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Creation engine questions


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I say this because all over the nexus forums (FNV and FO3 sections too), people have posted questions about how to make new animations.


By saying this, I don't mean replacers, I mean full on new animation sets.


So I have a question regarding the creation engine.


Can you add in your own animation slots?


what I mean by that is can you add a new animation group alongiside existing ones?


Like say you want to do a fighting style mod and every 25 skill points or so (You know, going novice to Journeyman to master) there is a different set of animations?


wouldn't that be kickass? (Literally)


Going North Star on a Dragon would be so badass.

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Like Nysba said no one knows, however Bethesda have said that the different races will have different animations so it could be assumed that it would be easy to create additional animations. At worst, all that modders would have to do is duplicate a race and apply new animations to not replace the current ones. I hope........
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I bet it is a bit harder to create animations this time around. simply for the fact that there is a whole new layer in them, ie behaviours which might actually be hard to shoe horn into what ever container file BGS uses. Or it could be just as easy, but just more work.


As for the slot... possibly. There is a clear trend in how BGS sets up their systems, for the most part they are just adding empty/useds slots in several arrays. For example there were unused animation slots in F3. a modder could make use of them to add a new weapon animation set.

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There have been a few features that we can infer as an improvement over the Construction set:


Feature #1: Brand spankin' new name! That's right people, we're no longer "constructing" things with a little "set," now we are Creating things... in an Engine! :dance:


Feature #2: Now working on TES Skyrim! Some shocking news with this next detail, gone are the days of being stuck to constructing mods for Oblivion and Morrowind. It's time to break free of the bonds of only being able to mod 2 games with a construction set, because now we can... modify one game... with the Creation Engine! Yeah! :woot:


Feel free to update this list as more details develop.

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There have been a few features that we can infer as an improvement over the Construction set:


Feature #1: Brand spankin' new name! That's right people, we're no longer "constructing" things with a little "set," now we are Creating things... in an Engine! :dance:


Feature #2: Now working on TES Skyrim! Some shocking news with this next detail, gone are the days of being stuck to constructing mods for Oblivion and Morrowind. It's time to break free of the bonds of only being able to mod 2 games with a construction set, because now we can... modify one game... with the Creation Engine! Yeah! :woot:


Feel free to update this list as more details develop.



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I'm curious to know what they meant by "Eliminating pop-up issues".I can't tell if they mean that all buildings, dungeons, towns, and structures are part of the LOD, or if they just pop-in from further away.If you watch the demo (either one), you can clearly see the nordic ruin dungeon at the very beginning from really far away, I hope it's like this with all dungeons and towns and whatnot.It would also seem that dragons are part of the Distant LOD, either that or the actor fade is pushed so freaking far that it shows actors from miles away. Edited by Corakus
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When you said pop-up issues i thought of windows, i really hope they can fix it in such a way that there is almost a zero percent chance of crashing while in windows.


Also id like to see xfire work with a modded skyrim, oblivion couldn't be played with xfire in game enabled or even xfire altogether. Im a competitive player i like me xfire :dance:

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