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SWTOR now up for Pre Order!


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SWTOR can now be pre ordered. $60 for standard edition, $150 for CE. will you pre order and if so, which will you get?


no official release date comes with the pre order though, if i had one, i would pre order. i wont be able to play the game till next summer, cause thats when ill be building my PC, so if it comes out long before then, ill just wait, but if i can pre order now and play it then when it comes out, ill be pre ordering.....maybe get the CE idk...

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I'm a sucker for star wars, so yes, collectors edition please. I just still hope I have enought time to save for the CE edition. :3
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Already preordered Deluxe Digital from Origin store and got my product serial within minutes so all I have to do is wait for the early access. I was contemplating CE for a while but I simply don't need another fancy box collecting dust in my house.


As to the release date, they are still tight-lipped about it, this is the only thing they had to say: "As far as a release date goes, the team wouldn't say anything more then this holiday season."

(Source: Star Wars: The Old Republic gets new vehicles and a release window)

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I'd love to buy it, but I don't want a monthly fee, so I'm waiting for further details.

I have another MMO(Guild Wars 2) in sight that's pay once play forever, so I'm not worried about TOR that much.


But if TOR decides not to have a monthly fee, I will gladly get both!

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I'd love to buy it, but I don't want a monthly fee, so I'm waiting for further details.

I have another MMO(Guild Wars 2) in sight that's pay once play forever, so I'm not worried about TOR that much.


But if TOR decides not to have a monthly fee, I will gladly get both!


While I would love for it to be free, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a monthly fee. This is EA we're talking about. But hey, it's the first time EA's publishing an MMO though, so who knows?

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