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Obviously the next Fallout Game will be on the Creation Engine....


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Basically this is just a Ideas and discussion thread for the next Fallout Game.


I think the new features in the next game will take advantage of the Creation Engine


-Better Human models


-Optimized much better, (compared to FO3,FNV and Oblivion)


-Better Anims


-Better melee combat! Finally!


-Better Ranged combat!


-Even more blasty sticks to use.


-And of course better modding accessability.


so what do you guys reckon?

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The graphics and models in fallout are good enough for now, I want the animations better and more advanced locations.


Would also like more dynamic quests and NPCs, like what we have seen with Skyrim.


I would love better melee combat, kinda sucks. Would like better unarmed combat too, if your fighting in deadly combat you don't wave your fists around.


Also I think there needs to be a bit less guns. I don't mean completely removing them, just not every single NPC should have a gun and not every interior and container you look in should have a gun.

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The graphics and models in fallout are good enough for now, I want the animations better and more advanced locations.


Would also like more dynamic quests and NPCs, like what we have seen with Skyrim.


I would love better melee combat, kinda sucks. Would like better unarmed combat too, if your fighting in deadly combat you don't wave your fists around.


Also I think there needs to be a bit less guns. I don't mean completely removing them, just not every single NPC should have a gun and not every interior and container you look in should have a gun.



Yah the Fallout 3 / New Vegas graphics are still pretty amazing. Agree with you, animations could use a little more work but that's minor. I do hope the inventory system gets an overhaul with the Creation Engine tho... ;D

Edited by soot00
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Better everything, if the next fallout uses a better engine.


My only request is that if the next game revisits the Mojave/California, make it so only NCR/BoS/Shi related civilians and military personnal are the ones who have an abundance of firearms/energy weapons (or advanced tech in any form).


And also include on that list wasteland adventurers, garrisons of settlements and people who work for the big caravan companies.

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  • 2 months later...


Yah the Fallout 3 / New Vegas graphics are still pretty amazing. Agree with you, animations could use a little more work but that's minor. I do hope the inventory system gets an overhaul with the Creation Engine tho... ;D


:mellow: are you kidding me. The animations look horrible. They make the game look fake and very unrealistic. Could use a little work is not what is needed. More like an overhaul. did you know that they completely redid the animations system for Skyrim because they knew how bad their games looked in the past. graphically means nothing, it's how it's rendered. higher textures are always going to be available. >:( Animations for worse games look better. Have you seen much expressions in faces when people talk? no because you are usually reading the dialogue. Do you play in third person, probably not. Have you seen countless NPC's move in unbelievable retarded and f***ed up ways. Of course. It's on the Gamebryo engine. :facepalm:

Edited by shotglassanhero
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