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Which Fallout did you prefer? Fallout 3 or New Vegas?


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I personally enjoyed New Vegas much more, due to the implementation of the gun modding, and how much easier it was to command my companions (Instead of telling them to go home by giving them a shot to the head >.>) New Vegas also flowed much better in the story than 3 did, because you go from "Oh hey, your a baby" to "Oh hey, I'm the ultimate BA from the Capital Wasteland". New Vegas had you getting shot in the head to start and you go on a quest to continue your delivery of the package.


Another reason why I enjoyed New Vegas was the fact that the companions had they're own story arcs, rather than being a flat character that was just there to take a missle for you (Except for Fawkes).


What do you all think?

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Personally, I prefer New Vegas, for various reasons. First and foremost, I'll say this, Fallout 3 was innovative and a good game in it's own right, now onto some of the more glaring problems I saw:


1. The most glaring issue I had was the main quest line, as it seemed lazy. I say this because it was like Beth had smashed the story lines of F1 and F2 together and just kind of mashed other aspects from them in there for good measure thinking to themselves "The old fans will love this Pollock* of a Fallout story". Basic breakdown indicates this to me.


F1: Get a water chip to purify water for your vault, in the process fight and destroy a Super Mutant army

F2: Get a G.E.C.K. to save your village, in the process destroy the Enclave

F3: Get chased out of you vault over paranoia and control issues (end of F1), find out you need a G.E.C.K. after fighting an army of Super Mutants, recover G.E.C.K. from vault, get kidnapped by Enclave (happened to your village in F2), recover G.E.C.K. from Enclave while destroying them so you can use it to purify a bunch of water.


2. Creatures were a bit over aggressive in some cases, others were not in line with the original lore, mainly Deathclaws. NV has them function as they id in the earlier games, a decent sized pack in a small area with some territory they wandered into to hunt, were in Fo3, you would see one, maybe two, with exception of Old Olney.


3. The BoS being on the EC, barring FoT as it is only partially cannon (so I have many of t same issues with it, but again, it's good in it's own right), isn't accurate as far as I understand it, although I could be wrong.


4. It is clearly stated at the end of F2 that the Enclave has been destroyed, so why are they back in force on the east coast???


5. Barring the initial part where you learn the controls while playing through your childhood, there should not have been the hand-holding the player was given. For example, as frustrating as it was in F1 and F2, you were basically told what you needed to get, and kicked out to fend for yourself.


6. And finally, this part really aggravated me, you were practically a god amongst the wastelanders with the perk every level and the huge amount of hitpoints they gave you. Sure, upping the amount you get and lowering the weapon damage a LITTLE bit would have worked great, and better than the old system since this one is real time not TB, but the numbers you get at the end were ridiculous.



So, in short, I loved the feel of the old games, and as far as I can tell, New Vegas is much more in line with that.


*Jackson Pollock, Painter

Edited by Sepherose
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@kvnchrist: I played FO3 since release and beat it countless times and I STILL find new things. Fallout is amazing like that. :D



Well I'd love to get FO3 to work on my laptop, but it just runs for a second or two and them freezes up.

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Well I'd love to get FO3 to work on my laptop, but it just runs for a second or two and them freezes up.

Apply more and more duct tape slowly until results are achieved. If duct tape doesn't fix it, it'll likely fry your motherboard, and solve the problem in a different way: just go buy a new laptop that can run it.


In my opinion, though, I like FO: NV better. FO3 was a little too non-linear for me, it felt disorganized. New Vegas always pointed you along well with smaller series of quests. Like, in FO3, I'd get a quest marker that had me going across half the map to the radio station. In New Vegas, I'd get a map marker to go inquire about something just a town away, which leads you to another town and a little more information, and again, and again, but filled with other quests along the way.


Also, I've beat both, but I highly doubt I've even hit 75% of the stuff, though I always find new things during each play-through. And I feel like New Vegas was just a little more polished in the end (making allowances for age difference and such). But I didn't get FO3 when it first came out, so I can't say how un-buggy it might have been. New Vegas had a rocky start for a lot of people.

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Well I'd love to get FO3 to work on my laptop, but it just runs for a second or two and them freezes up.

Apply more and more duct tape slowly until results are achieved. If duct tape doesn't fix it, it'll likely fry your motherboard, and solve the problem in a different way: just go buy a new laptop that can run it.


In my opinion, though, I like FO: NV better. FO3 was a little too non-linear for me, it felt disorganized. New Vegas always pointed you along well with smaller series of quests. Like, in FO3, I'd get a quest marker that had me going across half the map to the radio station. In New Vegas, I'd get a map marker to go inquire about something just a town away, which leads you to another town and a little more information, and again, and again, but filled with other quests along the way.


Also, I've beat both, but I highly doubt I've even hit 75% of the stuff, though I always find new things during each play-through. And I feel like New Vegas was just a little more polished in the end (making allowances for age difference and such). But I didn't get FO3 when it first came out, so I can't say how un-buggy it might have been. New Vegas had a rocky start for a lot of people.



I was thinking about getting me an Alienware laptop a while back. I should have. Does anyone know wither FO3 works on windows7. When I had it on Vista I was able to play it, but I lost interest.

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