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Gotta love distan lod and its randome textures

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....or up all things considering.:D Anyways, my shaders are not corrupt as I have had this issue before and updated them and found the issue persistent. I found a thread via google that told of a specific setting an flod or fland something that you had to change the number to -1200.0000 or something and that would fix it. It worked, but I cannot remember what line in the oblivion_default.ini to change. Can someone remind me what I'm looking for, there doesn't ever seem to be a thread in the world addressing this anymore since that 1/1000 thread dropped off the face of the earth.
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The only time the file oblivion_default.ini is used is when the game is generating the initial oblivion.ini or recreating oblivion.ini after you've deleted it (a troubleshooting measure which gets the game to recheck your hardware and set the initial settings for your game). You should never alter your oblivion_default.ini. The only safe to edit default game ini file (in other words not generated by a mod) is the oblivion.ini located in the Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion directory for Windows XP or Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion in Vista or Windows 7.
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I know what tweak you're talking about, but try the console command "TLB" first. I'll grab the height setting you wanted to try changing in a sec.






Edit: Found it, but look at the rest of the thread.



..and DO NOT change the default INI. Also, that tweak guide has some unnecessary tweaks in it. I just recommend these: http://tescosi.com/wiki/Oblivion:Oblivion.ini


Doing much more in the way of tweaking beyond cutting down how many distant cells you load will not help much. All you can do is try to get the fastest single core speed you can. Oblivion is simply not well optimized.

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By grey textures you may mean fog. Some utilities change it dynamically (like streamline) based on your machine capability of dealing with it without severe performance loss... or can use this guide to completely tweak the game at will. Edited by nosisab
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I apologise for not posting back, I was distracted having discovered morrowind's cs.:D Fortunately I have not acted brashly and done anything with the default.ini or anything as of yet and did not post back even. My distraction was with my finding that npcs I created with cs did not appear in the game whatsoever no matter what. That is in another thread. I am going to try the tlb command and update this post. I will continue to update this post if no one else posts back so as to avoid double-posting. Thank you for taking an interest in my problems. It means a lot to have a healthy community here.


Update: The command tlb worked wonderfully. I feel like a fool because at one time looking for another code entirely I had seen the entire extracted archive of computer commands at uesp site looking for a code to fix my encumbrance to something more convenient yet not overblown. I cannot believe in my scrutiny of each and every code that I did not notice this one amongst the other toggle commands. (I am ashamed to admit I had hoped the lack of encumbrance limit issue would have been as easy as toggleencumbrance command. I am still trying to find the code to dumb down my encumbrance limit which is currently due to my foolish attempt to set it to 9000 at the number: -21473658. I assume this is as good as limitless and massively unsportsmanlike.)

Edited by 7vincent7black7
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Hey, if you have a screen shot of your problem, could you attach it here or something so I could use it on my website to illustrate the issue.


It's good to hear your game is running well again.



Happy gaming!


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I can take a screenshot, but it may take awhile before I can figure out hwo to get it to appear in this post here. I assume you are talking about my encumbrance being all out of whack.

I used a code to change my encumbrance before and this happend, I cannot remember how. There is one way to set it back to normal but it goes back to meager 500, one time while playing servant of the dawn quest I was arrested willingly and I chose to go to bed. Due to the script that removes some attributes it resets and rechecks all stats on your character I suppose because when I was outside the jail I was suddenly overencumbered and my encumbrance was set to normal again. That is where I started code hunting for what I typed and where I extracted all oblivion codes before I gave up and found my issue with distant lod some days later. So yes, if anyone else used a code to change encumbrance and it became like mine and they want to set back to what it was, just tell them to get arrested and sleep in the bed. That should reset it. I will try to post the pic on this post or maybe a double post.


If you are talking about the morrowind cs issue I can post a pictures with snipping tool of the cs one once I figure out how to correctly insert it here and then do a screenie of ingame pic with all things but the npc. Currently I try to insert pic and it ends with, "What am I supposed to do with this url typing bar?!"

Edited by 7vincent7black7
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