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Possible US President Trump, what possible consequences?


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Ah, so, lying to congress, the justice department, FBI, et al, is ok? Gotcha.


Face it, she could have hired killers to take out her staff so they couldn't testify against her, and then flat out told the FBI what she had done, and she STILL would not have been prosecuted, simply because of who she is. Also, it doesn't matter what political party she is affiliated with. Pretty much anyone that has her position/power/influence, can basically get away with murder. Justice can be bought in this country, and that has been illustrated numerous times.

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So seriously since you are so bent on making Clinton out to be some "criminal". What exactly you think she deserves? Should she be skinned alive for being dishonest? or maybe something less painful like being tarred and feathered for having her own personal server? But I guess anyone who digests enough propaganda against someone, they would rather see them suffer the most painful death imaginable just for being caught farting in public. lol

Edited by colourwheel
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Ah colour, I see you haven't changed a bit since your episode with the moderators. You still feel anyone that doesn't totally agree with you is obviously some deluded right-wing fanatic, that believes everything their party spews. Nice flair for the dramatic as well, I see.


If this had been some lower level bureaucrat, they would have been fired, probably faced prison time, and most certainly would have been barred from working in any form of government service again, they certainly NOT would have been nominated for president..... But, Hilary being who she is, is pretty much untouchable. (Just like Bush/Cheney were, even after they were out of office, for their war crimes.) It isn't new, and it isn't even really all that surprising.


That said, since she is now of the firm belief that she is indeed untouchable, and the various justice departments have reinforced that belief, I REALLY don't want her in the Oval Office. All she has shown is that she is dishonest, lies without compunction, doesn't think the rules apply to her, and apparently, she is right. They don't.


In any event, I am very much aware that you know your party couldn't possibly do anything wrong, even when it is documented in the national news. So, I am just going to leave this here, and call it a day. I am sure you will have another very dramatic post, that vilifies me for my right-wing fanaticism, but, I am going to be the bigger man here, and let you have the last word. :) Have a nice day.

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He's a diversion - a gimmick - if he does become president - he'll be controlled exactly the same way every other politician is.


Honestly - go ahead and elect him - show the world exactly how far America has fallen - in a world that has completely lost the plot there is no question the USA are undisbuted champions.


"The land of the Free" - You keep on deluding yourselves.

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In general, what you guys on the other side of the atlantic are expeierencing politically is super wierd for us europeans. Especially the neoconservative movement, which expereince too btw, but in a weaker way.

Everytime i see what the US offer and what seems to be common sense there (ofc i can't know for sure, the media might be lying), i think of how lucky i am not living in the US.

When I have to be taken by an Ambulance or when i have an expensive medical treatment, i don't have to pay a cent, i am studying for free (5000€ credit with no interest from the state because i had to pay for my rent), i don't know anyone who owns a firearm or who accidentally shot someone, if id buy a car with no CO2 emission id get 50% of the price paid back because its good for the environment. And it is in no way cutting our freedom. With a EU passport you can travel to more countries without visa than with a US passport. The State police can't just enter my home or trace my phone legally whenever they please because i was saying two keywords words or was talking arabic and a murderer can't just get away because he has an expensive lawyer.


About the topic.

Something important like healthcare shouldn't be given into the hands of people who try to make profit with it, it should be run by the state and no one else. Would Trump as a billionaire and Businessman do that? (Honest question)

Immigration is an Issue here too, most European countries are accepting up to 50.000 refugees and Immigrants a year some none whatsoever (Macedonia, Poland), while Greece and Germany have both accepted about a Million legal immigrants/refugees each in 2015/16. The US are accepting as far as i am informed 80.000 legal immigrants and refugees per year, but well, the green border to Mexico and the coastlines are big. The problem is, the US are highly in debt and a 2000 Mile Wall/Fence is pretty expensive tobuild and maintain, means less money for things that are actually useful. (Healthcare and Education).


More opportunities for the land of opportunity, a bit ironic, isn't it?

Always a hard thing to do, most of the President trying on that failed because face it, the US are the Number one Industrial and financial power in the world for now (Lets see how China does in the next decade) but that means, its expensive to produce in the US. Resulting in almost exclusively specialized brand products being made there, same with western EU countries, Japan, Australia and so on. Meaning the branches that are left have to bring the opportinities. Whats left is, Service incl. finance, Resource and heavy industries, food, science and entertainment. Are there places with need? If not, you cant do much except make the need, but that might as well fail due to lack of interest.


I can tell, the US have far more internal political problems than Europe has, all we have are Money (because we spend it all on welfare and to save the Banks), Refugees (because we let them in) and a new Nacionalistic movement (because they didn't want to let them all in).

