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item model swapping


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hey all,


wasn't really sure where to post this since it's not really tech support (i don't think?) but i was just posting to ask how on the PC one goes about item model swapping? I know, sad as I may sound, i'm a bit of an immersive roleplayer and i wear the armour of the crusader, but i have the eschutceon of chorrol because it is way better than the crusader's shield, but i'd love to be able to item swap them so i have the stats from the eschutceon of chorrol but the vfx of the crusader's shield. Does anyone know know how to go about doing this?


Much obliged.

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It should be relatively simple although perhaps a bit time consuming (like most mods).


First, you'll need something that can extract files from a BSA archive. OBMM can do this. Find the corresponding mesh for the crusader's shield in the Knights.bsa (should be meshes/armor/ndknights/ndshield.nif although I don't know if that's the right one since I haven't played KOTN enough to get the gear) and extract the file to an empty folder somewhere easy to find.


Second, open up the construction set. Load the oblivion.esm (to be safe, load the Knights.esp too). Find the Chorrol shield (have no idea what it's called, it's likely under the Armor folder) in the list. Right click and select Edit. Replace both of the "Biped Model" spots with the mesh you extracted. If you want to be complete, you can extract the ground model and icon texture as well and insert them. Save as an esp.

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hey all,


wasn't really sure where to post this since it's not really tech support (i don't think?) but i was just posting to ask how on the PC one goes about item model swapping? I know, sad as I may sound, i'm a bit of an immersive roleplayer and i wear the armour of the crusader, but i have the eschutceon of chorrol because it is way better than the crusader's shield, but i'd love to be able to item swap them so i have the stats from the eschutceon of chorrol but the vfx of the crusader's shield. Does anyone know know how to go about doing this?


Much obliged.


You mean you just want the shimmer or something from the crusaders shield on the stats of the escutcheon?

I would suggest just creating a new shield from the base of the crusader and apply the stats of the escutcheon assuming you don't mind the appearance of the crusader's.

Using the copy and paste method and saying "yes" when it asks you to make a new id.

There are tutorials on this too.


I haven't played in a while but I remember I always liked making copies.

So once you change in Construction set you can drop into area where you are or console it placeatpc with the new weapon id.

I suggest this because I never changed a vfx reference before but maybe others could help with that.

I may also be mixing up vfx I thought they were "special effects" like spell stuff.

Edited by monster0mash
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I agree with monster0mash. Making a copy is pretty easy. I do know how comfortable you are with the TES Construction Set, here is a step by step to make a copy:


BEFORE you do anything, go to: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data and copy the Knights.esp and paste it some where else as a back up copy. Just in case something bad happens.


Open: TES Construction Set (If you don't have you need to download it. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/The_Elder_Scrolls_Construction_Set )

Open: Select: Oblivion.esm and Knights.esp (Select the "Set as Active File")

Open: Items/Armor (In the Object Window)

Find: NDArmorHeavy(or Light)ShieldX (X = the level of the shield 1 thru 5) and MS16BEscutcheonofChorrolXX (XX = the level of the shield: 01, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25)

Make a copy of the correct type of Knights shield. (Just rename the Knights shield under the Editor ID, example: 00NDArmorLightShield5. I use 00 because the copy will always be at the top of the list)

Create a new object? YES

Now over write the Knights stats with the correct level Escutcheon stats. To get the enchantment: pull down the drop down next to "Enchanting" and select: MS16BEnAppEscutcheonXX.


Now the hard part, where to put the your new copied shield in game? You will need to decide where in the game you want to add the new shield. You will need to find the "cell" under the "Cell View". I suggest you add it to the NDPrioryoftheNineUndercroft * because you are already modifying that .esp file. Double click on the name to make it active. After the view loads up top, select that window, click on the "model" then press: "T". Press "A" for lights to come on. BE VERY CAREFUL HERE. Click once on any object, hold "Select" to rotate the view, hold "Space Bar" to pan the view. Move the view to where you want to drop the new shield. Drag the copy out of the Editor ID and drop over here want it to be. Click on the floating shield. Hit the "T" key to be on top of the shield, drag it all until it over the correct area. Hit the "F" key to drop it into place. This maybe the hardest thing to do. Keep messing around with it until you like what you see. The web page up top be some nice written instructions, enjoy.

Edited by pincus
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First, If you have never done anything like modding, make a backup of your data folder - just copy it to a new folder you make somewhere outside of the game folder. This will save you if you do something to really screw things up.


OR, use this to make multiple copies of your game that you can swap between, essentially one to play and one to use for making mods.


mTes4Manager: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35263

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ok thanks a lot for all the replies, i ugh have to admit i've never delved into modding or using toolsets in any game before, so this will probably be really hard but i'll give it a shot...
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i'm having a bit of trouble with the cell view window. i loaded the priory undercroft, but it's too small and when i try and enlarge the window it goes into the bottom left so it's impossible to see it all. i'm running 1080p on a 32 inch if resolution has anything to do with it?
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right ugh i did it but in the priory undercroft, there is a kind of floating piece of ground with the same door to the undercoft on it any help would be greatly appreciated thanks :) o dear lord and the floor is flashing ! i swear i did nothing for this to happen !!


EDIT: No worries i fixed it ! thank you so much for all the help it worked perfectly :D this was kinda fun, could anyone tell me how to get started if i wanted to do some basic mods? :D

Edited by Arrun
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right ugh i did it but in the priory undercroft, there is a kind of floating piece of ground with the same door to the undercoft on it any help would be greatly appreciated thanks :) o dear lord and the floor is flashing ! i swear i did nothing for this to happen !!


EDIT: No worries i fixed it ! thank you so much for all the help it worked perfectly :D this was kinda fun, could anyone tell me how to get started if i wanted to do some basic mods? :D


For some basic tutorials, check the help wiki for the Construction Set. IMO, the best one to start with is My First Dungeon; it's simple and fun, plus it tells you a fair bit of basics about the editor (and the controls).

Edited by rinoaff33
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The Construction Set Wiki can at times be a bit difficult to find answers on (often they're there but if you don't know the right name of something it can take a bunch of searching). Do a bit of exploring, and don't be shy about bookmarking pages you think may come in handy.
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