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What's the "Best" Health Regen Mod?


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With the modern approach to "health" in video games, I wondered if there's anything out there for Oblivion that mimics games like Mass Effect 1&2, Gears of War, Fable 3, etc.


If you're unfamiliar, those games utilize the "health regenerates when you're not in combat" approach. I don't want my character to regenerate ALL THE TIME. So either I'm looking for something that will regenerate when "not in combat", or maybe something that regenerates when you "haven't taken any damage for XX seconds".


Does anyone know of any mods like either of those? I'm just tired of spamming Restoration after a fight or searching for a spot to rest that far enough from enemies.



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Thanks for the suggestions guys! Last night a friend of mine actually sent me a link to WPHealthRegen, I hadn't seen it before and it pretty much is exactly what I was after.


@Erudite - my combats already mostly end in my death, so I'll skip Natural Healing. :)


@LordFrostcraig - thanks for the offer! Actually if there's any mod I could use it would be one that either disables or drastically reduces the efficacy of enemy AI Restoration spells. Died far too many times because of that (not sure if Francesco or DRv6 is to blame for my death streaks). :)

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Probably the overhauls... they made the enemy AI more... intelligent and they will use every mean to keep themselves alive so they are smart enough to 'hotkey' a few potions, you should do the same...


PS: in the other thread I forgot to add that sword "slurps" the enemy base health... just laugh to lol at them when they cast their spells or gulp a potion to no avail... Ahh, and yes, after killing a few undead the weapon recover it's full strength and beyond soultrapping it absorbs a fraction the magical damage it deliver so to recover the player's health a little at each hit... almost as good as regen, sometimes better yet.

Edited by nosisab
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