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Could it possibly be stated that the reason that there are so many mental diseases out there is that we have much more time to absorb the happenings of today.


I mean 100 years ago most of our time was spent just surviving. We were a much more agrarian society, without the technology we have to aid us today. Could the increase of free time be working against us mentally. And If so, is that an act of nature, and if so, could we use hard work to rid ourselves of some of these illnesses.


Just a thought.


It could be.


Some people who stay inside their homes for too long will develop stir craziness (for anyone who doesn't know what this is, it's basically just a form of anxiety). However, stir craziness, I don't think, causes psycological problems, which if it did, is the only thing I can think of that free time could contribute to. So do I think stir craziness causes it? No, but it sounds like an interesting cause should it be true.

Me thinks cabin fever fit's in there as well, as would self-isolation.

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Could it possibly be stated that the reason that there are so many mental diseases out there is that we have much more time to absorb the happenings of today.


I mean 100 years ago most of our time was spent just surviving. We were a much more agrarian society, without the technology we have to aid us today. Could the increase of free time be working against us mentally. And If so, is that an act of nature, and if so, could we use hard work to rid ourselves of some of these illnesses.


Just a thought.


It could be.


Some people who stay inside their homes for too long will develop stir craziness (for anyone who doesn't know what this is, it's basically just a form of anxiety). However, stir craziness, I don't think, causes psycological problems, which if it did, is the only thing I can think of that free time could contribute to. So do I think stir craziness causes it? No, but it sounds like an interesting cause should it be true.

Me thinks cabin fever fit's in there as well, as would self-isolation.



A couple of pages ago Grannywils asked if this topic was about depression. It was, but it sure isn't now.


Now it's flowed over into the realm of fantasy, invented theories and supposition.


Before I bow out also I'd just like to say that isolation and cabin fever (so called) are more often the RESULT of depression than a cause.


I also cannot imagine anyone becoming depressed because they had too much free time... :ermm: unless there were predisposing circumstances, none of which fit here.


Anxiety (Not cabin fever ) :wallbash: is also PART of the depression state, depending on the type of depression.

Edited by Maigrets
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Could it possibly be stated that the reason that there are so many mental diseases out there is that we have much more time to absorb the happenings of today.


I mean 100 years ago most of our time was spent just surviving. We were a much more agrarian society, without the technology we have to aid us today. Could the increase of free time be working against us mentally. And If so, is that an act of nature, and if so, could we use hard work to rid ourselves of some of these illnesses.


Just a thought.


It could be.


Some people who stay inside their homes for too long will develop stir craziness (for anyone who doesn't know what this is, it's basically just a form of anxiety). However, stir craziness, I don't think, causes psycological problems, which if it did, is the only thing I can think of that free time could contribute to. So do I think stir craziness causes it? No, but it sounds like an interesting cause should it be true.

Me thinks cabin fever fit's in there as well, as would self-isolation.



A couple of pages ago Grannywils asked if this topic was about depression. It was, but it sure isn't now.


Now it's flowed over into the realm of fantasy, invented theories and supposition.


Before I bow out also I'd just like to say that isolation and cabin fever (so called) are more often the RESULT of depression than a cause.


I also cannot imagine anyone becoming depressed because they had too much free time... :ermm: unless there were predisposing circumstances, none of which fit here.


Anxiety (Not cabin fever ) :wallbash: is also PART of the depression state, depending on the type of depression.



where do you think any tried and true method of dealing with such things comes from. It comes from speculation that is tested and proven to work. Do you really think those who pioneered mental illness sounded any more scientific when they started asking questions. Get a grip man.

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The reason we don't get a grip is because this speculation sounds a lot like everyone is saying, "Oh if you only busied yourself more and were not so lazy then you would be fine!"


I am hoping you don't mean it that way, but that is EXACTLY how it sounds.


I am a pretty smart cookie. It drives me F--cking nuts that I am smart enough to figure out SO MANY THINGS but can not seem to get rid of my depression. Can not seemingly figure it all out and just move on. In fact it is one of the things that contribute to that ever, playing record in my brain that plays defeating thinking over and over and over...causing me anxiety where I physically CAN NOT often leave my house. That causes me NOT TO SLEEP for days...that will often cause me to do about anything to TRY to keep my mind off of it all....so far it hasn't worked too well.


