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Creature speculations


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More hostile underwater creatures: I would just love to fight off a giant shark (seeing how this takes place mostly in the mountains, probably not going to happen) and being scared out of my mind when it comes into view from the dark depths of the water. Just something new other than slaughter fish.


Maybe they could replace the sharks with ill-tempered, mutated sea bass. :tongue:


Agreed anyway, probably not a shark but a moutain lake elder scrolls version. Would probably have tentacles, huge jaws (or maybe a beak like an octopus) and slimy skin. It would use hit and run tactics, swimming in for a bite of the player, then darting back into the murky depths to avoid retaliation. This would make it act like a real creature and also make deep water dangerous for the player.


Then again I'm not getting my hopes up, Bethesda games have always lacked a bit when it comes to water combat. Oblivion was okay for what little there was but mirelurks in FO and lakelurks in NV had a habit of just following the player around until they left the water... not very scary.

Seems to me like a octopus would be hard to animate.


Then again, it also seems like a snake or dragon would be hard to animate.


But seriously, I want snakes now badly.


Probably be easier than a snake, with a snake it'd have to have living ragdoll physics but an octopus is just eight arms and a head with an idle, forwards, backwards and sidewards anim. Plus an attack anim or two. I still think octopus-type monsters would be awesome... :biggrin:

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*face-palms at rad-scorpions*


Bears, True Werewolves (the actual werewokves, not the troll ones) and Daedroth.


Oh and a Gatekeeper.

i don't think there will be any kind of deadra due to it being a direct sequel to oblivion and it would totally contradict it's ending


Oblivion was only stopped by the fact that the Dragonfires were lit by the amulet of kings. If the Emperor is dead, isn't it assumed that the dragonfires have also gone out? Again?


Heaven help us all. If I see one Oblivion gate, I'm throwing my pc away and curling up into a small ball


Except that Akatosh restored the seals through Martin. That's kinda why Mehrunes Dagon didn't take over the entirety of Tamriel.


Yeah, remembered that about five seconds after closing my browser.

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I'm surprised this hasnt mentioned but how about take inspiration from old myths from Nordic countries although i wouldnt be surprised if they are included


but i think snakes that constrict people is a good idea and it could work by having a leveled system so that low level characters would get nearly killed and as you level up losing less and less health until you just dont get hurt and hurt the snake? just a bit of speculation there :)

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