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Got £500-£800 on a new PC! :D

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Right, Im allowed £500-£800 on a new gaming PC but I have no clue about specs and stuff. So If anyone could link me to a good computer in the price range or even design me one I would be really thankful.


(If your thinking about designing one:


1. Please include a good Graphics card, I lag a lot on Fallout NV enough :P

2. Isnt Going to break the bank

3. No accessories Like gaming mouse's etc, I already have them.

4. Its got to look nice aswell. :)

5. Got to be able to run other games like CSS, GMod, TF2 etc etc...


Thanks a lot if you decide to do this, it would mean a lot. :) )


So what suggestions do you have? :D

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if you go towards the budget of like 750... Currently It would be sandy all the way imo


cpu: i5 2500k

Fairly cheap Z68 Mobo

570 GTX

8GB 12800C8 Ram

750W corsair PSU


total: £693.94 inc tax and shipping.


The only caveats might be the mobo, tbh I don't know anything about that one, but it is cheap and on offer this week. And the PSU might be a little OTT, but it is a good brand, high output, so you can sleep pretty sound knowing your bases are well covered.


I didn't kill the budget on that one, because you probably want to throw a DVD RW, Case or a new HDD, I dunno there are always odds and ends you could add. But that would be more or less what I would want to see. A 570 GTX and the i5 2500k are the meat on that one. No one is going to argue those aren't good buys,


You could go AMD and probably end up with a similar set up but maybe squeeze a 580GTX out of the budget. Or just go the other route and get 6950 2GB. Which isn't bad idea going with AMD because with the right mobo, a bulldozer would go in there for future upgrade potential. Though we don't really know how good those are actually going to be.


replace the CPU, mobo and GFX card of the above with:

X4 970 3.5 Phenom II

990FX AM3+ Mobo < will take a bulldozer cpu.

6950 2GB (I think might be unlockable to basically a 6970)


total including tax and shipping £610.93


both of those setups would rock. Might have to turn off uber sampling on TW2 though. But near as dammit should rip all games on max and then some.

Edited by Ghogiel
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you should really consider getting a mobo (p67 or z68 whichever) that has to PCI-e x16 slots, that way in the future you can add a second Gfx card in SLI.
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I would go with Ghogiel's Intel Build, personally.. AMD Phenom's are based on old architecture and don't stand on level with a Sandy Bridge, they are a hundred or so cheaper though. Instead of a 970 BE, you could go for the cheaper 955 BE. A 970 is basically just a factory clocked 955. BE processors are built with easy overclocking in mind, as they have unlocked multipliers so you should look into that if you go that route. A 6950 is also a nice buy as nearly all of them can be bios flashed to a 6970.
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