I beg of you all...please if you will think about the ORIGINAL topic of depression and medication that you stop thinking that a major revelation will come from just having people be a bit more busy or so things to take their MINDS off things. Trust me when I say that if it were so easy I would have done it long ago. This idea as a portion of the therapy people have is one thing. Thinking its a cure is another.

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I am finished on this thread too. Except for this one last thing. This is a quote from one of Marharth's posts a little while back:


"Experience is valid, saying you have experience on a internet debate forum is not. I could tell you that I am sixty years old and have served in wars before. I could say I was a politician, or I could say I have a number of mental illnesses to help me in a debate. Since there is no proof of experience it is not a valid piece of evidence and it is not something that will help you."


Marharth, I have heard you say things like this several times before on threads. How you have come to consider yourself the authority on what is and is not acceptable on an internet forum debate eludes me. However, your repeatedly insinuating that those who are posting from "personal experience" might perhaps be fabricating in order to make their point is extremely insulting, juvenile and a means by which you obfuscate the entire debate. If this is something that you might tend to do, I can see why you might suspect that sort of behavior from others. However, my experience with most of these posters has been that they are adults who have an interest in an honest exchange of views with one another. Their intent is to provide information back and forth, and personal experience is certainly valid information. If it does not interest you, you are free to disregard it. But I, for one, would appreciate it if you would cease to besmirch the integrity of your fellow posters with remarks such as the one quoted above.


Thank you very much.....

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where do you think any tried and true method of dealing with such things comes from. It comes from speculation that is tested and proven to work. Do you really think those who pioneered mental illness sounded any more scientific when they started asking questions. Get a grip man.



Get a grip....really? :rolleyes:


Listen to yourself. This subject is about facts that exist not a speculative one like "What would I do if I won the lottery."


No-one pioneered mental illness besides the people who suffer it, but I think you probably meant pioneering research into it. Or I hope so. And yes, I do believe they would have sounded more scientific because they were (and still are) scientists and medical professionals dealing with an issue requiring that level of knowledge.


It takes a medical or scientific background in the field of medicine, psychology and psychiatry and pharmacology, etc, to achieve success in this field and even the experts didn't pull these ideas out of nowhere. That is not meant to sound elitist or offensive or however you are likely to take it. It's fact whether that's today or 200 years ago. There is a lot of quackery and misinformation related to mental illness and it's history.


It's not out of the realm of possibility that random speculation has bought us breakthroughs in many fields of invention and science, past, present and future, but in this case it's highly unlikely without "experience," training and background in the field.


By the way, it's not "man." It's "Get a grip, woman." You got the wrong gender.


And I wonder again why I don't post in the Debates area more often, though I read it most days and see the insults and personal attacks that go on here.



@ grannywils


Thank you for your excellent post and I agree 100%. I used to take part in a few debates here a couple of years ago, or it seems like it, but I was told having an opinion or expressing one's view of a situation is NOT debating and to take it elsewhere which I have done. It seems having personal experience is also frowned upon, at least by some, so there aren't many options left it seems.


This particular topic interested me because of having personal experience, but being told by people who know no better that FACTS that actually do exist don't stand for themselves and intimating perhaps those facts are wrong in this instance on this particular subject, is wearing and immature.


@ Lisnpuppy


Exactly. I couldn't have described it better. Thank you.



And now I really am out of this thread.

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I am finished on this thread too. Except for this one last thing. This is a quote from one of Marharth's posts a little while back:


"Experience is valid, saying you have experience on a internet debate forum is not. I could tell you that I am sixty years old and have served in wars before. I could say I was a politician, or I could say I have a number of mental illnesses to help me in a debate. Since there is no proof of experience it is not a valid piece of evidence and it is not something that will help you."