I dont think Trump will be able to get rid of all the Problem, same as Clinton or Sanders would not be but Trump is the kind of douchebag you dont want to have as your president. That is as if we elected Prince Phillip to be the new Leader of europe, hell no.


I'm an American, and I completely agree with you. I wish I could explain why my countrymen are so god damn backwards, but I honestly don't understand them. Hopefully in a few years I won't have to count myself among them. They're ignorant and proud, to put it simply. Greatest country in the world supposedly but very much interested in not learning from other countries. I always liked to think the USA would eventually be the sum of all human progress, but with a Trump presidency I don't have any optimism left anymore. The Great American Experiment has failed, we are far less than the countries of our origin are today.

Edited by Kraeten
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In general, what you guys on the other side of the atlantic are expeierencing politically is super wierd for us europeans. Especially the neoconservative movement, which expereince too btw, but in a weaker way.

Everytime i see what the US offer and what seems to be common sense there (ofc i can't know for sure, the media might be lying), i think of how lucky i am not living in the US.

When I have to be taken by an Ambulance or when i have an expensive medical treatment, i don't have to pay a cent, i am studying for free (5000€ credit with no interest from the state because i had to pay for my rent), i don't know anyone who owns a firearm or who accidentally shot someone, if id buy a car with no CO2 emission id get 50% of the price paid back because its good for the environment. And it is in no way cutting our freedom. With a EU passport you can travel to more countries without visa than with a US passport. The State police can't just enter my home or trace my phone legally whenever they please because i was saying two keywords words or was talking arabic and a murderer can't just get away because he has an expensive lawyer.


About the topic.

Something important like healthcare shouldn't be given into the hands of people who try to make profit with it, it should be run by the state and no one else. Would Trump as a billionaire and Businessman do that? (Honest question)

Immigration is an Issue here too, most European countries are accepting up to 50.000 refugees and Immigrants a year some none whatsoever (Macedonia, Poland), while Greece and Germany have both accepted about a Million legal immigrants/refugees each in 2015/16. The US are accepting as far as i am informed 80.000 legal immigrants and refugees per year, but well, the green border to Mexico and the coastlines are big. The problem is, the US are highly in debt and a 2000 Mile Wall/Fence is pretty expensive tobuild and maintain, means less money for things that are actually useful. (Healthcare and Education).


More opportunities for the land of opportunity, a bit ironic, isn't it?

Always a hard thing to do, most of the President trying on that failed because face it, the US are the Number one Industrial and financial power in the world for now (Lets see how China does in the next decade) but that means, its expensive to produce in the US. Resulting in almost exclusively specialized brand products being made there, same with western EU countries, Japan, Australia and so on. Meaning the branches that are left have to bring the opportinities. Whats left is, Service incl. finance, Resource and heavy industries, food, science and entertainment. Are there places with need? If not, you cant do much except make the need, but that might as well fail due to lack of interest.


I can tell, the US have far more internal political problems than Europe has, all we have are Money (because we spend it all on welfare and to save the Banks), Refugees (because we let them in) and a new Nacionalistic movement (because they didn't want to let them all in).

I dont think Trump will be able to get rid of all the Problem, same as Clinton or Sanders would not be but Trump is the kind of douchebag you dont want to have as your president. That is as if we elected Prince Phillip to be the new Leader of europe, hell no.


I'm an American, and I completely agree with you. I wish I could explain why my countrymen are so god damn backwards, but I honestly don't understand them. Hopefully in a few years I won't have to count myself among them. They're ignorant and proud, to put it simply. Greatest country in the world supposedly but very much interested in not learning from other countries. I always liked to think the USA would eventually be the sum of all human progress, but with a Trump presidency I don't have any optimism left anymore. The Great American Experiment has failed, we are far less than the countries of our origin are today.


That's been the case for a couple decades now. We have been going downhill since pretty much the late 90's. (maybe even the 80's, with Ronnies 'trickle-down' economics....) The middle class is disappearing, our moral compass has no direction, 'politically correct' is more important than the truth, etc. And we continue down this path at an ever increasing pace. No, we are not a great country. Simply a country with the most powerful military.

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  • 1 month later...


That's been the case for a couple decades now. We have been going downhill since pretty much the late 90's. (maybe even the 80's, with Ronnies 'trickle-down' economics....) The middle class is disappearing, our moral compass has no direction, 'politically correct' is more important than the truth, etc. And we continue down this path at an ever increasing pace. No, we are not a great country. Simply a country with the most powerful military.

Sorry, but I'm just curious, what is great country in your opinion then? What makes it great?

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