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Mod Picker: The Fearsome Juggernaut


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Also I really don't care if this makes modders buttmad because "muh intellectual property" or whatever, since Bethesda's games all say that you have no IP rights to mods in the first place in their EULA.

Edited by zufield
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Also I really don't care if this makes modders buttmad because "muh intellectual property" or whatever, since Bethesda's games all say that you have no IP rights to mods in the first place in their EULA.

You are wrong - this position has been debunked and discredited countless times over the years.

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Also I really don't care if this makes modders buttmad because "muh intellectual property" or whatever, since Bethesda's games all say that you have no IP rights to mods in the first place in their EULA.

You are wrong - this position has been debunked and discredited countless times over the years.


Yeah I don't care what some Nexus drama queen says, I'm going by the EULA, which is, y'know, actually enforcable.

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Also I really don't care if this makes modders buttmad because "muh intellectual property" or whatever, since Bethesda's games all say that you have no IP rights to mods in the first place in their EULA.

You are wrong - this position has been debunked and discredited countless times over the years.


Yeah I don't care what some Nexus drama queen says, I'm going by the EULA, which is, y'know, actually enforcable.


You should try reading said EULA first then before trying to cite it as a source. You clearly don't even know what it says.

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I don't feel good about it, but thanks to Mod Picker, my mods are now hidden. And no new releases (due to some WIP mods I have are dependent on other, already hidden mods) until the situation is resolved.

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The same users who cannot be 'bothered' to read tutorials and wikis??


No, the millions of users who are perfectly competent. And that's a fine comment coming from somebody who claims that Mod Picker disrespects users.




How are these incompatibilities solved? By the user? Does that not defeat the 'purpose' and take things right back to where they are now?



In order: By the user. Yes. No, it does not defeat the purpose because the purpose of the site has never been to fix mod incompatibilities. Nobody has said that is the purpose. MatorTheEternal has visited this very thread to specifically tell you that is not the purpose. This is entirely your fever dream. Get over it.




The original suggestion (and a few subsequent) was to automate and create algorithms for the process. Compiling the mods into such lists and locking them through 'compatibility patches' is where the legailty of it lies regarding the game/SDK EULA. In a sense creating a platform/client that inserts itself between the gamer and the game.



Again, you have been told that Mod Picker will not be generating compatibility patches. You have been told, repeatedly, that whatever your misconceptions were based on the original press release/advertisement, they are totally unfounded. Please stop referencing your misconceptions based on an earlier announcement as if they are in any way germaine to the conversation.




Before you ask for citation then I shall refer that you to re-read this thread and the ones I have already linked. Your refusal to do so is your choice and I will thus assume it is therefore, simple willful neglect. I cannot help you with that.



BS. It's true, I refuse to read 50+ pages of OFF TOPIC discussion in order to find the one pearl of wisdom you think is hiding there. That's not a citation. You have claimed again and again that there is a "press release" whose contents are influencing this conversation despite having been shown repeatedly to be inaccurate.


1. Stop referencing this so-called press release, as you yourself have stated that it was not an accurate description of Mod Picker so who cares what it says anyway.

2. OR link to the document so that the rest of us can understand what you are referring to. The only person I have seen making the claim that Mod Picker ever planned to create compatibility patches for users was YOU. You have been explicitly told that this is not factual information, yet you persist in the claim that the Mod Picker team once released an advertisement claiming it. You cannot produce this advertisement, only tell me that it is somewhere in 50+ pages of mod authors ranting and rambling about spurious concerns over Mod Picker. I'm not going to do your digging for you.




It is unfortunate that you appear unable (or maybe unwilling) to grasp some relatively simple concepts around how these things fit together. This may likewise help in giving reason as to why you may approve so vehemently of such a scheme as the one in question.



If the concepts are so simple, then why don't you explain EVEN ONE OF THEM? Instead you keep making assertions without supporting them, continually reference PROVEN FALSE information about Mod Picker, and instantly shift the goalpost whenever you find yourself unable to respond to a question. Your participation in this thread has been sleazy, dishonest, inappropriate, and hateful. It's utterly galling that you think you can get off accusing anybody of being underhanded even while casually flinging contemptuous accusations at the Mod Picker team.




I have grown somewhat exhausted of trying to explain the same things to you over and over again while making very little progress. So perhaps because of this, the fact I have already stated the pointlessness of our discussions, coupled with the quoted comment not being directed at you anyway, I would say to take this reply as a issue of courtesy and that you find another person to dicuss this with.



As long as you are here spreading misinformation I'll be here to ask you to back it up. I would respectfully ask that you simply stop lying about Mod Picker, but it appears that you are utterly committed to your dishonest and irresponsible rhetorical approach to this issue.

Edited by lofgren
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That's the last straw. All of my mods have now been hidden in protest against Mod Picker, and I urge all those who can see the truth to do the same.

The sky is falling... the sky is falling... the sky is falling.


Good bye and good riddance. I will not miss them (or you).

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