Marharth, I have heard you say things like this several times before on threads. How you have come to consider yourself the authority on what is and is not acceptable on an internet forum debate eludes me. However, your repeatedly insinuating that those who are posting from "personal experience" might perhaps be fabricating in order to make their point is extremely insulting, juvenile and a means by which you obfuscate the entire debate. If this is something that you might tend to do, I can see why you might suspect that sort of behavior from others. However, my experience with most of these posters has been that they are adults who have an interest in an honest exchange of views with one another. Their intent is to provide information back and forth, and personal experience is certainly valid information. If it does not interest you, you are free to disregard it. But I, for one, would appreciate it if you would cease to besmirch the integrity of your fellow posters with remarks such as the one quoted above.


Thank you very much.....

Its simple logic.


You can make claims of personal experience without really having it since it is the internet. You don't really know who the other person is, even if they try to be honest.

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Its called trust. In a debate topic...I think it would be OK to give people the benefit of the doubt. It isn't like if someone lies its a big deal.


I have a WHOLE bunch of stuff I want to say to you now...but I would get kicked off the forums.


Your insinuations and arrogance astonishes me.


Let me give you some advice....SHUT IT. No one died and made you the debate topic god. Personal experience has always been and will be a part of debate here. This is not an official collegiate debate team for gods sake. Also your argument that personal experience being null and void as it can not be verified is the worst counter argument I have ever heard. Stick to your wiki exploring.


Any respect for you that I may have had on these forums just went right out the window. Shame on you for continuing down that road.


I am really out of here also.

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Its called trust. In a debate topic...I think it would be OK to give people the benefit of the doubt. It isn't like if someone lies its a big deal.


I have a WHOLE bunch of stuff I want to say to you now...but I would get kicked off the forums.


Your insinuations and arrogance astonishes me.


Let me give you some advice....SHUT IT. No one died and made you the debate topic god. Personal experience has always been and will be a part of debate here. This is not an official collegiate debate team for gods sake. Also your argument that personal experience being null and void as it can not be verified is the worst counter argument I have ever heard. Stick to your wiki exploring.


Any respect for you that I may have had on these forums just went right out the window. Shame on you for continuing down that road.


I am really out of here also.

I will say again that personal experience does matter, but it can't be verified on a internet debate forum.


What's the point of a debate if you trust the other persons information?


Why does that only apply to experience, why can't it also apply to facts and information? Its hard for me to believe that people think that I should trust their experience. Why can't you trust my information too? Why does that only apply to experience?


Does no one understand why that's flawed?


EDIT: This is seriously for another topic though.

Edited by marharth
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Its called trust. In a debate topic...I think it would be OK to give people the benefit of the doubt. It isn't like if someone lies its a big deal.


I have a WHOLE bunch of stuff I want to say to you now...but I would get kicked off the forums.


Your insinuations and arrogance astonishes me.


Let me give you some advice....SHUT IT. No one died and made you the debate topic god. Personal experience has always been and will be a part of debate here. This is not an official collegiate debate team for gods sake. Also your argument that personal experience being null and void as it can not be verified is the worst counter argument I have ever heard. Stick to your wiki exploring.


Any respect for you that I may have had on these forums just went right out the window. Shame on you for continuing down that road.


I am really out of here also.

I will say again that personal experience does matter, but it can't be verified on a internet debate forum.


What's the point of a debate if you trust the other persons information?


Why does that only apply to experience, why can't it also apply to facts and information? Its hard for me to believe that people think that I should trust their experience. Why can't you trust my information too? Why does that only apply to experience?


Does no one understand why that's flawed?


EDIT: This is seriously for another topic though.


Using personal experience to make a point is indeed valid, even though there is no way for you to independently verify the veracity of such statements. Accepting them as that persons EXPERIENCE is just a matter of courtesy. Presenting OPINIONS as facts, without some backup though, that won't fly. If someone states flat out, that they have mental disabilities, that were relieved/reduced via medication, and allowed them to live something bearing a closer resemblance to a normal life, why would you doubt that? What you are doing is the next best thing to flat out calling someone a liar. Even though you try and couch it in 'logic'..... You ain't Spock. Don't try and pull that rabbit out of the hat, someone will come along and shoot that one down quickly.

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