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Ever since the Fo4CK has been in beta testing it has had issues with creating and displaying new grass objects. As in, it doesn't.


From comparing vanilla grass objects it seems all we need are:

  • Root NiNode
  • BSTriShape with vertex colors
  • BSLightingShaderProperty


Like literally, that's it. No special shader flags, no BSX flags. But the Fo4CK just chokes and dies. So has anyone else had luck creating new grass for Fallout 4?

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I have had no luck getting new grass into the CK, trying so many different options. I can't be the only one who's tried this. If this is a real bug and won't be fixed then my interest in modding Fallout 4 will have been reduced by 99%.


Edit: and now it works. It seems doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time does work.

Edited by TrickyVein
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