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Rain/Snow in Skyrim


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there's videos of todd saying that the snow is dynamic meaning the snow isnt painted on stuff it falls and lands on them.


In a sense, it probably IS going to be painted on stuff. The term dynamic probably means that there is shader that has the visual effect that snow builds up on mesh surfaces. ie on geometry with face normals pointing +z in world space. I doubt very much it is going to be the actual snow particles settling on top of objects after they fall onto it.. and those particles are persistent and then those particle gradually collect to build up snow... no no no, it'll likely be a neat little shader effect. Been done before.


Dynamic simply means exactly that. ie not static. The snow on buildings in Ob was static mesh objects. HOW exactly it is going to be dynamic in Skyrim.. imo looking at other games with dynamic snow is the best indicator on how they will handle snow in SR



About the rain. I wouldn't be shocked to see a rain shader also. Which would have the effect of modifying the specular and gloss value of the objects material making it appear wet. Would be a nice effect. Also been done before.

Edited by Ghogiel
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I don't think that the snow or rain will be dynamic, as this would likely overload the game and ruin it. My guess is that there will be certain region boxes that will prevent rain and snow from passing, and these would be placed under rooftops, bridges and (maybe) trees.
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In a sense, it probably IS going to be painted on stuff.
Actually from what we hear, that won't be the case. They even said that early in the developpement, the particles built up the snow too much and they had to correct it.

Very doubtful. I bet snow particles won't be persistent.


You can even see it in action. exhibit a


Note that the snow shader is applied only in normal values of +z.. t also looks very much like where the models normal map texture has altered/bent the surface to simulate a +z direction. Which is a clever touch.


In this image you can pretty much deduce that the snow isn't totally building on the geometry itself. Those cracks on the vertical side are almost certainly not cut in with geometry. Which can only mean they are represented on screen through the texture. From that you can conclude that while they are still prbably using a particle collider to allow snow to 'land on many objects, it is quite apparent that the snow shader is doing the work, and the particle will have a show life span and will not build up in scene, nor actually contribute to the snow build up effect itself.


Also note the texture compression artefacts in the snow, ie it is displayed in little squares.

Really how big is a snow flake? how many would it take to cover a single roof? do you think particles are able to build up on top of each other?.. without inter particle collision detection? It's like anyway I try to think about it, it just makes that seem so less plausible it just makes me very sceptical that is even possible except on a very small scale.

Edited by Ghogiel
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