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Unsuccessful sequel


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ok so think of some games that you like. they dont have to be the first in the series, (ie. FO3) and then think of the game that was the sequel to that game, or the next to come out in that series. what were some games where you loved the first one and hated the second (or third, fourth, etc) one. and im talking hated. not "well it wasnt quite as good as the first, but..." im talking " wow, i loved the first one, but wtf is this". whether you sucked it up and finished it or not doesnt matter (though feel free to tell all about it) just whether you hated it over the previous ones. a lot of you who have been playing games for a while and have been playing some of these series since the start are prolly gunna mention games, some of use newer gamers liked because we never played the first ones...too bad for us. write on! also, game sales, figures, numbers, reviews, all dont matter. feel free to put what the numbers, reviews, etc are, but these are your opinions :)


so for me some games that come to mind:


FONV. i loved FO3. played it for PS3, 3 times, 100% trophies, DLC and all. got NV on PS3, and hated it from the start. sold it and got it for PC. still barely touched it, got passed that first little fight and then my PC broke. i will play it, i will finish it, i hope it will get better, esp with mods, but ya, i hate it compared to FO3.


DA2. loved DAO. played through like 3 times? a bunch or partials, on PC. played with mods, had a crap ton of fun and will go back for sure. got DA2 for PC, and again, didnt care for it. still barely a few levels into it, and i cant play it right now cause im on a crappy laptop. as with FONV, i will go back, i will finish it, and i hope i like it more, but i know already i like DAO more, hands down.


C&C4. i started with Generals loved it, C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and C&C Red Alert 4. i didnt buy C&C4. i have looked up many reviews, seen many gameplay videos and am disgusted with it tbh. i know my opinion here is a little moot considering i havent played it, but i can tell id hate it. :(


other then that, nothing pops into my head right away. the other series ive played faithfully ive liked them all. Starcraft i liked them all, diablo i have enjoyed. Ratchet and Clank (Ps3) love, Resistance (ps3) love. god of war (ps3) love, future installments of MGS, FF, Battlefield and the ones i listed all ready i hope ill love. and future titles of many other games (mostly ps3) i hope ill love, but if not, if this thread isnt an epic necro, ill be sure to post if i have another unsuccessful sequel.

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Asheron's Call 2


It's dead now as it should be. No sequel was ever less faithful to the original, I cannot even imagine that the developers play games at all and think the first game was simply a fluke.


Anything Obsidian makes, A development studio crated by bioware to make boring sequels that they themselves cannot be bothered to make. Now a development studio hired by other companies to make awful no risk sequels, they have ZERO imagination and make things so similiar to the original that there is no point in buying it. They are also responsible for New Vegas you hate, also responsible for butchering Dungeon siege III, Knights of the Old republic II (the sith lords) , responsible for single handedly killing the never winter nights IP. They create no original content of their own, they are solely a mercenary studio, so if you see their name on something being made, stop looking forward to it, it'll be crap.

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i played the Demo to Dungeon Siege III on the PS3, it was kind fun. now ive never played the others, so ya i got no clue about the others. its not something i think id buy, esp when any of my gaming money is tied up in three other games at the end of the year (Battlefield 3, Resistance 3, and Dark Souls all pre ordered PS3) but it wasnt horrible on its own (again dk about the others and this was a demo)


but ya i hate what they did with FONV. my hope is the FO4, will be redone on the skyrim engine, that will make for a badass game!!!!!! ill wait a couple years its ok.

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With the exception of Never Winter Nights 2, Obsidian doesn't just make awful games, it's that they aren't actually new games at all. Now that could be argued for many sequels but usually there is some improvement or innovation, or hey at least a gimmick to bring you to the new title, hell even a new engine or graphic overhaul. Obsidian mostly is just hired to rehash the same stuff on a budget, and the title is there to sell it to the masses.


Sad thing is tho I really do like one of their writers, Drew Kapshin (spelling on last name) wrote a really good star wars trillogy about Darth Bane, and I have to admit the story line of the sith lords was really good once you beat it.

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Sadly it's not exclusive to the gaming world. Films are, of course, well known for the problem, and certain series of books tend to look as though the author wrote a trilogy, split it in half, and inserted another nine books in the middle in which next-to-nothing happened ... or just run out of ideas two books into a ten-book run.


There are, of course, the Morrowind fans who will claim that Oblivion was a disappointment because it lacked the feel of the earlier game. I've played both, and can see why they would say it, but to me they're just "different" - although it is sometimes glaringly obvious that they took a few shortcuts in Oblivion (Khajiit and Argonian bodies for instance).

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Dragon age 2. Only game I've actually sold after playing (and I have played games since the NES was first released). Tried to do a second playthrough, but it felt more like a boring shore than anything else. I actually had more fun on my 7th playthough of DA:O than what I had on the first playthrough in DA2.
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Assasin's creed 2 and brotherhood.


A true quantum leap over AC-1...




...into manure...


The first game was mediocre, the second was easily the worst game I bought in 2011, and brotherhoood... ugh, god, that ranks among the worst game's I've EVER bought. They could so easily have made this into a series worthy of it's endless legions on fangirls, but what we ended up with was a truely aweful, truly blatant cashin, which simply added to existing flaws, and a game which I wasn't able to finish due to a crippling CTD error on both console and PC that is still not patch corrected in the half year I've had the game.

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