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Mod conflict finder?


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That looks like it is great for skyrim objects, but I'm not sure the concept translates for xcom2.


The types of conflict that are detected by the alternate xcom2 mod launcher are where the same uc script class is extended twice. In that case, a non-programmer *cannot fix* the problem. This can really only be fixed by a programmer who understands the class and can resolve when the same lines of source code are changed in two different ways. Can you think of a useful way to help the player to resolve these? Or is the tool you are thinking of, aimed to help the programmer?


There is another type of conflict which, AFAIK is not detected by the alternate launcher, is when two mods change the same line of an *ini* file. In this case I am not entirely positive what happens, but it probably isn't good. For example, suppose DefaultXYZ.ini contains a line abc; mod1 contains XComXYZ.ini with the lines "-abc ; +def" and mod2 contains XComXYZ.ini with the lines "-abc ; +ghi". After both mods are loaded, I am pretty sure the XComXYZ.ini file will have "+def ; +ghi". This probably means that def is ignored and ghi wins. I don't think this type of error is usually noticeable by the player, but it will not result in the intended behavior.

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  • 2 months later...

More and more great mods, but still no easy way to test (much less fix) conflicts that I can find.


My last build had a issue of the cammers being shoved clear off the map (or at leastt the map turned black but the UI was still there) but there was no way to fix it or even understand what happened.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really hope for a tool where we can just combine mods, and see conflicts in the process.


The way mods work, it isn't necessarily that mods are changing the same LINE, but just changing one line in the same FILE. Apparently one only one mod can change ANYTHING in a file at a time. If we could combine mods, we could stick all of the relevant changes into the file that needs to be edited, and everything should work properly.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I would like to learn to use the tools to make mods with patchergui which does seem to work with this game. That seems to bypass scripting confusion. I just haven't figured out which tools I need yet to start learning them.

I believe that is the way currently to merge/patch in a few line edits without losing access to entire file. Like this. http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/486/?. If you read in the comments, he explains. Just like modding xcom ew. Seems the devs may have made a lesser, but easier to use modding resource than we would have liked.

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A lot of the mods are just .ini files.


Could someone recomend a good program that can merge text files and show you all the differences and then let you save as a plain text file (which is what an .ini is to start with)? I'm guessing that a full boat word processor might do it but I don't have one.

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