion Vs. science are banned, I have seen many topics which are near this criteria which I will name in a second. Anyways, the main issue in my opinion is that, some people attempt to find a way around the system to stir up similiar debates. Other times, there are totally different topics which may lead to downwards spirals of anarchy and flaming. here are a few topis which to me, ae allowed, but may need at the least, close monitering.


National Heroes-


While this may not seem very wrong, It can lead to many issuse and ocassional, flame wars. Since many of tes sources residents are international, national fever may sometimes grip these topics and turn into flame wars. A good example of this (this topic does not exist, i am only making it up) is Vlad the impaler, Hero or tyrant. Many in Romania today see him as a national hero and and savior who interduce various reforms and stopped the Turks from invading ther land. as such, many Romanians see this individual as a national hero and fervantly celebrate him. Of course, many see this man as a tyrant and mad man. Those of middle eastern or Greek ancestery find this figure most repulsive as he conducted wars of genocide on Gypsies and the varios Baltic kingdoms to the North. I am not going to go into a full history lesson of why the various hatreds, but the point is proven. People of different ancesteries have diiferent veiwpoints on different characters of history. Sometimes, these veiws border on the line of fanactism. I have seen first hand such argument on places such as youtube, and these debates long term often bring no good. While these topics are not all that bad, they can often lead to deplorable situations.



Conspiracy Theories-


This is a hotly debated subject as it insults victims of tragedy or down right insults people who are very patriaotic. While such topics have never hit these forums, I am almost certain that this would lead to trouble. A good example of this are those who believe that the 9/11 attacks were a govermant attack. This no doubt if ever posted would automatically stir a hate war, especially those of American descent.

i believe it is clear that these topics can and would (if given the chance) start a stark controversy.


Pornographic material-


While i am sure there s a rule similiar to this, I believe it is something somewhat diiferent. Anyways, I have seen a few topics with links to pornography images and movies. While I could care less about porn, many believe it or not take it into offense. I know by fact there are a few feminists, christianns, and a few sensitive folks too whomay find this appalling. I know directly posteing such images is against the rules. But I have seen on the bethesda softworks forums, a tactic which a few have used. The tactic goes like this. they pm there buddies or aquantintces that they will begin a thread on porn. they post a link to what seems like a normal image for say a mod which they have on there acount on photibucket. Whate they do then is link some cookies and vlogs onto the this image which is connected to porno images/movies. this then inserts itself as a mail into your email which contains the said videos/images. not only is this unwanted and on the verge of hacking, it also is illegal. the said person who post the links is a piad subcriber to the said site. the person then take the videos, and distributes the violated material to the said people. This is a ever increasing tactic which can cause great harm.


These said topics I find rather open to flame wars and and other disgracefull activities. I just thought I would point out these issues as I have seen them as possible problems.



Edit: I posyed in the wrong section. someone please move this

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Yes well debate threads are monitored fairly closely as it is... people just have different definitions of when the line has been crossed.


I guess this fits in Feedback/Suggestions.

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I didn't read pretty much any of this thread. Just about to head out the door to iLan31.


Needless to say that I, and moderators on these forums, monitor all the threads here and would take action if we deemed it necessary. That is all that needs to be said. We're not oblivious to these things, we're actively participating in them.

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