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Why are mods getting so few Endorsements?


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I try to endorse the mods I use as well, I kind of went a little schizo in terms of learning how everything works because I kind of got accustomed to technological illiteracy in a variety of ways until just recently again
the main reason I know about endorsements as an important thing was actually because of the whole furor a few months (a year?) ago over... things
things I won't mention, and I'm hoping I haven't "triggered" anyone else to mention
:> so there's that, now that I know about them, and NMM has an auto-endorse feature, it seems like it's easier than ever, plus occasionally a popup says "hey look do you want to endorse these?" once in a while, and I'm like, absolutely yes

I think slightly more common popups, alongside a simpler explanation like "mods are important for quality control and telling authors whether or not their work is liked so they can direct their efforts to better effect"
something that's small, doesn't take up a lot of space, but is just 1-2 "be nice to buddy, buddy wants to know for future mods what you like" style would work
plus/or maybe something like, something stupidly simple as an aesthetics thing, make the endorse button 1.5 times taller than it is already - leave the other buttons the same
just make it "pop out" a bit without ruining things, people's eyes will be attracted to the oddity

right now I'm looking at a Download (Manual) - Track - Endorse - Vote list and it's like, oh a green line with unintelligible text(it's white, it's readable but difficult), nice
AND there's a green, orange and white advertisement right below it
when I see that, it kills my interest in the button
alternatively, put the line of them 1.2 bigger buttons, and a 1.8 bigger button for endorse, right above the images (away from the gaze deflecting advertisements)

Edited by tartarsauce2
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I only endorse mods if these 3 things hold true:


1) I used the mod for enough time to have used it in a few different situations.

2) Said mod works as advertised. (minor bugs aren't a big deal if it's a very new mod, I report it then wait & see)

3) The mod author doesn't whine about endorsements.


I end up endorsing like 98% of mods I use.


Don't do anything anywhere if receiving a "thank-you" is a motivating factor.

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I only endorse mods if these 3 things hold true:


1) I used the mod for enough time to have used it in a few different situations.

2) Said mod works as advertised. (minor bugs aren't a big deal if it's a very new mod, I report it then wait & see)

3) The mod author doesn't whine about endorsements.


I end up endorsing like 98% of mods I use.


Don't do anything anywhere if receiving a "thank-you" is a motivating factor.

Why not, they're basically just saying, "If you show me you appreciate my mod, then i'll continue to work on it; other-wise i'll assume it's useless."

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with endorsements (I don't know about other more intensive things), that's more or less the case it seems like, there's a lot of redundant mods I noticed but people still go and make them usually
mostly from what I've seen, if they don't, it's because they were only really making it because noone else did
even some redundant mods have slightly different functions

I noticed that a lot of mods have come up for ideas I've been having but only just kind of learned to do myself through rooting through other people's work in general
I have a lot of ideas but my ability to implement has been sorely lagging, it's been catching up but yeah

anyways, point is, I haven't made any mods because I've learned so much that I'm sick of data tables for now, and most of the stuff I've thought up, others have already made a mod for, which is where I start altering data in, to learn how the files work in the first place (because it takes a lot longer to figure it out by scratch)

Edited by tartarsauce2
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with endorsements (I don't know about other more intensive things), that's more or less the case it seems like, there's a lot of redundant mods I noticed but people still go and make them usually

mostly from what I've seen, if they don't, it's because they were only really making it because noone else did

even some redundant mods have slightly different functions


I noticed that a lot of mods have come up for ideas I've been having but only just kind of learned to do myself through rooting through other people's work in general

I have a lot of ideas but my ability to implement has been sorely lagging, it's been catching up but yeah


anyways, point is, I haven't made any mods because I've learned so much that I'm sick of data tables for now, and most of the stuff I've thought up, others have already made a mod for, which is where I start altering data in, to learn how the files work in the first place (because it takes a lot longer to figure it out by scratch)

It's a misconception that if someone does a mod no one else can do that same concept. On top of that most MA's do not search through the mods to see if someone else has made what they are working on. Then you have the situations where a MA feels they can do better than another mod, or the situation like I had where some MA's did not wait for the CK which is bethesda official go ahead on modding and made versions of the same type of mod without the CK, at which point you just make your own in the CK. And of course continuation of work done in previous titles.

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.....Seems like you'll only see endorsements if you make borderline porn mods.....kinda sad too since a lot of amazing mods get tossed under the bus because people are perverts.

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Make a companion mod with a lot of sexual innuendo in her dialogue such as Sofia in Skyrim. You make it and the teen boys will endorse it!

Says the guy who has used the mod extensively and uploaded a ton of pictures of Sofia to my page haha. That age thing as well as gender is nonsense since most of the users I actually talk to are not teen boys and many are even girls, I myself am 26 and I made the mod. Sofia just has a broad appeal coupled with quality content attracting several large demographics.

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The answer is obvious. Endorsing mods is directly linked to enjoyment. If people are enjoying their experience they will shower those supplying that enjoyment with thanks and even adulation. Unfortunately, after playing Fallout 4 for a couple of months and endorsing the valiant attempts by mod authors to circumvent Bethesda's strategy of filling the game with sales making features while at the same time hobbling those features to give everyone the same "even playing field" Commodore 64 experience, getting engrossed in the shallow illogical characters and their weak motivations became a losing battle. People have moved on. Without real player investment as in player creativity, settlement building as is, is not fun... it's a chore. Seven months after release I am still limited by the amount I can build; I'm still limited with the number of items I can have in my build menu and the CK came out far too late. This negative reaction is not mine alone and I have not purchased the DLC; why compound a bad experience?

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