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Why so much unused space before the borders?


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I am here in regards to the vast, sometimes dodgy looking, empty areas between the "game" borders and the actual physical drop off to ocean world edges.


For the second time recently I noticed these areas, massive, sort of mapped out areas with basic 1 color texture coating the lot, and I thought.. Wheres the mod that fills these areas with random beasties? (Or encounters?) with Invisible Wall Remover out i'm sure these areas are easier than ever to get to as well.


I was wondering why there isn't a mod like that (possibly due to memory leaks or something? Also, would there be a problem with monsters running around out there?


I know these areas don't look all that flashy, but for the most part it could easily pass as arid desert. And we're talking about huge areas here..


But i don't know, this intrigued me, i'd love to try and fill the spaces with encounters if I knew it wouldn't cause problems, or if anyone knew of any similar style mods (I know of BTB, but it has npc roaming issues.. That was a pity cos it's doing exactly what i'm pointing out here, but npcs roaming is a problem..) that are out or w/e.. I'd love to see them.


Is this just me? Because it would literally double the size of the wasteland..

Edited by adman85
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about half of the available map I think is labelled on at least one map of the area as "The Big Empty" or "The Divide" or somesuch and I assume will be featured partly in one of the upcoming DLcs. so I'd not mess around with that until after the DLcs are all out :P
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Well.. Considering how long of a wait that might be lol..


Good point though, I assume this is one of the major reasons it hasn't been done yet.. I'll chalk that up as a con, ty for the input Ruadhan.


So, with this considered and if i'm right, there are plans for the "lonely road" which could in theory take up some of this space, I would have doubted that "old world blues" will be set out there, I assumed it would be a transition to a new worldspace like "honest hearts".. I have no real idea though.


That would still leave a hell of a lot of space.. Does anyone have any info (exact locations etc) on any areas that will be used?


Remember, i'm not talking big changes, just throwing down spawn points, and maybe spray painting the mountains a bit. Stuff that could be removed later quite easily.

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Well Old World Blues is set in the Big Empty, so It might filled sooner then you think, just over a week to be precise.


And I'm betting that if the last few DLC's don't fill in all the space out there, then I guess they would make and update to those outer edges, split them into sections and let the modders go wild.

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I've had a search through the geck to a few areas (and also tried adding some encounters, though I have not tested that part yet) and it does seem like some places are "half built" especially east of hoover dam, where it looks like they got halfway through and then just up and left it for an expansion..


I'm in the process of dropping random creeps around, and I think they will be easy to remove if it conflicts with official DLC. Seeing how I'm already in the process of doing it, Does anybody want to see a mod like this on the nexus? cos I could release a beta version for people who want to help me test it and find good places for encounters etc. It's a bit different if i'm just doing it for myself.

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I've had a search through the geck to a few areas (and also tried adding some encounters, though I have not tested that part yet) and it does seem like some places are "half built" especially east of hoover dam, where it looks like they got halfway through and then just up and left it for an expansion..


I'm in the process of dropping random creeps around, and I think they will be easy to remove if it conflicts with official DLC. Seeing how I'm already in the process of doing it, Does anybody want to see a mod like this on the nexus? cos I could release a beta version for people who want to help me test it and find good places for encounters etc. It's a bit different if i'm just doing it for myself.


As long as it is lore friendly and better made than Beyond the Borders was. That mod did what everyone is describing but the LOD loaded badly and things were placed kind of incoherently. But I am pretty sure they won't be using those spaces, and will be using a worldspace like Dead Money and Honest Hearts (and basically all Fallout DLCs). He said that he regretted not using some sort of visual block for the map on those areas, but he also said that they were never planned for the scope of the game. If you look at the Zion map, it has similar areas that are shown on the map but not accessible, but they are blurred. So I think any modder can go buck wild on those areas if they want. What I would really like is more Legion stuff that would come with access to that eastern portion. What would be absolutely amazing is if somebody made Bullhead City and showed Legion civilians.

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Yeah I figured they had intended to do something with those in the future, but with the way they've been doing the DLC until now it had me thinking otherwise.


As for what should go where. I haven't even started placing buildings or repainting the textures, I've just started putting down some spawn points, and i've been trying to find the "less bland" looking areas (like I said some of them already look pretty good, and spamming creeps is easy). I would love to add lore friendly areas and stuff, but I don't know about civilization (or even a small town etc) as, to be blunt, I'm not that good. I'll definitely try putting some outposts and stuff around, but I may just end up filling them with "bad guys" (Raider types) unless someone wants to throw their hat in the ring and help with that side of things.. (I could put down some one liner NPCs, but if they don't DO anything it seems quite pointless)


So far it's just spawns, to add some more sand to the sandbox really, but if there were enough people involved, and enough effort put into it, it's not impossible to see an AWOP style mod coming out of this. And seeing how much space we're talking about. I think it would be well worth it.

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I'm in the process of dropping random creeps around, and I think they will be easy to remove if it conflicts with official DLC. Seeing how I'm already in the process of doing it, Does anybody want to see a mod like this on the nexus? cos I could release a beta version for people who want to help me test it and find good places for encounters etc. It's a bit different if i'm just doing it for myself.

Yes, throw up a link asap. I like this idea.

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okay Bullhead city sounds interesting.....


Is it on the the legion side of the map?.


Yes, if it were to fit on the map it would basically be the Southernmost Eastern corner.



Yeah I figured they had intended to do something with those in the future, but with the way they've been doing the DLC until now it had me thinking otherwise.


As for what should go where. I haven't even started placing buildings or repainting the textures, I've just started putting down some spawn points, and i've been trying to find the "less bland" looking areas (like I said some of them already look pretty good, and spamming creeps is easy). I would love to add lore friendly areas and stuff, but I don't know about civilization (or even a small town etc) as, to be blunt, I'm not that good. I'll definitely try putting some outposts and stuff around, but I may just end up filling them with "bad guys" (Raider types) unless someone wants to throw their hat in the ring and help with that side of things.. (I could put down some one liner NPCs, but if they don't DO anything it seems quite pointless)


So far it's just spawns, to add some more sand to the sandbox really, but if there were enough people involved, and enough effort put into it, it's not impossible to see an AWOP style mod coming out of this. And seeing how much space we're talking about. I think it would be well worth it.


Well in that area, IRL there is a lot of nothingness. Just well-covered copy/paste desert and a couple buildings with encounters scattered about would probably work. Maybe you can add travelling merchants along the road part, and an occasional NCR patrol.

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