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Ban Content



46 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be a list or a warning when modders release content that may get them a ban?

    • Yes, we should get a warning when releasing content or 3 days notice to take it down before a ban.
    • There should be a list that is easy to find that lets you know what content earns a ban.
    • No, it should stay as it is now.

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Eh, I don't think lists are the answer. I agree that if you get a chain like so:


Copyright Content -> Rip Artist -> Clueless Modder


It should probably be questioned if the clueless modder had knowledge that the rip artist stole content from whatever source. Some people really do seem to painstakingly recreate a model from another game just so they can legally share the content with the rest of the community, so it's not always fair to say that it looks like the content from game X so it must be the content from game X and you should've known. It doesn't really matter (for me), but it would seem unfair to get banned just because someone duped you.

I agree with this.

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I think in a scenario like you're talking about, our Moderators would be happy to listen to the 'Clueless Modder's side of the story and most likely repeal the ban. Subsequent violation of the rules would probably not be tolerated, even if the first ban was more or less an accident and not Clueless Modder's fault. Once someone has gone through the process of being banned and having it repealed, they should have a good understanding of why it happened/what the rules are and should try and be more careful in the future. This is likely what happened with your friend, hadoumastery.


Also, Nexus does have a list of rip-modders and it is very easy to find: it's called the "Forums Rules and Strikes" forum (I like to refer to it as the "Who Got Banned" forum).


I don't want the Nexus staff to have to hold people's hands. They don't want to either, and they shouldn't have to. They're here to enforce the rules, which are clearly stated all over the website. They've made them as point blank and clear as possible. If someone messes up and uses copyrighted/ripped/no permission resources over and over and they get banned for it...well, that sucks, but them's the breaks, dear. The rules apply the same to everyone, accident, good intentions or no.

Edited by Odile
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Eh, I don't think lists are the answer. I agree that if you get a chain like so:


Copyright Content -> Rip Artist -> Clueless Modder


It should probably be questioned if the clueless modder had knowledge that the rip artist stole content from whatever source. Some people really do seem to painstakingly recreate a model from another game just so they can legally share the content with the rest of the community, so it's not always fair to say that it looks like the content from game X so it must be the content from game X and you should've known. It doesn't really matter (for me), but it would seem unfair to get banned just because someone duped you.



Duh. Do you think we just fell off a turnip truck. pfft We don't ban the victims of Ripoff artists. And : :

We give out second chances like candy at halloween. Give me a break.


I will firmly resist spoon feeding common sense to people. Count on it.

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Copyright Content -> Rip Artist -> Clueless Modder

Yep....the Rip-off Artist is a true scum bag that is a bane on this community and should be shunned by all.


However, there are quite a few people who happily and ignorantly praise these rip-off artists...such as toxa01 / CrushOverwrite / Piz93c. You'd be surprised how many PMs I got from his fans who were confused why we would ban such an awesome modder or those that submit reports saying how the moderators here suck because we banned such "great" authors. :rolleyes:


It should probably be questioned if the clueless modder had knowledge that the rip artist stole content from whatever source.

What?!?!?! Do you really believe there would be any answer other than "no" when asked that question by staff? I have yet to get a truthful answer from a sniveling little thief when asking such questions.


However, I do like to send a very short PM asking them about the particulars of their content (after I already know the answer...just to see if they fess up or not...in which honesty in their reply will determine if they get a slap on the wrist or a permaban).


I have seen nothing in this thread to merit any change in how we are currently doing things. I do see a lot of encouragement in the current system though.


Anyone wanting to browse through the ban threads can feel free to create a new thread which summarizes and lists which authors were banned for illegal content and/or what mods should be avoided.



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" There should be a list that is easy to find that lets you know what content earns a ban."


That's what I voted. Mainly, because if you upload it, people will probably download it. If you show the list beforehand, you'll be preventing a lot more. If you ban them on time, that is.

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Why are we calling rip artists "artists"?

As in Con Artist - Not in terms of paint art, but the art of pulling the wool over people's eyes with lies and deceit.

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As in real life, there are expectations. We expect you to follow the rules, which are plainly stated over and over and over and over.


If you are unwilling or unable to understand the rules, you can always ask a staff member and we will try to answer your questions and concerns.


But once it is uploaded you will be held responsible for what you offer, if it is copyright protected; the door will probably hit you where there good lord split ya on the way out.


As for a list, never going to happen.....they won't read the TOS, the list would be gigantic if it were specific enough to cover everything that you might be banned for.


Best rule is if you did not create it, don't upload it here.


There is nothing more to say.


Don't like the rules, there is nothing holding you here and you may be happier elsewhere.



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Duh. Do you think we just fell off a turnip truck. pfft We don't ban the victims of Ripoff artists. And : : We give out second chances like candy at halloween. Give me a break.I will firmly resist spoon feeding common sense to people. Count on it.

I wasn't trying to imply otherwise. I've read a lot of logs regarding bans when I get bored and I haven't seen any cases where someone ripped content and was banned and seemed to have any sort of compelling argument to defend themselves. And I've seen other artists who I don't know if I can name given the benefit of the doubt in some cases regarding copyright content, although they seem to have wanted to be banned anyway. I'm assuming that sort of consideration is passed on to other artists... I just phrased my post badly, I think.


What?!?!?! Do you really believe there would be any answer other than "no" when asked that question by staff? I have yet to get a truthful answer from a sniveling little thief when asking such questions.

Nah, of course no one happily jumps into a ban, but sometimes the no might be honest. For example, if the user is releasing a single model and they somehow didn't spend enough time checking if it's copyright, I wouldn't blame any of the staff for going ahead and pulling the plug. If you can't take fifteen minutes to check your sources then you probably can't take enough time to release quality content, anyway. However, if a user releases a package of content with, say, 100 items, and 2 of them turn out to be copyright and the rest original, I'm inclined to question what happened there. Would the artist really create or compile a lot of custom content and then post it here knowing those 2 items will ruin their mods if they're found out? I wouldn't, it'd be a lot of risk for next to no reward.


I don't own the site though so it's not really up to me what gets done, I understand, nor am I really complaining. I like it here and there hasn't been anything terribly wrong to me.



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I think in a scenario like you're talking about, our Moderators would be happy to listen to the 'Clueless Modder's side of the story and most likely repeal the ban. Subsequent violation of the rules would probably not be tolerated, even if the first ban was more or less an accident and not Clueless Modder's fault. Once someone has gone through the process of being banned and having it repealed, they should have a good understanding of why it happened/what the rules are and should try and be more careful in the future. This is likely what happened with your friend, hadoumastery.


Also, Nexus does have a list of rip-modders and it is very easy to find: it's called the "Forums Rules and Strikes" forum (I like to refer to it as the "Who Got Banned" forum).


I don't want the Nexus staff to have to hold people's hands. They don't want to either, and they shouldn't have to. They're here to enforce the rules, which are clearly stated all over the website. They've made them as point blank and clear as possible. If someone messes up and uses copyrighted/ripped/no permission resources over and over and they get banned for it...well, that sucks, but them's the breaks, dear. The rules apply the same to everyone, accident, good intentions or no.


Hand holding was never the intention of this discussion. But, making it easier to recognize rip-artists, or knowing what content is bad for you to upload, that is what the discussion was meant for.

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