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What counts as a roof?


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Mostly asking because when I pick up mods with new build objects that aren't just floors/walls/roofs I want to know if some of them will work as 'proper' shelter. Would something like the trailers you see around the CW (Like the ones you find right outside vault 111) work as a roofed shelter?

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Depends on what you mean by "proper".

When I play with True Storms mod on, the rain sounds get a lot quieter in every Bethesda placed building/shack/etc., but they sound the same in any building that I place, vanilla or modded, so I assume the Beth ones are "proper", not really sure, just something I've noticed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean more for the sake of counting as a roof over a bed in Fallout 4 XD;


I'm not yet concerned with the visual/audio stuff, just whether or not settlers will get cranky if a modded building, object, or whatever doesn't count as a roof or not.

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I have found that a "proper roof" does not seem to matter.


I have placed beds and sleeping bags out in the open, assigned settlers to them ... and it seems to work OK.


I do make shelters and place beds and bags in them.


I always make a stairwell to the "roof" of my structures. These elevated points are great for placing sniping positions and artillery!

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Reputedly, having settlers' beds out from under a roof (however that may be defined) affects settlement happiness, which affects productivity. If neither of these things concern you, let 'em camp out beneath the COLD, New England skies.=0[.]o=

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Reputedly, having settlers' beds out from under a roof (however that may be defined) affects settlement happiness, which affects productivity. If neither of these things concern you, let 'em camp out beneath the COLD, New England skies.=0[.]o=


It is in the code that if the bed isn't under a 'roof', then the settler assigned to it contributes 10 less happiness to the total pool. Happiness effects productivity, chances of another settler joining, chances of attack, and a few other things. If too many settlers are unhappy, things start to get really bad apparently.


And it does concern me considering I'm trying to mod in new objects.....I've yet to find a flag that flat out says 'this counts as a roof' so....

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